cody - HTMLify profile

cody's Profile Picture


3850 Files


Latest files of cody

1. images (23).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 3 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2. images (24).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

3. Picsart_24-07-03_12-06-33-086.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 3 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

4. Picsart_24-07-03_22-00-01-624.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

5. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 12 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1005 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

6. Picsart_24-07-03_21-43-47-908.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

7. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 14 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

#home{ margin:0%; width:100%; height :400px; background-image:url("/images.jpeg"); background-size:cover; } #navbar

8. excelmax.html | Owner: cody | Views: 5 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

9. edgemax.html | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

10. Wikipedia.html | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

11. IMG_20240702_193055.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

12. excel.html | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

13. black.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

14. IMG_20240703_211422.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

15. images (26).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

16. IMG_20240703_204514.png | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

17. IMG_20240703_191431.png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

18. IMG_20240702_201604.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

19. IMG_20240627_233811.png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

20. style1.css | Owner: cody | Views: 0 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

#home{ margin:0%; width:100%; height :400px; background-image:url("/images.jpeg"); background-size:cover; } #navbar

21. images (31).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

22. submax.html | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

23. | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

24. images (28).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

25. window.html | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 631 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

26. edge.html | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.43 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

27. wiki.html | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

28. download.png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

29. IMG_20240703_203855.png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

30. Picsart_24-07-02_20-12-02-590.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

31. images (29).png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

32. IMG_20240702_195214.png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

33. IMG_20240628_130125.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

34. images (27).png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

35. images (1).png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

36. images (30).png | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

37. IMG_20240628_130139.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

38. subway.html | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

39. windows.html | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.68 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

40. images (25).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

41. images (22).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

42. images (17).jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

43. Picsart_24-07-03_21-52-08-266.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

44. images.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 1 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

45. product-17.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 9 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

46. offer-banner-1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 4 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

47. pay.png | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

48. hero-banner-2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

49. bg-mega-menu.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

50. hero-banner-1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 10 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

51. product-05.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

52. hero-banner-3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

53. product-02.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

54. cart-02.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

55. product-04.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 10 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

56. cart-01.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

57. feature-3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

58. product-10.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 7 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

59. product-07.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 9 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

60. logo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 12 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

61. collection-2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 7 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

62. product-11.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 7 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

63. offer-banner-2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 4 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

64. product-01.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

65. product-03.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 7 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

66. product-16.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 3 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

67. feature-1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

68. product-08.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 5 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

69. blog-1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

70. product-09.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 5 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

71. blog-3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 4 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

72. collection-1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

73. product-15.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 3 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

74. product-06.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 9 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

75. collection-3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

76. feature-2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 7 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

77. banner-1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

78. banner-2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

79. cart-03.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 3 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

80. blog-2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 8 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

81. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

'use strict'; /** * add event on element */ const addEventOnElem = function (elem, type, callback) { if (elem.length > 1

82. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 6 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22.5 KB

/*-----------------------------------*\ #style.css \*-----------------------------------*/ /** * copyright 2022 codewithsade

83. desktop.png | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

84. | Owner: cody | Views: 12 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

# Essential Stuff ## Html import links Google font ``` html <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link

85. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 17 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 44.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <met

86. favicon.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 7 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

87. | Owner: cody | Views: 9 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

<div align="center"> ![GitHub repo size]( ![GitHub stars](h

88. index.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 9 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.97 KB

Glowing - Reveal The Beauty of Skin #---------- HEADER ----------# Free Shipping On All U.S. Orders $50+ aria-label = open

89. Sum of prime numbers in given range | Owner: cody | Views: 104 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 274 B

def is_prime(n): if n < 2: return False for i in range(2, n//2+1): if not n%i: return F

90. amazonclone.html | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.0 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

91. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 783 B

# Simple Amazon Clone Welcome to my first practice project! This is a basic clone of Amazon created using HTML and CSS. It's a

92. amazonclone.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.99 KB

*{ margin: 0; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border: border-box; } .navbar { height: 60px; back

93. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 98 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.42 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

94. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.82 KB

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } .name{ top: 0; height: 80px; width: 100%; background-color: #615EFC; co

95. | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 629 B

# basic-tribute-satyajit-ray-website # Tribute Website for Satyajit Ray This is a simple tribute website dedicated to the reno

96. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.44 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

97. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.94 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif; } .main_box { background: url("photo.png"); he

98. | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

# mini-project-using-css #Overview This mini project is a simple web page created using HTML and CSS. The project demonstrates

99. photo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

101. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 384 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

102. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 811 B

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #151515; font-family: "Poppins", sans-

103. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 377 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

104. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 716 B

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #151515; font-family: "Poppins", sans-

105. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 723 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

106. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after

107. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 417 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>T

108. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #151515; font-family: "Poppins", sans-

109. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 377 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

110. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 483 B

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #151515; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-

111. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 378 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>G

112. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 574 B

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #151515; font-family: "Poppins", sans-

113. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.37 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

114. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

html, body { height: 100%; } body { background-color: #151515; color: white; display: grid; place-items: ce

115. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 545 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

116. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

* { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; } *:focus { outline: none; } body { display: grid; place-items:

117. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 512 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

118. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #121

119. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 518 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

120. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

* { transition: 0.25s ease-in-out; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: grid; place-items: center; hei

121. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

122. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #121314; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

123. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 894 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

124. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.7 KB

* { transition: 0.25s ease-in-out; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: grid; place-items: center; hei

125. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 489 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

126. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; backgro

127. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 808 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

128. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.56 KB

body { width: 100%; height: 100vh; overflow: hidden; background: #151515; display: flex; justify-content

129. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 502 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

130. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 959 B

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #121314; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

131. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 873 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

132. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.89 KB

body { background: #121314; height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .nav { --color: #ffffff;

133. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

134. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.49 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #121314; } .hamburger { position: rel

135. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 799 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

136. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.09 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #121314; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

137. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 849 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

138. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.0 KB

:root { --w: #fafafa; --b: #141414; --s: 1s; --d: calc(var(--s) / 6); } * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

139. | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 551 B

140. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 418 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

141. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.21 KB

142. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.06 KB

:root { box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; background-color: var(--color-root, h

143. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 480 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>A

144. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; justify-content: center; ali

145. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.11 KB

$(document).ready(function () { let $canvas = $("#loader canvas"), canvas = $canvas[0], renderer = new THREE

146. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 95 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 640 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>I

147. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 316 B

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after

148. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 370 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

149. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.03 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #111; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 10

150. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 466 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>W

151. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 946 B

body { background-color: #151515; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .wandering-cubes { w

152. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 482 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

153. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 534 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #111; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 10

154. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 403 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

155. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.24 KB

body { background-color: #333; } .wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; po

156. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 695 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

157. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

body { background-color: #1d1f20; min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-content: center; } .folding-cube {

158. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

159. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 67 B

body { background-color: #000; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }

160. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.21 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

161. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --bg: hsl(var(--hue

162. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 479 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>O

163. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

body { background: #151515; overflow: hidden; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .wrapper

164. truck.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

165. wheels.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 204 B

166. tree.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 353 B

167. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 362 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

168. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.69 KB

body { background: #1d1d1d; height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .pac-man { border-radius:

169. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 169 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.22 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>I

170. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 76 B

body { overflow: hidden; margin: 0; background-color: #151515; }

171. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

172. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: radial-

173. | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 787 B

174. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

175. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.47 KB

176. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.55 KB

body, html { height: 100%; margin: 0; display: grid; place-items: center; background-color: #000; text-size-adjust:

177. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 807 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>3

178. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #111; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 10

179. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 365 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

180. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.53 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #111; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 10

181. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.59 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>G

182. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 644 B

body { background-color: #151515; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .ghost { animation:

183. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 586 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

184. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 603 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #161622; display: grid; place-items: center; height:

185. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 364 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>L

186. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 462 B

body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; background: #151515; } button { height: 60p

187. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 598 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>X

188. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 772 B

body { background-color: #1a1a1a; } .loader { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin: -90px 0 0 -9

189. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.66 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

190. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.25 KB

191. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.93 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --bg: hsl(var(--hue), 90%, 90%)

192. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 413 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

193. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; background: hsl

194. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 674 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>3

195. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 988 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #1d2630; display: grid; place-items: center; height:

196. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 381 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

197. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 468 B

body { height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background: #111; } .spi

198. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 543 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

199. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.86 KB

200. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.5 KB

:root { --duration: 1.5s; --container-size: 250px; --box-size: 33px; --box-border-radius: 15%; } html, body { width:

201. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 684 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

202. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #161622; display: grid; place-items: center; height:

203. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 99 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 435 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

204. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

body { background: #17181c; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .blob-effect { posit

205. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

import * as THREE from ""; import { OrbitControls } from "

206. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 429 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

207. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 67 B

html, body { padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }

208. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

import * as THREE from "three"; import { ParametricGeometry } from "three/addons/geometries/ParametricGeometry.js"; import { Orb

209. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 87 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 658 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

210. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 50 B

body { overflow: hidden; margin: 0; }

211. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 408 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

212. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 887 B

body { background: #333; height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .load { position: relat

213. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 512 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

214. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1014 B

body { background: #151515; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } #loader { width: 100px;

215. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 697 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>O

216. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.28 KB

@keyframes square-animation { 0% { left: 0; top: 0; } 10.5% { left: 0; top: 0;

217. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 372 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

218. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 603 B

body { background-color: #151515; display: grid; place-content: center; min-height: 100vh; } .ripple { widt

219. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 565 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>W

220. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 824 B

body { background-color: #161622; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .wave { width: 6em;

221. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 488 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>N

222. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 880 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } html, body { background-color: #000; color: white; } body { min-height: 100vh;

223. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 87 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 403 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

224. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 978 B

@import url(',wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,

225. | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 241 B

226. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 701 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

227. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 736 B

228. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 705 B

@property --k { syntax: "<number>"; initial-value: 0; inherits: false; } html { height: 100%; } body { background: #0

229. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 388 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

230. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: "Titillium Web", sans-serif; posit

231. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 429 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

232. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.96 KB

body { margin: 0; min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-content: center; background: #000; } @property --a { synt

233. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 416 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

234. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } html, body { margin: 0 auto; height: 100%; } body { display: flex; align-ite

235. | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 382 B

236. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 565 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

237. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

238. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

body { background-color: #151515; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .mouse-icon { position: relati

239. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 806 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>G

240. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 591 B

body { background-color: #151515; height: 100vh; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; } @keyframes rotate { from { rotate

241. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

242. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.47 KB

@import url(''); body { font-family:

243. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 419 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>O

244. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 406 B

body { margin: 0; min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-content: center; background: #151515; } img { --s: 300px;

245. | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 774 B

246. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

247. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.58 KB

248. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.02 KB

@import url(",wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&display=swap"); html, body {

249. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.77 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

250. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 285 B

@import ""; html, body { font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace; back

251. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

252. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.38 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } b

253. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>E

254. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 415 B

body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; margin: 0; background: linear-gradient(135deg, #295fd5, #9d8

255. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 389 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

256. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

@import url(""); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body {

257. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

258. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.26 KB

@import url(""); body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font

259. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.28 KB

"use strict"; const img_base = ""; //let img_base = "https://happy358.github.i

260. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

261. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.49 KB

@import url(""); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } html, body { ove

262. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 781 B

import { particlesCursor } from ""; const pc = particl

263. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 516 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

264. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 707 B

body, html, #app { margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #app { overflow: hidden; touch-action: pan-up;

265. | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 247 B

266. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.44 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

267. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 711 B

268. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 670 B

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .gallery-track { background: #000; position: fixed; display: g

269. | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 301 B

270. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 96 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.32 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

271. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1013 B

272. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 873 B

@import url(""); :root { --c-aqua: #00FFDF; --c-blue:

273. | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 442 B

274. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.81 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

275. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.56 KB

276. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

:root { --background: #edeef7; --gray: #edeef7; --white: #ffffff; --poppins: "Poppins", sans-serif; --shadow-opacity:

277. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.39 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

278. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.3 KB

279. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.27 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; ov

280. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.51 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

281. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

body { min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; background: #151515; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } .

282. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 513 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

283. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.93 KB

284. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.94 KB

*, *:before, *::after { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .wrapper { min-height: 100vh; background-col

285. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.68 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

286. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 83 B

body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; } canvas { width: 100%; height: 100% }

287. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 489 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>T

288. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 758 B

body { background: #151515; height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .container { position: rel

289. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 385 B

import { neonCursor } from ""; neonCursor({ el: do

290. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 464 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>N

291. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 637 B

body, html, #neon { margin: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #neon { overflow: hidden; touch-action: pan-up;

292. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 758 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

293. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.93 KB

@import url(";800&display=swap"); :root { --bg: #000000; --clr-1: #0

294. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.49 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

295. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif; } body { background-

296. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 531 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>W

297. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 683 B

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background: #121314; } span { font-size: 200px; position: absolute; top: 30%;

298. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 422 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

299. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 679 B

body { margin: 0; min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-content: center; background: #151515; } img { --f: 0.1;

300. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

301. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61 B

body { margin: 0; background: #000; overflow: hidden; }

302. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title><

303. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 934 B

body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; font-family: "bebas", sans-serif; background-color

304. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

305. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

:root { --clr-neutral-100: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); --clr-primary-100: hsl(205, 15%, 58%); --clr-primary-400: hsl(215, 25%, 27%);

306. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 935 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>O

307. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 738 B

html { color-scheme: dark; background: #151515; } h1 { text-align: center; font-size: 16vmin; font-family: system-ui,

308. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

309. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

body { min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; background: #151515; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } .

310. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>I

311. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

@import url(""); :root { --background: #151515; }

312. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.48 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

313. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

@import url(",300,400,500,600,700,800,900wght&display=swap"); * { margin:

314. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 842 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

315. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

@import url(""); :root { --x: 50%; --y: 50%; -

316. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 681 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

317. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 867 B

body { background-color: #151515; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .wrapper a { color:

318. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 93 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 472 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

319. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 806 B

@import url(",400i,700"); body { display: flex; height: 100vh; j

320. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 781 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

321. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.49 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { margin: 0; padding: 0;

322. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

323. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.44 KB

324. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.94 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-si

325. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

326. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

327. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 951 B

body { background: #151515; color: #fff; font-family: "Raleway", sans-serif; } a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none

328. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 90 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 867 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>I

329. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB

body { background: #151515; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; overflow: h

330. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

331. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

@import url(""); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing

332. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 754 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

333. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

@import url(; body { background-color: rgba(

334. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 494 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

335. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

336. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

*, *::before, *::after { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } html { font-size: 62.5%; } body { display: grid; place

337. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 466 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

338. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

339. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 921 B

@property --bg-angle { inherits: false; initial-value: 0deg; syntax: "<angle>"; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } html {

340. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

341. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

@import url(",400,700,900"); body { display: grid; place-items: center;

342. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

343. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.3 KB

@import url(',800'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background

344. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 535 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

345. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

body { background: #87aade; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } * { box-sizing: bord

346. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

347. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

@import url(,300,500,700); html { box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; }

348. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 776 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

349. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

*, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --radius: 8px; --border: 4px; --height: 48px; --speed: 0.25s

350. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

351. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.42 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; min-height: 100vh; font-size: 2em; background-color: #151515; } .toggle-co

352. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>L

353. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.45 KB

html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #151515; } * { box-sizing: b

354. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 472 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>G

355. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

body { text-align: center; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh; b

356. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>U

357. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.97 KB

@import url(''); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { height: 100vh;

358. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 498 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

359. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.93 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --input: #ffffff; --primary: #2

360. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 503 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

361. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

body { margin: 5% auto 0 auto; width: 90%; max-width: 1125px; background-color: #151515; } input, span, label {

362. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 769 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

363. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

@import url(";500;600&display=swap"); :root { --primary-color: #fff;

364. | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 715 B

365. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

366. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.0 KB

367. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.25 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after { bo

368. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 991 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>E

369. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.93 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } html, body { height: 100%; } body { display: grid; font-family: Avenir; -web

370. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 536 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

371. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.61 KB

372. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100vh; } body { display: grid; place-items: center; transition: backgro

373. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

374. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.46 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --trans-dur: 0.3s; font-size:

375. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

376. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.58 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { font-size: calc(32px + (40 - 32)*(1

377. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.88 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

378. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

:root { --accent: #04da97; --border-width: 3px; --border-radius: 55px; --font-size: 30px; } * { margin: 0; padding:

379. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 97 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.92 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>M

380. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.43 KB

body { margin: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify

381. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.96 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>T

382. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.79 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --bg: hsl(var(--hue), 10%, 90%)

383. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

384. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

@import url(',400,700,900'); body { display: grid; place-items: center;

385. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 668 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

386. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1002 B

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #151515; color: white; font-family

387. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

388. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.17 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --bg: hsl(var(--hue), 10%, 90%)

389. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 870 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

390. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

@import url(,300,500,700); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: bord

391. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

392. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.04 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --primary: hsl(var(--hue), 90%,

393. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 859 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

394. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

@import url(''); body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: grid;

395. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 743 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

396. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

body { background: #151515; height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .input-wrapper label { pos

397. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 476 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>N

398. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

:root { --primary-light: #8abdff; --primary: #6d5dfc; --primary-dark: #5b0eeb; --white: #ffffff; --greyLight-1: #e4ebf

399. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 786 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

400. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background: #151515; color: #fff; display: grid; place-items: cente

401. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 892 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

402. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.42 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { background: #151515; color: #fff; display: grid; plac

403. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 772 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

404. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.48 KB

html { height: 100%; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: sans-serif; background: linear-gradient(#

405. | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 832 B

406. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 178 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.75 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

407. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.16 KB

408. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.98 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --off-hue: 3; --on-hue1: 123;

409. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.9 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>J

410. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.1 KB

@import url(,300,500,700); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ::selection {

411. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>A

412. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 524 B

:root { --clr-accent: #0aff11; } input { accent-color: var(--clr-accent); } body { padding: 2rem; background: #061e22;

413. | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 313 B

414. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 449 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

415. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

416. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 926 B

*, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: border-box; } body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; background

417. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 548 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

418. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.27 KB

:root { --sz: 10vmin; --on: #03a9f4; --of: #fff0; --gr: #666666; --tr: all 0.5s ease 0s; --lg: var(--of); } * { b

419. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

420. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.45 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --bg: hsl(var(--hue), 10%, 90%)

421. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>4

422. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.69 KB

html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; } html { font-size: 62.5%; } body { font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;

423. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 751 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

424. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.05 KB

@import url(',wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&display=swap'); :root { ma

425. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 385 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>4

426. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.49 KB

@import url(""); body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display:

427. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.66 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>N

428. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

@import url(",700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

429. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

430. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.71 KB

431. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.28 KB

@import url(; @import url("https://fonts.googleap

432. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 798 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

433. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.09 KB

@import url(""); body { background: #333; overflow: hidden; font-

434. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 699 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>M

435. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.56 KB

@import url(",300,400,500,600,700,800,900&display=swap"); * { margin: 0;

436. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>M

437. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.37 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: inherit; } html { width: 100%; height: 100

438. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

439. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.47 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: inherit; } body { background: #2bc8dd; hei

440. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 707 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>M

441. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

body { margin: 0; padding: 0; min-height: 100vh; background-color: #222224; font-family: "Open Sans", Verdan

442. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

443. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #222224; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; position: rela

444. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.85 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

445. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 751 B

body { background: #151515; display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; height: 100vh; } .c

446. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 765 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

447. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.26 KB

body { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "Barlow", sans-serif; } .wrapper { posit

448. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

449. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { width: 100%; height: 100vh; background: #67

450. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.41 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

451. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.77 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; } html { height: 100%; } .d-flex { display: flex; } .align-items-center { alig

452. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.42 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

453. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.11 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .container { min-height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; scroll

454. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>H

455. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #232323; color: #cdcdcd; font-family: "Barlow", sans-serif; } #me

456. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 749 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>D

457. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

html, body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #121314; } input { d

458. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1010 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

459. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.35 KB

* { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, sans-serif; } nav { color: white;

460. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 83 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.66 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>M

461. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.84 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

462. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 392 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

463. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 829 B

*, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display

464. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.81 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

465. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.5 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after

466. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>J

467. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 492 B

@import url(""); body { display: grid; height:

468. | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 149 B

469. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

470. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 324 B

471. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 310 B

body .darkmode { display: inline-block; font-size: 2rem; padding: 1rem 1rem 0.75rem 1rem; cursor: pointer; } body .darkm

472. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 790 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>D

473. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.34 KB

body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: grid; background: #1e1e24; place-items: center; font-family

474. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 373 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

475. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } *::before, *:

476. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 408 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

477. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 539 B

body { background: #17181c; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } .div-container { position: relative;

478. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

479. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.16 KB

480. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.46 KB

html { -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 62.5%

481. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 780 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

482. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.01 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after

483. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 87 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>A

484. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.88 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } body { min-height: 100vh; display: grid;

485. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 386 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>P

486. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 899 B

*, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display

487. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 520 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

488. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.61 KB

@import url(""); *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; marg

489. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 485 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

490. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.06 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #222; } .button { --offset: 10p

491. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>D

492. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.31 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after

493. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 429 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

494. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

*, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display

495. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 392 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>O

496. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

*, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display

497. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 88 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

498. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.21 KB

*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display:

499. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

500. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.41 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *::before, *::aft

501. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 921 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

502. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.04 KB

body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; background: #000; } .btn { background: #49d

503. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 535 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

504. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1010 B

body { background-color: #121314; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } button { outline: no

505. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1022 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

506. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; m

507. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1019 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>M

508. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.38 KB

body { background: #151515; height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; } .wrapper { width: 200px;

509. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 499 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

510. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.79 KB

/*--Global Styles--*/ @import url(""); body { background-color: #222;

511. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

512. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.73 KB

* { border: 0; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --hue: 223; --bg1: hsl(var(--hu

513. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 91 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>C

514. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 992 B

@import url(";400;500;600;700;800;900&display=swap"); * { margin:

515. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>A

516. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.88 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } body { min-height: 100vh; display: grid;

517. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 971 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>B

518. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.44 KB

*, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display

519. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.25 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>D

520. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.45 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } * { box-sizing: inherit; } *:before, *:after

521. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 17.4 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

522. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.08 KB

*, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --transition: 0.25s; --spark: 1.8s; } body { --active

523. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>R

524. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.52 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 62.5%; } html * { box-sizing: inherit; } body { background-color: #1

525. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 595 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>G

526. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

body { font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; margin: 0; background: #121314; } .container { display: flex;

527. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>G

528. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.76 KB

*, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --transition: 0.25s; --spark: 1.8s; --hue: 245; } bod

529. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>E

530. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

*, ::before, ::after { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: grid; place-items:

531. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

532. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

533. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-items: center; background-color: #151515; } button { outline: none; heig

534. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 914 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>N

535. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.71 KB

@charset "UTF-8"; body { font-size: 10px; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; background-color: #ff7b73; margin: 0

536. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 421 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <ti

537. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

538. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

body { background-color: #000; display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; } button { position: relative; ou

539. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.49 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>S

540. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --background-color: #151515; --on-color: #ffc107; --off-color: #666;

541. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>F

542. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.92 KB

:root { --height: 100px; --width: 200px; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body {

543. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 418 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <title>O

544. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: grid; background: #1e1e24; place-items: center; } .btn-flip {

545. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 81 B

# Mini-Projects Mini projects for beginners made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

546. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.75 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

547. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 34.71 KB

/* author: Rafa */ @import url(''); *{ box-sizing:

548. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

function updateTimeAndDate() { const now = new Date(); let hours = now.getHours(); const minutes = now.getMinutes().

549. dom.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 416 B

var inspect = require('../../'); var test = require('tape'); test('dom element', function (t) { t.plan(1); var d = doc

550. init.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 853 B

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

551. query.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 885 B

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

552. layer.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.22 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

553. route.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.18 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

554. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 14.77 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

555. cp950.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.32 KB

[ ["0","\u0000",127], ["a140"," ,、。.‧;:?!︰…‥﹐﹑﹒·﹔﹕﹖﹗|–︱—︳╴︴﹏()︵︶{}︷︸〔〕︹︺【】︻︼《》︽︾〈〉︿﹀「」﹁﹂『』﹃﹄﹙﹚"], ["a1a1","﹛﹜﹝﹞‘’“”〝〞‵′#&*※§〃○●△

556. cp936.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.31 KB

[ ["0","\u0000",127,"€"], ["8140","丂丄丅丆丏丒丗丟丠両丣並丩丮丯丱丳丵丷丼乀乁乂乄乆乊乑乕乗乚乛乢乣乤乥乧乨乪",5,"乲乴",9,"乿",6,"亇亊"], ["8180","亐亖亗亙亜亝亞亣亪亯亰亱亴亶亷亸亹亼亽亾仈仌

557. eucjp.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.25 KB

[ ["0","\u0000",127], ["8ea1","。",62], ["a1a1"," 、。,.・:;?!゛゜´`¨^ ̄_ヽヾゝゞ〃仝々〆〇ー―‐/\~∥|…‥‘’“”()〔〕[]{}〈",9,"+-±×÷=≠<>≦≧∞∴♂♀°′″℃¥$¢£%#

558. big5-added.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.29 KB

[ ["8740","䏰䰲䘃䖦䕸𧉧䵷䖳𧲱䳢𧳅㮕䜶䝄䱇䱀𤊿𣘗𧍒𦺋𧃒䱗𪍑䝏䗚䲅𧱬䴇䪤䚡𦬣爥𥩔𡩣𣸆𣽡晍囻"], ["8767","綕夝𨮹㷴霴𧯯寛𡵞媤㘥𩺰嫑宷峼杮薓𩥅瑡璝㡵𡵓𣚞𦀡㻬"], ["87a1","𥣞㫵竼龗𤅡𨤍𣇪𠪊𣉞䌊蒄龖鐯䤰蘓墖靊鈘秐稲晠権袝瑌篅枂稬剏遆

559. gb18030-ranges.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB


560. shiftjis.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.89 KB

[ ["0","\u0000",128], ["a1","。",62], ["8140"," 、。,.・:;?!゛゜´`¨^ ̄_ヽヾゝゞ〃仝々〆〇ー―‐/\~∥|…‥‘’“”()〔〕[]{}〈",9,"+-±×"], ["8180","÷=≠<>≦≧∞∴♂

561. cp949.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 16.92 KB

[ ["0","\u0000",127], ["8141","갂갃갅갆갋",4,"갘갞갟갡갢갣갥",6,"갮갲갳갴"], ["8161","갵갶갷갺갻갽갾갿걁",9,"걌걎",5,"걕"], ["8181","걖걗걙걚걛걝",18,"걲걳걵걶걹걻",4,"

562. gbk-added.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 954 B

[ ["a140","",62], ["a180","",32], ["a240","",62], ["a280","",32], ["a2ab","",5], ["a2e3","€"], ["a2ef",""], ["a2fd",""

563. get-own-property-symbols.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 686 B

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol() === 'symbol') { test('has nativ

564. core-js.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 723 B

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol() === 'symbol') { test('has nativ

565. raw.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

/*! * body-parser * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module depende

566. text.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

/*! * body-parser * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module depende

567. urlencoded.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.66 KB

/*! * body-parser * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ '

568. json.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.89 KB

/*! * body-parser * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ '

569. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

# ms ![CI]( Use this package to easily convert various time formats to mil

570. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 732 B

{ "name": "ms", "version": "2.1.3", "description": "Tiny millisecond conversion utility", "repository": "vercel/ms", "

571. | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2020 Vercel, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a

572. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.95 KB

/** * Helpers. */ var s = 1000; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; var w = d * 7; var y = d * 365.25; /** * Pa

573. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.48 KB

/*! * depd * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. * @public

574. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 563 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

575. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 585 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

576. fakes.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 683 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')()

577. inspect.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.83 KB

var test = require('tape'); var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')(); var utilInspect = require('../util.inspect'); var r

578. indent-option.js | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.48 KB

var test = require('tape'); var forEach = require('for-each'); var inspect = require('../'); test('bad indent options', functi

579. undef.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 302 B

var test = require('tape'); var inspect = require('../'); var obj = { a: 1, b: [3, 4, undefined, null], c: undefined, d: null }

580. has.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 514 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var mockProperty = require('mock-property'); test('whe

581. number.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.26 KB

var test = require('tape'); var v = require('es-value-fixtures'); var forEach = require('for-each'); var inspect = require('../

582. circular.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 451 B

var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); test('circular', function (t) { t.plan(2); var obj = { a: 1,

583. holes.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 255 B

var test = require('tape'); var inspect = require('../'); var xs = ['a', 'b']; xs[5] = 'f'; xs[7] = 'j'; xs[8] = 'k'; test('ho

584. deep.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 400 B

var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); test('deep', function (t) { t.plan(4); var obj = [[[[[[500]]]

585. toStringTag.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.51 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')(); var inspect = require('../'

586. quoteStyle.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 933 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); test('quoteStyle option', function (t) { t['throws

587. err.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

var test = require('tape'); var ErrorWithCause = require('error-cause/Error'); var inspect = require('../'); test('type error'

588. values.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.87 KB

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var mockProperty = require('mock-property'); var hasSym

589. element.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); test('element', function (t) { t.plan(3); var elem = {

590. fn.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.17 KB

var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var arrow = require('make-arrow-function')(); var functionsHaveConfigu

591. lowbyte.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 268 B

var test = require('tape'); var inspect = require('../'); var obj = { x: 'a\r\nb', y: '\x05! \x1f \x12' }; test('interpolate l

592. bigint.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.03 KB

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')()

593. global.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 372 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var globalThis = require('globalthis')(); test('globa

594. inspect.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 251 B

'use strict'; /* eslint-env browser */ var inspect = require('../'); var d = document.createElement('div'); d.setAttribute('id

595. circular.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 116 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var obj = { a: 1, b: [3, 4] }; obj.c = obj; console.log(inspect(obj));

596. all.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 391 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var Buffer = require('safer-buffer').Buffer; var holes = ['a', 'b']; holes[4] = 'e

597. fn.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 126 B

'use strict'; var inspect = require('../'); var obj = [1, 2, function f(n) { return n + 5; }, 4]; console.log(inspect(obj));

598. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 552 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

599. mediaType.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.23 KB

/** * negotiator * Copyright(c) 2012 Isaac Z. Schlueter * Copyright(c) 2014 Federico Romero * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas

600. charset.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.01 KB

/** * negotiator * Copyright(c) 2012 Isaac Z. Schlueter * Copyright(c) 2014 Federico Romero * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas

601. language.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.33 KB

/** * negotiator * Copyright(c) 2012 Isaac Z. Schlueter * Copyright(c) 2014 Federico Romero * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas

602. encoding.js | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.42 KB

/** * negotiator * Copyright(c) 2012 Isaac Z. Schlueter * Copyright(c) 2014 Federico Romero * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas

603. view.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.25 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

604. utils.js | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.82 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */

605. express.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.35 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

606. application.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 14.25 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

607. request.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.21 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

608. response.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 27.36 KB

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */

609. streams.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.31 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer, Transform = require("stream").Transform; // == Exports =============

610. index.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 982 B

/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp

611. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.0 KB

"use strict"; // Some environments don't have global Buffer (e.g. React Native). // Solution would be installing npm modules "b

612. extend-node.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.5 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer; // Note: not polyfilled with safer-buffer on a purpose, as overrides Buffer

613. bom-handling.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

"use strict"; var BOMChar = '\uFEFF'; exports.PrependBOM = PrependBOMWrapper function PrependBOMWrapper(encoder, options) {

614. sbcs-data.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.09 KB

"use strict"; // Manually added data to be used by sbcs codec in addition to generated one. module.exports = { // Not supp

615. utf16.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.89 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("safer-buffer").Buffer; // Note: UTF16-LE (or UCS2) codec is Node.js native. See encodings/i

616. utf7.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.0 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("safer-buffer").Buffer; // UTF-7 codec, according to //

617. sbcs-codec.js | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("safer-buffer").Buffer; // Single-byte codec. Needs a 'chars' string parameter that contains

618. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 710 B

"use strict"; // Update this array if you add/rename/remove files in this directory. // We support Browserify by skipping autom

619. sbcs-data-generated.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 18.42 KB

"use strict"; // Generated data for sbcs codec. Don't edit manually. Regenerate using generation/gen-sbcs.js script. module.exp

620. dbcs-data.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.09 KB

"use strict"; // Description of supported double byte encodings and aliases. // Tables are not require()-d until they are neede

621. dbcs-codec.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.91 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("safer-buffer").Buffer; // Multibyte codec. In this scheme, a character is represented by 1

622. internal.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.97 KB

"use strict"; var Buffer = require("safer-buffer").Buffer; // Export Node.js internal encodings. module.exports = { // Enc

623. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 690 B

'use strict' /* eslint-env mocha */ /* eslint no-proto: 0 */ var assert = require('assert') var setPrototypeOf = require('..')

624. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 582 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

625. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 654 B

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var hasSymbols = require('../'); var runSymbolTests = require('./tests'); test('inte

626. tests.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.97 KB

'use strict'; // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return module.exports = function runSymbolTests(t) { t.equal(typeof Symbo

627. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 580 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

628. callBound.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var callBound = require('../callBound'); test('callBound', function (t) { // stati

629. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.75 KB

'use strict'; var callBind = require('../'); var bind = require('function-bind'); var gOPD = require('gopd'); var hasStrictMode

630. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 580 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

631. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 477 B

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var hasProto = require('../'); test('hasProto', function (t) { var result = hasProt

632. ipaddr.js.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.89 KB

declare module "ipaddr.js" { type IPv4Range = 'unicast' | 'unspecified' | 'broadcast' | 'multicast' | 'linkLocal' | 'loopbac

633. ipaddr.js | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 18.88 KB

(function() { var expandIPv6, ipaddr, ipv4Part, ipv4Regexes, ipv6Part, ipv6Regexes, matchCIDR, root, zoneIndex; ipaddr = {}

634. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 575 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

635. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 590 B

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var gOPD = require('../'); test('gOPD', function (t) { t.test('supported', { skip:

636. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 548 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

637. qs.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 67.51 KB

(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&d

638. utils.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.66 KB

'use strict'; var formats = require('./formats'); var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var isArray = Array.isArray; var

639. parse.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.15 KB

'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var isArray = Array.isArray; var def

640. stringify.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.11 KB

'use strict'; var getSideChannel = require('side-channel'); var utils = require('./utils'); var formats = require('./formats');

641. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 211 B

'use strict'; var stringify = require('./stringify'); var parse = require('./parse'); var formats = require('./formats'); modu

642. formats.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 476 B

'use strict'; var replace = String.prototype.replace; var percentTwenties = /%20/g; var Format = { RFC1738: 'RFC1738',

643. utils.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.99 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var inspect = require('object-inspect'); var SaferBuffer = require('safer-buffer').Bu

644. parse.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 35.0 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var qs = require('../'); var utils = require('../lib/utils'); var iconv = require('ic

645. stringify.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 34.34 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var qs = require('../'); var utils = require('../lib/utils'); var iconv = require('ic

646. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 583 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

647. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.7 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var getSideChannel = require('../'); test('export', function (t) { t.equal(typeof

648. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 584 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

649. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 157 B

# Security Please email [@ljharb]( or see if you have a potential secur

650. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.78 KB

// jscs:disable requireUseStrict var test = require('tape'); var functionBind = require('../implementation'); var getCurrentCo

651. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 584 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

652. GetIntrinsic.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.56 KB

'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('../'); var test = require('tape'); var forEach = require('for-each'); var debug = re

653. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 595 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

654. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var hasPropertyDescriptors = require('../'); var sentinel = {}; test('hasPropertyD

655. inspector-log.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 373 B

module.exports = inspectorLog; // black hole const nullStream = new (require('stream').Writable)(); nullStream._write = () => {

656. node.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.87 KB

/** * Module dependencies. */ var tty = require('tty'); var util = require('util'); /** * This is the Node.js implementatio

657. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 263 B

/** * Detect Electron renderer process, which is node, but we should * treat as a browser. */ if (typeof process !== 'undefi

658. browser.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.62 KB

/** * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. * * Expose `debug()` as the module. */ exports = module.exports

659. debug.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.29 KB

/** * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser * implementations of `debug()`. * * Expose `debug()` as

660. read.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.22 KB

/*! * body-parser * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module depende

661. test.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.28 KB

/** * Usage: node test.js */ var mime = require('../mime'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); // /

662. build.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.32 KB

#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const mimeScore = require('mime-scor

663. FUNDING.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 591 B

# These are supported funding model platforms github: [ljharb] patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username open_collectiv

664. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.2 KB

'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var v = require('es-value-fixtures'); var forEach = require('for-each'); var inspect

665. dangerous.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

/* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */ 'use strict' var buffer = require('buffer') var Buffer = buffer.Buffer var safer =

666. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 822 B

{ "name": "safer-buffer", "version": "2.1.2", "description": "Modern Buffer API polyfill without footguns", "main": "saf

667. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.04 KB

# safer-buffer [![travis][travis-image]][travis-url] [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url] [![javascript style guide][standard-image]][st

668. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

669. tests.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.37 KB

/* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */ 'use strict' var test = require('tape') var buffer = require('buffer') var index

670. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.45 KB

# Porting to the Buffer.from/Buffer.alloc API <a id="overview"></a> ## Overview - [Variant 1: Drop support for Node.js ≤ 4.4.x

671. safer.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.06 KB

/* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */ 'use strict' var buffer = require('buffer') var Buffer = buffer.Buffer var safer

672. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.68 KB

# ms [![Build Status](]( [![Slack Channel](http:/

673. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 704 B

{ "name": "ms", "version": "2.0.0", "description": "Tiny milisecond conversion utility", "repository": "zeit/ms", "mai

674. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Zeit, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a co

675. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.7 KB

/** * Helpers. */ var s = 1000; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; var y = d * 365.25; /** * Parse or format t

676. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 523 B

1.0.5 / 2023-01-29 ================== * perf: skip value escaping when unnecessary 1.0.4 / 2017-09-11 ==================

677. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

{ "name": "content-type", "description": "Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header", "version": "1.0.5", "author": "Dou

678. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

679. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.88 KB

/*! * content-type * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * RegExp to match *(

680. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.72 KB

# content-type [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version

681. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.09 KB

{ "name": "set-function-length", "version": "1.1.1", "description": "Set a function's length property", "main": "index.js",

682. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

683. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var define = require('define-data-property'); var hasDescriptors = r

684. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.11 KB

# set-function-length <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-ur

685. env.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 707 B

'use strict'; var gOPD = require('gopd'); var functionsHaveConfigurableLengths = gOPD && gOPD(function () {}, 'length').config

686. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.26 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

687. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 400 B

0.2.0 / 2021-05-31 ================== * Use `req.socket` over deprecated `req.connection` 0.1.2 / 2017-09-14 ===============

688. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

{ "name": "forwarded", "description": "Parse HTTP X-Forwarded-For header", "version": "0.2.0", "contributors": [ "Do

689. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

690. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

/*! * forwarded * Copyright(c) 2014-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports.

691. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

# forwarded [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-ve

692. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.32 KB

1.6.18 / 2019-04-26 =================== * Fix regression passing request object to `` 1.6.17 / 2019-04-25 =========

693. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

{ "name": "type-is", "description": "Infer the content-type of a request.", "version": "1.6.18", "contributors": [ "

694. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

695. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.43 KB

/*! * type-is * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use

696. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.06 KB

# type-is [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][nod

697. util.inspect.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 42 B

module.exports = require('util').inspect;

698. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.64 KB

{ "name": "object-inspect", "version": "1.13.1", "description": "string representations of objects in node and the browser

699. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

700. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 18.44 KB

var hasMap = typeof Map === 'function' && Map.prototype; var mapSizeDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && hasMap ? Obj

701. test-core-js.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 534 B

'use strict'; require('core-js'); var inspect = require('./'); var test = require('tape'); test('Maps', function (t) { t.

702. package-support.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 365 B

{ "versions": [ { "version": "*", "target": { "node": "all" }, "response": { "type

703. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 32.43 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

704. readme.markdown | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.87 KB

705. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 117 B

706. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

{ "name": "hasown", "version": "2.0.0", "description": "A robust, ES3 compatible, \"has own property\" predicate.", "main":

707. index.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 117 B

declare const _exports: (o: {}, p: PropertyKey) => p is never; export = _exports; //#

708. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

709. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 234 B

'use strict'; var call =; var $hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var bind = require('function-b

710. tsconfig.json | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.53 KB

{ "compilerOptions": { /* Visit to read more about this file */ /* Projects */ /* Langua

711. | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

# hasown <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverag

712. | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 904 B

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

713. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.44 KB

0.6.3 / 2022-01-22 ================== * Revert "Lazy-load modules from main entry point" 0.6.2 / 2019-04-29 ================

714. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 993 B

{ "name": "negotiator", "description": "HTTP content negotiation", "version": "0.6.3", "contributors": [ "Douglas Ch

715. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

716. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.39 KB

/*! * negotiator * Copyright(c) 2012 Federico Romero * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 Isaac Z. Schlueter * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas

717. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.79 KB

# negotiator [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-v

718. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 958 B

{ "name": "bytes", "description": "Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa", "version": "3.1.2", "author

719. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.62 KB

# Bytes utility [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Build Status][ci-ima

720. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

721. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.53 KB

/*! * bytes * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2015 Jed Watson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict'; /** *

722. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

3.1.2 / 2022-01-27 ================== * Fix return value for un-parsable strings 3.1.1 / 2021-11-15 ================== *

723. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 581 B

{ "name": "inherits", "description": "Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()", "ve

724. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 749 B

725. inherits.js | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 250 B

try { var util = require('util'); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (typeof util.inherits !== 'function') throw ''; module.e

726. | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js [inherits](

727. inherits_browser.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 753 B

if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module module.exports = function i

728. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.56 KB

{ "name": "express", "description": "Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework", "version": "4.18.2", "author": "TJ

729. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.29 KB

[![Express Logo](]( Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web

730. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

731. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 224 B

/*! * express * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Ch

732. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 110.46 KB

4.18.2 / 2022-10-08 =================== * Fix regression routing a large stack in a single route * deps: body-parser@1.20.1

733. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 128 B

1.0.1 / 2021-11-14 ================== * pref: enable strict mode 1.0.0 / 2018-07-09 ================== * Initial release

734. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

{ "name": "toidentifier", "description": "Convert a string of words to a JavaScript identifier", "version": "1.0.1", "au

735. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

736. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 504 B

/*! * toidentifier * Copyright(c) 2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. *

737. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.76 KB

# toidentifier [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Build Status][github-

738. | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.29 KB

1.52.0 / 2022-02-21 =================== * Add extensions from IANA for more `image/*` types * Add extension `.asc` to `appl

739. db.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 181.53 KB

{ "application/1d-interleaved-parityfec": { "source": "iana" }, "application/3gpdash-qoe-report+xml": { "source":

740. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

{ "name": "mime-db", "description": "Media Type Database", "version": "1.52.0", "contributors": [ "Douglas Christoph

741. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

742. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 189 B

/*! * mime-db * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2015-2022 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ /**

743. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.0 KB

# mime-db [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][nod

744. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.05 KB

0.5.0 / 2022-04-11 ================== * Add `priority` option * Fix `expires` option to reject invalid dates * pref: impr

745. | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

# Security Policies and Procedures ## Reporting a Bug The `cookie` team and community take all security bugs seriously. Thank

746. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

{ "name": "cookie", "description": "HTTP server cookie parsing and serialization", "version": "0.5.0", "author": "Roman

747. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

748. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.1 KB

/*! * cookie * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 Roman Shtylman * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use

749. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.01 KB

# cookie [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][node

750. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.69 KB

1.8.1 / 2017-09-12 ================== * perf: replace regular expression with substring 1.8.0 / 2017-02-18 =================

751. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

{ "name": "etag", "description": "Create simple HTTP ETags", "version": "1.8.1", "contributors": [ "Douglas Christop

752. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

753. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.42 KB

/*! * etag * Copyright(c) 2014-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. * @p

754. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.08 KB

# etag [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-version

755. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

{ "name": "iconv-lite", "description": "Convert character encodings in pure javascript.", "version": "0.4.24", "

756. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

757. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.24 KB

# 0.4.24 / 2018-08-22 * Added MIK encoding (#196, by @Ivan-Kalatchev) # 0.4.23 / 2018-05-07 * Fix deprecation warning in

758. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.38 KB

## Pure JS character encoding conversion [![Build Status](](https:

759. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 792 B

1.1.2 / 2017-09-23 ================== * perf: improve header token parsing speed 1.1.1 / 2017-03-20 ================== *

760. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

{ "name": "vary", "description": "Manipulate the HTTP Vary header", "version": "1.1.2", "author": "Douglas Christopher W

761. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

762. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.86 KB

/*! * vary * Copyright(c) 2014-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. */

763. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.65 KB

# vary [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-version

764. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

{ "name": "setprototypeof", "version": "1.2.0", "description": "A small polyfill for Object.setprototypeof", "main": "in

765. index.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 93 B

declare function setPrototypeOf(o: any, proto: object | null): any; export = setPrototypeOf;

766. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 727 B

767. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 407 B

'use strict' /* eslint no-proto: 0 */ module.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array ? setProtoOf

768. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 844 B

# Polyfill for `Object.setPrototypeOf` [![NPM Version](](

769. | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

0.5.2 / 2017-09-13 ================== * Fix regression matching multiple ETags in `If-None-Match` * perf: improve `If-None-

770. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

{ "name": "fresh", "description": "HTTP response freshness testing", "version": "0.5.2", "author": "TJ Holowaychuk <tj@v

771. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

772. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.65 KB

/*! * fresh * Copyright(c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use

773. | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.29 KB

# fresh [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-versio

774. shams.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.72 KB

'use strict'; /* eslint complexity: [2, 18], max-statements: [2, 33] */ module.exports = function hasSymbols() { if (typeof Sy

775. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.59 KB

{ "name": "has-symbols", "version": "1.0.3", "description": "Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spe

776. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

777. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 420 B

'use strict'; var origSymbol = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol; var hasSymbolSham = require('./shams'); module.exports

778. | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

# has-symbols <sup>[![Version Badge][2]][1]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][

779. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.51 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

780. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB

{ "name": "call-bind", "version": "1.0.5", "description": "Robustly `.call.bind()` a function", "main": "index.js", "export

781. callBound.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 413 B

'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var callBind = require('./'); var $indexOf = callBind(GetIntrinsic

782. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

783. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

'use strict'; var bind = require('function-bind'); var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var setFunctionLength = require

784. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

# call-bind <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![cove

785. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.87 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

786. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.98 KB

1.3.8 / 2022-02-02 ================== * deps: mime-types@~2.1.34 - deps: mime-db@~1.51.0 * deps: negotiator@0.6.3 1.3.

787. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

{ "name": "accepts", "description": "Higher-level content negotiation", "version": "1.3.8", "contributors": [ "Dougl

788. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

789. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.13 KB

/*! * accepts * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use stric

790. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.03 KB

# accepts [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][nod

791. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 461 B

0.3.0 / 2014-09-07 ================== * Support Node.js 0.6 * Throw error when parameter format invalid on parse 0.2.0 / 2

792. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 759 B

{ "name": "media-typer", "description": "Simple RFC 6838 media type parser and formatter", "version": "0.3.0", "author":

793. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

794. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.23 KB

/*! * media-typer * Copyright(c) 2014 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ /** * RegExp to match *( ";" parameter

795. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

# media-typer [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-

796. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.61 KB

2.1.35 / 2022-03-12 =================== * deps: mime-db@1.52.0 - Add extensions from IANA for more `image/*` types -

797. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

{ "name": "mime-types", "description": "The ultimate javascript content-type utility.", "version": "2.1.35", "contributo

798. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

799. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.58 KB

/*! * mime-types * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use st

800. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.4 KB

# mime-types [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][

801. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

{ "name": "destroy", "description": "destroy a stream if possible", "version": "1.2.0", "author": { "name": "Jonatha

802. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

803. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.16 KB

/*! * destroy * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2015-2022 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use

804. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.4 KB

# destroy [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][github-actions-ci-image]][github-actions-ci-url] [![Test covera

805. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

{ "name": "has-proto", "version": "1.0.1", "description": "Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of

806. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

807. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 197 B

'use strict'; var test = { foo: {} }; var $Object = Object; module.exports = function hasProto() { return { __proto__: test

808. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

# has-proto <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![cove

809. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

810. | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 427 B

1.1.2 / 2016-01-17 ================== * perf: enable strict mode 1.1.1 / 2014-12-30 ================== * Improve `browser

811. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 947 B

{ "name": "methods", "description": "HTTP methods that node supports", "version": "1.1.2", "contributors": [ "Dougla

812. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

813. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

/*! * methods * Copyright(c) 2013-2014 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2015-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */

814. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

# Methods [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-vers

815. | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.82 KB

2.4.1 / 2022-02-22 ================== * Fix error on early async hooks implementations 2.4.0 / 2022-02-21 ==================

816. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

{ "name": "on-finished", "description": "Execute a callback when a request closes, finishes, or errors", "version": "2.4.1

817. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

818. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.33 KB

/*! * on-finished * Copyright(c) 2013 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use s

819. | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.04 KB

# on-finished [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version]

820. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 492 B

{ "name": "cookie-signature", "version": "1.0.6", "description": "Sign and unsign cookies", "keywords": ["cookie", "sign

821. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

# cookie-signature Sign and unsign cookies. ## Example ```js var cookie = require('cookie-signature'); var val = cookie.s

822. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

/** * Module dependencies. */ var crypto = require('crypto'); /** * Sign the given `val` with `secret`. * * @param {Strin

823. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 695 B

1.0.6 / 2015-02-03 ================== * use `npm test` instead of `make test` to run tests * clearer assertion messages when ch

824. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 859 B

{ "name": "ee-first", "description": "return the first event in a set of ee/event pairs", "version": "1.1.1", "author":

825. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

826. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

/*! * ee-first * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. * @public */ modu

827. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.56 KB

# EE First [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Test coverage][coveralls-image]]

828. codes.json | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

{ "100": "Continue", "101": "Switching Protocols", "102": "Processing", "103": "Early Hints", "200": "OK", "201": "C

829. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.51 KB

2.0.1 / 2021-01-03 ================== * Fix returning values from `Object.prototype` 2.0.0 / 2020-04-19 ==================

830. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

{ "name": "statuses", "description": "HTTP status utility", "version": "2.0.1", "contributors": [ "Douglas Christoph

831. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

832. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.55 KB

/*! * statuses * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use stri

833. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.48 KB

# statuses [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][no

834. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 719 B

{ "name": "ipaddr.js", "description": "A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript.", "version": "1.9

835. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

836. ipaddr.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.51 KB

(function(){var r,t,n,e,i,o,a,s;t={},s=this,"undefined"!=typeof module&&null!==module&&module.exports?module.exports=t:s.ipaddr=

837. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.11 KB

# ipaddr.js — an IPv6 and IPv4 address manipulation library [![Build Status](](ht

838. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

{ "name": "gopd", "version": "1.0.1", "description": "`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken impleme

839. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

840. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 263 B

'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var $gOPD = GetIntrinsic('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', true)

841. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.53 KB

# gopd <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage]

842. | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

843. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.82 KB

2.5.1 / 2022-02-28 ================== * Fix error on early async hooks implementations 2.5.0 / 2022-02-21 ==================

844. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

# Security Policies and Procedures ## Reporting a Bug The `raw-body` team and community take all security bugs seriously. Than

845. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

{ "name": "raw-body", "description": "Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream.", "version": "2.5.1", "author"

846. index.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

import { Readable } from 'stream'; declare namespace getRawBody { export type Encoding = string | true; export interface O

847. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

848. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.74 KB

/*! * raw-body * Copyright(c) 2013-2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2022 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */

849. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.38 KB

# raw-body [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-ver

850. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.29 KB

1.15.0 / 2022-03-24 =================== * deps: send@0.18.0 - Fix emitted 416 error missing headers property - Limit

851. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

{ "name": "serve-static", "description": "Serve static files", "version": "1.15.0", "author": "Douglas Christopher Wilso

852. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

853. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.46 KB

/*! * serve-static * Copyright(c) 2010 Sencha Inc. * Copyright(c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2014-2016 Douglas Chris

854. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.63 KB

# serve-static [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Linux Build][gi

855. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.56 KB

BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2014, Nathan LaFreniere and other [contributors](

856. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.26 KB

{ "name": "qs", "description": "A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limit", "homepag

857. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.44 KB

# qs <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][c

858. | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 28.95 KB

## **6.11.0 - [New] [Fix] `stringify`: revert 0e903c0; add `commaRoundTrip` option (#442) - [readme] fix version badge ## **6.1

859. | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 59 B

1.0.0 / 2015-06-14 ================== * Initial release

860. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 770 B

{ "name": "unpipe", "description": "Unpipe a stream from all destinations", "version": "1.0.0", "author": "Douglas Chris

861. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

862. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

/*! * unpipe * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. * @publ

863. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

# unpipe [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-image

864. mime.cmd | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 299 B

@ECHO off GOTO start :find_dp0 SET dp0=%~dp0 EXIT /b :start SETLOCAL CALL :find_dp0 IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" ( SET "_prog=%d

865. mime.ps1 | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 769 B

#!/usr/bin/env pwsh $basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent $exe="" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6

866. mime | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 371 B

867. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 857 B

{ "name": "utils-merge", "version": "1.0.1", "description": "merge() utility function", "keywords": [ "util" ],

868. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

869. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 381 B

/** * Merge object b with object a. * * var a = { foo: 'bar' } * , b = { bar: 'baz' }; * * merge(a, b); *

870. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

# utils-merge [![Version](](

871. array-flatten.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

'use strict' /** * Expose `arrayFlatten`. */ module.exports = arrayFlatten /** * Recursive flatten function with depth. *

872. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 879 B

{ "name": "array-flatten", "version": "1.1.1", "description": "Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat array"

873. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

874. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

# Array Flatten [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Build status][travis

875. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

{ "name": "side-channel", "version": "1.0.4", "description": "Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses We

876. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

877. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.31 KB

'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound'); var inspect = requir

878. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 98 B

# side-channel Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available.

879. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.48 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

880. implementation.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

'use strict'; /* eslint no-invalid-this: 1 */ var ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible '; var toStr

881. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.21 KB

{ "name": "function-bind", "version": "1.1.2", "description": "Implementation of Function.prototype.bind", "keywords": [

882. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

883. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 126 B

'use strict'; var implementation = require('./implementation'); module.exports = Function.prototype.bind || implementation;

884. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

# function-bind <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] <!-

885. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.48 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

886. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 434 B

{ "name": "escape-html", "description": "Escape string for use in HTML", "version": "1.0.3", "license": "MIT", "keywor

887. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 704 B

# escape-html Escape string for use in HTML ## Example ```js var escape = require('escape-html'); var html = escape('foo &

888. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

889. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

/*! * escape-html * Copyright(c) 2012-2013 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2015 Andreas Lubbe * Copyright(c) 2015 Tiancheng "T

890. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

{ "name": "get-intrinsic", "version": "1.2.2", "description": "Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at fir

891. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

892. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.01 KB

'use strict'; var undefined; var $SyntaxError = SyntaxError; var $Function = Function; var $TypeError = TypeError; // eslint-

893. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.73 KB

# get-intrinsic <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![

894. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.99 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

895. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 917 B

1.2.1 / 2019-05-10 ================== * Improve error when `str` is not a string 1.2.0 / 2016-06-01 ================== *

896. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

{ "name": "range-parser", "author": "TJ Holowaychuk <> (", "description": "Rang

897. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

898. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.83 KB

/*! * range-parser * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2015-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT License

899. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.22 KB

# range-parser [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version

900. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 554 B

{ "name": "path-to-regexp", "description": "Express style path to RegExp utility", "version": "0.1.7", "files": [ "i

901. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

# Path-to-RegExp Turn an Express-style path string such as `/user/:name` into a regular expression. **Note:** This is a legacy

902. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

903. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.25 KB

/** * Expose `pathtoRegexp`. */ module.exports = pathtoRegexp; /** * Match matching groups in a regular expression. */ var

904. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 694 B

0.1.7 / 2015-07-28 ================== * Fixed regression with escaped round brackets and matching groups. 0.1.6 / 2015-06-19

905. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.04 KB

{ "name": "has-property-descriptors", "version": "1.0.1", "description": "Does the environment have full property descriptor

906. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

907. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 817 B

'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var $defineProperty = GetIntrinsic('%Object.defineProperty%', true)

908. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.15 KB

# has-property-descriptors <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actio

909. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.01 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

910. karma.conf.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.7 KB

// Karma configuration // Generated on Fri Dec 16 2016 13:09:51 GMT+0000 (UTC) module.exports = function(config) { config.set

911. Makefile | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

912. node.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 40 B

module.exports = require('./src/node');

913. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

{ "name": "debug", "version": "2.6.9", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://

914. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

915. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 17.5 KB

# debug [![Build Status](]( [

916. component.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 321 B

{ "name": "debug", "repo": "visionmedia/debug", "description": "small debugging utility", "version": "2.6.9", "keyword

917. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.43 KB

2.6.9 / 2017-09-22 ================== * remove ReDoS regexp in %o formatter (#504) 2.6.8 / 2017-05-18 ==================

918. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

1.3.3 / 2019-04-15 ================== * Fix Node.js 0.8 return value inconsistencies 1.3.2 / 2017-09-09 ==================

919. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

{ "name": "parseurl", "description": "parse a url with memoization", "version": "1.3.3", "contributors": [ "Douglas

920. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

921. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.74 KB

/*! * parseurl * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use

922. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.98 KB

# parseurl [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][no

923. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

{ "name": "safe-buffer", "description": "Safer Node.js Buffer API", "version": "5.2.1", "author": { "name": "Feross

924. index.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.53 KB

declare module "safe-buffer" { export class Buffer { length: number write(string: string, offset?: number, length?: nu

925. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

926. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

/*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <> */ /* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */

927. | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 19.09 KB

# safe-buffer [![travis][travis-image]][travis-url] [![npm][npm-image]][npm-url] [![downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]

928. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.91 KB

1.20.1 / 2022-10-06 =================== * deps: qs@6.11.0 * perf: remove unnecessary object clone 1.20.0 / 2022-04-02 ====

929. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

# Security Policies and Procedures ## Reporting a Bug The Express team and community take all security bugs seriously. Thank y

930. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.44 KB

{ "name": "body-parser", "description": "Node.js body parsing middleware", "version": "1.20.1", "contributors": [ "D

931. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

932. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.62 KB

/*! * body-parser * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module depende

933. | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 17.77 KB

# body-parser [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Build Status][github-a

934. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.99 KB

0.18.0 / 2022-03-23 =================== * Fix emitted 416 error missing headers property * Limit the headers removed for 30

935. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

# Security Policies and Procedures ## Reporting a Bug The `send` team and community take all security bugs seriously. Thank yo

936. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.53 KB

{ "name": "send", "description": "Better streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET support", "version":

937. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

938. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22.95 KB

/*! * send * Copyright(c) 2012 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2014-2022 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use s

939. | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.25 KB

# send [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Linux Build][github-act

940. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 933 B

{ "author": { "name": "Robert Kieffer", "url": "", "email": "" }, "bi

941. mime.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.66 KB

var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); function Mime() { // Map of extension -> mime type this.types = Object.

942. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

943. cli.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 149 B

#!/usr/bin/env node var mime = require('./mime.js'); var file = process.argv[2]; var type = mime.lookup(file); process.stdout.

944. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

# mime Comprehensive MIME type mapping API based on mime-db module. ## Install Install with [npm](

945. types.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 30.82 KB


946. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.25 KB

# Changelog ## v1.6.0 (24/11/2017) *No changelog for this release.* --- ## v2.0.4 (24/11/2017) - [**closed**] Switch to mime-

947. | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 235 B

948. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.01 KB

{ "name": "define-data-property", "version": "1.1.1", "description": "Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to

949. index.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 275 B

declare const _exports: (obj: Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, property: PropertyKey, value: unknown, nonEnumerable?: boolean | nul

950. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

951. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.77 KB

'use strict'; var hasPropertyDescriptors = require('has-property-descriptors')(); var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic');

952. tsconfig.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.77 KB

{ "compilerOptions": { /* Visit to read more about this file */ /* Projects */ /* Langua

953. | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.37 KB

# define-data-property <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-u

954. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.82 KB

# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](htt

955. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

{ "name": "depd", "description": "Deprecate all the things", "version": "2.0.0", "author": "Douglas Christopher Wilson <

956. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.73 KB

# depd [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][node-i

957. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

958. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.68 KB

/*! * depd * Copyright(c) 2014-2018 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var relat

959. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.2 KB

2.0.0 / 2018-10-26 ================== * Drop support for Node.js 0.6 * Replace internal `eval` usage with `Function` constr

960. | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

1.0.2 / 2018-01-21 ================== * Fix encoding `%` as last character 1.0.1 / 2016-06-09 ================== * Fix en

961. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

{ "name": "encodeurl", "description": "Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequences", "vers

962. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

963. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.55 KB

/*! * encodeurl * Copyright(c) 2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports. * @p

964. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.76 KB

# encodeurl [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node-ve

965. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.92 KB

2.0.7 / 2021-05-31 ================== * deps: forwarded@0.2.0 - Use `req.socket` over deprecated `req.connection` 2.0.6

966. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

{ "name": "proxy-addr", "description": "Determine address of proxied request", "version": "2.0.7", "author": "Douglas Ch

967. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

968. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.86 KB

/*! * proxy-addr * Copyright(c) 2014-2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module exports.

969. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.03 KB

# proxy-addr [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Node.js Version][

970. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.19 KB

1.2.0 / 2022-03-22 ================== * Remove set content headers that break response * deps: on-finished@2.4.1 * deps:

971. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

# Security Policies and Procedures ## Reporting a Bug The `finalhandler` team and community take all security bugs seriously.

972. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

{ "name": "finalhandler", "description": "Node.js final http responder", "version": "1.2.0", "author": "Douglas Christop

973. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

974. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.53 KB

/*! * finalhandler * Copyright(c) 2014-2022 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module depend

975. | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.04 KB

# finalhandler [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Version][node

976. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1020 B

0.5.4 / 2021-12-10 ================== * deps: safe-buffer@5.2.1 0.5.3 / 2018-12-17 ================== * Use `safe-buffer`

977. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

{ "name": "content-disposition", "description": "Create and parse Content-Disposition header", "version": "0.5.4", "auth

978. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

979. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.35 KB

/*! * content-disposition * Copyright(c) 2014-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use strict' /** * Module

980. | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.08 KB

# content-disposition [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Node.js Versio

981. | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.88 KB

2.0.0 / 2021-12-17 ================== * Drop support for Node.js 0.6 * Remove `I'mateapot` export; use `ImATeapot` instead

982. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

{ "name": "http-errors", "description": "Create HTTP error objects", "version": "2.0.0", "author": "Jonathan Ong <me@jon

983. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

984. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.24 KB

/*! * http-errors * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2016 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ 'use s

985. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.82 KB

# http-errors [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][node-url] [![Node.js Version

986. | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 363 B

1.0.1 / 2016-01-17 ================== * perf: enable strict mode 1.0.0 / 2015-03-01 ================== * Add option to on

987. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 931 B

{ "name": "merge-descriptors", "description": "Merge objects using descriptors", "version": "1.0.1", "author": { "na

988. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

989. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

/*! * merge-descriptors * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */

990. | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

# Merge Descriptors [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![Build Status][tr

991. server.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.39 KB

const express = require('express'); const path = require('path'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const app = expres

992. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 92 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.01 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

993. package-lock.json | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23.71 KB

{ "name": "khushi", "version": "1.0.0", "lockfileVersion": 3, "requires": true, "packages": { "": { "name":

994. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 301 B

{ "name": "khushi", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "server.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error

995. | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1010 B

# Hotel-Management-Webpage Hotel Booking Webpage: Dive into the world of HTML, CSS, and a touch of JavaScript with this college

996. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 302 B

const slider = document.querySelector('.slider'); function activate(e) { const items = document.querySelectorAll('.item');

997. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

998. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.51 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { height: 100vh; display: grid; place-i

999. Flutter.js | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.8 KB

(()=>{var a=window._flutter;a||(a=window._flutter={});a.loader=null;(function(){"use strict";let l=p(u());function u(){let n=doc

1000. MainActivity.kt | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 126 B

package com.protecgames.tictaktoe import class MainActivity: FlutterActivity()

1001. ic_launcher.png | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1002. ic_launcher.png | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1003. ic_launcher.png | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1004. styles.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 995 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!-- Theme applied to the Android Window while the process is starting wh

1005. ic_launcher.png | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1006. styles.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 996 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!-- Theme applied to the Android Window while the process is starting wh

1007. launch_background.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 438 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Modify this file to customize your launch splash screen --> <layer-list xmlns:androi

1008. ic_launcher.png | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1009. launch_background.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 434 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Modify this file to customize your launch splash screen --> <layer-list xmlns:androi

1010. WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 226 B

1011. IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

1012. Runner.xcscheme | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.56 KB

1013. LaunchImage.png | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1014. LaunchImage@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1015. Contents.json | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 391 B

{ "images" : [ { "idiom" : "universal", "filename" : "LaunchImage.png", "scale" : "1x" }, {

1016. | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 336 B

# Launch Screen Assets You can customize the launch screen with your own desired assets by replacing the image files in this di

1017. LaunchImage@3x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1018. Icon-App-40x40@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1019. Icon-App-76x76@1x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1020. Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1021. Icon-App-60x60@3x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1022. Icon-App-20x20@1x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1023. Icon-App-29x29@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1024. Icon-App-29x29@1x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1025. Icon-App-40x40@3x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1026. Icon-App-20x20@3x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1027. Contents.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.46 KB

{ "images" : [ { "size" : "20x20", "idiom" : "iphone", "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", "scal

1028. Icon-App-29x29@3x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1029. Icon-App-76x76@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1030. Icon-App-20x20@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1031. Icon-App-60x60@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1032. Icon-App-40x40@1x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1033. Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1034. AndroidManifest.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.12 KB

<manifest xmlns:android=""> <application android:label="Tic Tak Toe"

1035. AndroidManifest.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 378 B

<manifest xmlns:android=""> <!-- The INTERNET permission is required for developme

1036. AndroidManifest.xml | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 378 B

<manifest xmlns:android=""> <!-- The INTERNET permission is required for developme

1037. IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

1038. Runner.xcscheme | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.56 KB

1039. app_icon_256.png | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1040. Contents.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.26 KB

{ "images" : [ { "size" : "16x16", "idiom" : "mac", "filename" : "app_icon_16.png", "scale" : "1x"

1041. app_icon_32.png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1042. app_icon_512.png | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1043. app_icon_128.png | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1044. app_icon_16.png | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1045. app_icon_1024.png | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1046. app_icon_64.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1047. contents.xcworkspacedata | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 135 B

1048. WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 226 B

1049. IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

1050. Main.storyboard | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

1051. LaunchScreen.storyboard | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

1052. | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 202 B

1053. IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

1054. MainMenu.xib | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23.17 KB

1055. Release.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 79 B

1056. AppInfo.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 596 B

1057. Debug.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 77 B

1058. Warnings.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 580 B

1059. app_icon.ico | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1060. project.pbxproj | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23.08 KB

1061. Release.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 30 B

1062. AppFrameworkInfo.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 774 B

1063. Debug.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 30 B

1064. contents.xcworkspacedata | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 152 B

1065. RunnerTests.swift | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 285 B

import Flutter import UIKit import XCTest class RunnerTests: XCTestCase { func testExample() { // If you add code to the

1066. Info.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.6 KB

1067. Runner-Bridging-Header.h | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 38 B

#import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h"

1068. AppDelegate.swift | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 404 B

import UIKit import Flutter @UIApplicationMain @objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate { override func application( _

1069. build.gradle | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.87 KB

1070. project.pbxproj | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 25.7 KB

1071. Flutter-Release.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 48 B

1072. GeneratedPluginRegistrant.swift | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 390 B

// // Generated file. Do not edit. // import FlutterMacOS import Foundation import flutter_blue import shared_preferences_fou

1073. Flutter-Debug.xcconfig | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 48 B

1074. contents.xcworkspacedata | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 152 B

1075. RunnerTests.swift | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 290 B

import FlutterMacOS import Cocoa import XCTest class RunnerTests: XCTestCase { func testExample() { // If you add code t

1076. Info.plist | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

1077. MainFlutterWindow.swift | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 388 B

import Cocoa import FlutterMacOS class MainFlutterWindow: NSWindow { override func awakeFromNib() { let flutterViewContro

1078. Release.entitlements | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 240 B

1079. AppDelegate.swift | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 214 B

import Cocoa import FlutterMacOS @NSApplicationMain class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate { override func applicationShouldTe

1080. DebugProfile.entitlements | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 348 B

1081. generated_plugins.cmake | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 739 B

1082. CMakeLists.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.75 KB

# This file controls Flutter-level build steps. It should not be edited. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) set(EPHEMERAL_DIR

1083. | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 161 B

1084. generated_plugin_registrant.h | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 303 B

// // Generated file. Do not edit. // // clang-format off #ifndef GENERATED_PLUGIN_REGISTRANT_ #define GENERATED_PLUGIN_REGIS

1085. Icon-maskable-192.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1086. Icon-512.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1087. Icon-192.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1088. Icon-maskable-512.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1089. flutter_window.h | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 928 B

#ifndef RUNNER_FLUTTER_WINDOW_H_ #define RUNNER_FLUTTER_WINDOW_H_ #include <flutter/dart_project.h> #include <flutter/flutter_v

1090. CMakeLists.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) project(runner LANGUAGES CXX) # Define the application target. To change its name, change

1091. utils.h | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 672 B

#ifndef RUNNER_UTILS_H_ #define RUNNER_UTILS_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> // Creates a console for the process, and

1092. utils.cpp | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

#include "utils.h" #include <flutter_windows.h> #include <io.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> v

1093. flutter_window.cpp | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

#include "flutter_window.h" #include <optional> #include "flutter/generated_plugin_registrant.h" FlutterWindow::FlutterWindow

1094. Runner.rc | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.95 KB

1095. main.cpp | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

#include <flutter/dart_project.h> #include <flutter/flutter_view_controller.h> #include <windows.h> #include "flutter_window.h"

1096. win32_window.h | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.44 KB

#ifndef RUNNER_WIN32_WINDOW_H_ #define RUNNER_WIN32_WINDOW_H_ #include <windows.h> #include <functional> #include <memory> #in

1097. resource.h | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 432 B

//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file. // Used by Runner.rc // #define IDI_APP_ICON

1098. win32_window.cpp | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.33 KB

#include "win32_window.h" #include <dwmapi.h> #include <flutter_windows.h> #include "resource.h" namespace { /// Window attr

1099. runner.exe.manifest | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 874 B

1100. generated_plugins.cmake | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 743 B

1101. CMakeLists.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.65 KB

# This file controls Flutter-level build steps. It should not be edited. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) set(EPHEMERAL_DIR

1102. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 164 B

1103. generated_plugin_registrant.h | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 302 B

// // Generated file. Do not edit. // // clang-format off #ifndef GENERATED_PLUGIN_REGISTRANT_ #define GENERATED_PLUGIN_REGIS

1104. build.gradle | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 322 B

1105. | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 139 B

1106. settings.gradle | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 791 B

1107. CMakeLists.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.3 KB

# Project-level configuration. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(runner LANGUAGES CXX) # The name of the executable

1108. | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.31 KB

1109. my_application.h | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 388 B

#ifndef FLUTTER_MY_APPLICATION_H_ #define FLUTTER_MY_APPLICATION_H_ #include <gtk/gtk.h> G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE(MyApplication, m

1110. | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 180 B

1111. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 150 | Comments: 1 | Open/ Source 1.79 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- If you are serving your web app in a path other than the root, change the href valu

1112. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1113. manifest.json | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 629 B

{ "name": "myapp", "short_name": "myapp", "start_url": ".", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#0175C2", "theme_color

1114. multiplayer.dart | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class Multiplayer extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext con

1115. single.dart | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.3 KB

import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shar

1116. main.dart | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.31 KB

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'single.dart'; import 'multiplayer.dart'; void main() { runApp(TicTacToeApp())

1117. mplayer.dart | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 0 B

1118. widget_test.dart | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 492 B

// This is a basic Flutter widget test. // // To perform an interaction with a widget in your test, use the WidgetTester // util

1119. CMakeLists.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.05 KB

# Project-level configuration. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) project(myapp LANGUAGES CXX) # The name of the executable c

1120. pubspec.yaml | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.83 KB

name: tictaktoe description: "A new Flutter project." # The following line prevents the package from being accidentally publishe

1121. vercel.json | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 218 B

{ "version": 2, "builds": [ { "src": "web/", "use": "@vercel/static" } ], "routes": [ { "handle"

1122. analysis_options.yaml | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.39 KB

# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to # check for errors, warnings, and lints. # # The iss

1123. pubspec.lock | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.48 KB

1124. | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 548 B

# myapp A new Flutter project. ## Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resource

1125. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.89 KB

window.addEventListener('load', init); // Globals // Available Levels const levels = { easy: 5, medium: 3, hard: 1 }; /

1126. _config.yml | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 25 B

theme: jekyll-theme-dinky

1127. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-s

1128. | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 169 B

# WordBeater <h4><p> A Simple speed typing app built with JS XD</p></h4> ## Wanted to have fun? Try it - [WordBeater Game](htt

1129. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 243 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.97 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

1130. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.22 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background: #fff; font-family: Nunito Sans, sans-serif; margin: 0;

1131. | Owner: cody | Views: 107 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12 B

# adda 24.7

1132. Welcome ART | Owner: cody | Views: 178 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.81 KB

from sys import argv from os import system try: import requests except: system("pip install requests") ascii_art

1133. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 577 B

let string = ""; let buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".button"); Array.from(buttons).forEach((button) => { button.addEvent

1134. utlis.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 436 B

.head { text-align: center; margin-bottom: 40px; margin-top: 20px; font-family: sans-serif "Roboto"; font-size: 40px;

1135. Calculator | Owner: cody | Views: 148 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1136. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 759 B

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .button { padding: 18px; margin: 1px 2px; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 15px;

1137. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

console.log("Welcome to Tic Tak Toe"); let turn = "X"; let isgameover = false; // Function to change the trun const changeTurn

1138. Tic Tac Toe Game | Owner: cody | Views: 184 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.96 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1139. Responsive.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 343 B

@media screen and (max-width: 500px) { .main { flex-direction: column; align-items: center; height: 50vh; } .m

1140. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } nav { background-color: black; color: whitesmoke; height: 65%; font-size: 50px; displ

1141. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.0 KB

function calculateBMI() { var weight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("Weight").value); var height = parseFloat(document

1142. BMI - Calculator | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.92 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1143. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.6 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Arial; transition: all 0.3s; } body { display: flex

1144. instagram.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1145. download-email - Copy.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1146. split.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 397 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>split</title> </head> <body> <div> <nav> <h1

1147. typing.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 925 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>TYPING ProWess</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

1148. chatgpt.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1149. istockphoto-1389992855-612x612.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1150. 33.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1151. instagram.html | Owner: cody | Views: 158 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>T Y P I N G ProWess</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="wid

1152. images.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1153. home.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1154. type2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1155. 0.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1156. images2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1157. homecss.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

/* CSS code for styling the website */ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #603f0

1158. typing.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 204 B

header{ text-align: center; font-family: "Bell MT"; text-decoration: #ec0b0b; } nav li{ float: left; display

1159. style1.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.93 KB

@import url(';500;600;700&display=swap'); * { margin: 0; pad

1160. type1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1161. home_page.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Homepage</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="home_page.css"> </head> <bod

1162. instagram_2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1163. 3.avif | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

1164. 2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1165. typing - Copy (2).png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1166. csavatar.png | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1167. home_page.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 732 B

*{ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Century; } h1{ text-align: center; margin-top: 1%; margin-bottom:

1168. | Owner: cody | Views: 90 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 54 B

# Typing_Prowess check your typing speed and accuracy

1169. images .jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1170. typewriter-message-machine-retro-keyboard-concept.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1171. home.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="homecss.css"> </head> <body> <header> <div cl

1172. logo-insta.png | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1173. images.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1174. pexels-janez-podnar-1424246.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1175. 3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1176. chatgpt2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1177. 1 insta.png | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1178. type.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1179. download (1).jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1180. twitch.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1181. steam.png | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1182. upcoming.png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1183. library.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1184. controller.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1185. | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.02 KB

1186. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

1187. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.42 KB

@import url(";600&display=swap"); :root { --primary

1188. _home.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

1189. _footer.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 303 B

1190. _soon.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 278 B

1191. _features.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 811 B

1192. adidas.png | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1193. victory.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1194. boo.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1195. wrong.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1196. gasp.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1197. applause.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1198. tada.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1199. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.76 KB

const resultElement = document.getElementById("result"); const lengthElement = document.getElementById("length"); const uppercas

1200. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.9 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1201. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.44 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-

1202. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 275 B

const labels = document.querySelectorAll(".form-control label"); labels.forEach((label) => { label.innerHTML = label.innerTex

1203. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 114 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 769 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1204. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-famil

1205. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.74 KB

const draggableList = document.getElementById("draggable-list"); const check = document.getElementById("check"); const richestP

1206. sortable list | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 971 B

<!-- Reference: --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">

1207. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --border-color: #e3e5e4;

1208. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.33 KB

<!-- Based on Product Landing Page by Brad Traversy (2019) see: --> <!DOCTYPE html>

1209. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.11 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --primary-color: #333;

1210. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.95 KB

const balance = document.getElementById("balance"); const moneyPlus = document.getElementById("money-plus"); const moneyMinus =

1211. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.91 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1212. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.58 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --main-color: #13168d;

1213. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

const nums = document.querySelectorAll(".nums span"); const counter = document.querySelector(".counter"); const finalMessage = d

1214. animated countdown | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 631 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1215. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1216. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 981 B

const fill = document.querySelector(".fill"); const empties = document.querySelectorAll(".empty"); const dragStart = function (

1217. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 149 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 504 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1218. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 629 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: steelblue; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content

1219. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.51 KB

const addButton = document.getElementById("add"); const notes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("notes")); const updateLocalSto

1220. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 154 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 900 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1221. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1222. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 811 B

const images = document.getElementById("images"); const leftButton = document.getElementById("left"); const rightButton = docume

1223. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 110 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.44 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1224. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 819 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1225. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.2 KB

const quizData = [ { question: "Which language runs in a web browser?", a: "Java", b: "C", c: "Python", d:

1226. quiz app | Owner: cody | Views: 145 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1227. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1228. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 960 B

const range = document.getElementById("range"); //

1229. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 161 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 494 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1230. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.87 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background

1231. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB

const slider = document.querySelector(".slider-container"), slides = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".slide")); let isD

1232. touch slider | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

<!-- Based on Build a Touch Slider with HTML, CSS & JavaScript by Brad Traversy (2021) see:

1233. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; pa

1234. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 922 B

const ratings = document.querySelectorAll(".rating"); const ratingsContainer = document.querySelector(".ratings-container"); con

1235. feedback UI design | Owner: cody | Views: 176 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1236. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 98 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { back

1237. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

const pokeContainer = document.getElementById("poke-container"); const pokemonCount = 150; const colors = { fire: "#FDDFDF",

1238. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 377 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1239. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

1240. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.17 KB

<!-- Based on Build A Responsive Website With HTML & CSS Tutorial by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2019) see:

1241. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.89 KB

@import url(";500&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; marg

1242. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 149 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.41 KB

<!-- Based on Learn How To Build A Website In 1 Hour! by Kyle Cook - Web Dev Simplified (2019) see:

1243. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.0 KB

@import url(";500;700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; }

1244. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 379 B

const boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".box"); const checkBoxes = () => { const triggerBottom = (window.innerHeight / 5) *

1245. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 875 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1246. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 791 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1247. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 640 B

const container = document.getElementById("container"); const text = document.getElementById("text"); // The 4-7-8 breathing te

1248. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 560 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1249. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.33 KB

@import url(""); :root { --background-color: #046973; --larg

1250. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 817 B

const modal = document.querySelector(".modal"); const previews = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery img"); const original = doc

1251. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.53 KB

<!-- Based on Fluid Image Pop Up JavaScript Tutorial by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2020) see:

1252. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; p

1253. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 309 B

const panels = document.querySelectorAll(".panel"); panels.forEach((panel) => { panel.addEventListener("click", () => { r

1254. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 114 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1255. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; /* to avoid width prob

1256. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

const KEY = "3fd2be6f0c70a2a598f084ddfb75487c"; // For educational purposes only - DO NOT USE in production // Request your own

1257. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 647 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1258. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.01 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); :root { --primary-color: #22254b;

1259. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

const main = document.getElementById("main"); const addUserButton = document.getElementById("add-user"); const doubleButton = do

1260. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 796 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1261. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1262. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 102 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.92 KB

const postsContainer = document.getElementById("posts-container"); const loading = document.getElementById("loader"); const filt

1263. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 188 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 693 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1264. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 100 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.05 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --main-color: #9cd4fa; --

1265. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 153 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 767 B

<!-- Based on CSS Loaders Tutorial by Shaun Pelling - The Net Ninja (2020) see:

1266. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.38 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #fef9f2; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content:

1267. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.78 KB

<!-- Based on Creating a Magazine Layout with CSS by Kevin Powell (2021) see: --> <

1268. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.68 KB

@import url(""); *, *::be

1269. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 336 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1270. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 916 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #2c3e50; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content:

1271. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.59 KB

const main = document.querySelector("main"); const voicesSelect = document.getElementById("voices"); const textarea = document.g

1272. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

<!-- Reference: --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>

1273. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.77 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --main-color:

1274. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 368 B

const openButton = document.querySelector(".open-btn"); const closeButton = document.querySelector(".close-btn"); const navs = d

1275. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 145 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1276. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.48 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-famil

1277. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 507 B

const modal = document.querySelector(".modal"); const loginButton = document.querySelector(".login-btn"); const closeButton = do

1278. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.11 KB

<!-- Based on Hulu Webpage Clone | HTML & CSS by Brad Traversy (2021) see: --> <!DO

1279. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.12 KB

@import url(";400;700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; ma

1280. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 167 B

const toggle = document.getElementById("toggle"); const nav = document.getElementById("nav"); toggle.addEventListener("click",

1281. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 668 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1282. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background

1283. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 305 B

const open = document.getElementById("open"); const close = document.getElementById("close"); const container = document.querySe

1284. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.97 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1285. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.87 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

1286. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.22 KB

<!-- Based on Build a Responsive Website by Brad Traversy (2020) see: --> <!DOCTYPE

1287. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.44 KB

@import url(""); :root { --primary-color: #047aed; --sec

1288. utilities.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.68 KB

.container { max-width: 1100px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 40px; } .flex { display: flex; justify-content: center;

1289. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

const smallCups = document.querySelectorAll(".cup-small"); const liters = document.getElementById("liters"); const percentage =

1290. drink water | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1291. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

@import url(";600&display=swap"); :root { --border-color: #144fc6

1292. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

const slides = document.querySelectorAll(".slide"); const nextButton = document.getElementById("next"); const prevButton = docum

1293. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 114 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.56 KB

<!-- Based on Full Screen Responsive Image Slider by Brad Traversy (2019) see: -->

1294. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.31 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; margi

1295. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 451 B

const textElement = document.getElementById("text"); const speedElement = document.getElementById("speed"); const text = "We Lov

1296. auto text effect | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 578 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1297. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 632 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1298. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 373 B

const signUpButton = document.getElementById("signUp"); const signInButton = document.getElementById("signIn"); const container

1299. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.62 KB

<!-- Based on Sliding Sign In & Sign Up Form by Brad Traversy (2019) see: --> <!DOC

1300. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.16 KB

@import url(";800&display=swap"); :root { --main-color: #6dd5ed; --

1301. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

const form = document.getElementById("form"); const username = document.getElementById("username"); const email = document.getEl

1302. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 109 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1303. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.49 KB

@import url(""); :root { --main-color: #3498db; --success-col

1304. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 520 B

<!-- Based on Fun ways to animate CSS gradients by Kevin Powell (2019) see: --> <!D

1305. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

@import url(""); :root { --gradient: linear-gradient(90deg, #7f7f

1306. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.66 KB

const rulesButton = document.getElementById("rules-btn"); const closeButton = document.getElementById("close-btn"); const rules

1307. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 252 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 926 B

<!-- References: --> <!--

1308. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.6 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --background-color:

1309. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

const tagsElements = document.getElementById("tags"); const textarea = document.getElementById("textarea"); const createTags =

1310. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 158 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 578 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1311. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 835 B

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background

1312. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.65 KB

const form = document.getElementById("form"); const search = document.getElementById("search"); const result = document.getEleme

1313. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 699 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1314. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); :root { --main-color: #3B9B76; --s

1315. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.67 KB

<!-- Build Glass Website with HTML and CSS Tutorial by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2021) see:

1316. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.3 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; --main-bg-color: #65dfc9; --secondary-bg-color: #6cdbeb; } .conten

1317. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 813 B

const container = document.querySelector(".container"); const slider = document.querySelector(".slider"); const before = documen

1318. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!-- Awesome Vanilla Javascript Image Slider! by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2021) see: -->

1319. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 678 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background-color: #fef9f2; display: flex; align-items:

1320. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 469 B

const counters = document.querySelectorAll(".counter"); counters.forEach((counter) => { counter.innerText = "0"; const upda

1321. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1322. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 590 B

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { bac

1323. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 384 B

const toggleButton = document.querySelector(".toggle"); const navigation = document.querySelector(".navigation"); toggleButton.

1324. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.99 KB

<!-- Based on Creative Agency Website From Scratch by Brad Traversy (2021) see: -->

1325. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.61 KB

@import url(";500;700&display=swap"); :root { --main-color: #f60f20;

1326. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.24 KB

const word = document.getElementById("word"); const text = document.getElementById("text"); const scoreElement = document.getEle

1327. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1328. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.51 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary-color: #BBE0EF; --seconda

1329. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 461 B

const insert = document.getElementById("insert"); window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { insert.innerHTML = ` <d

1330. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 680 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1331. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 783 B

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background

1332. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 588 B

const jokeEl = document.getElementById("joke"); const jokeBtn = document.getElementById("jokeBtn"); const generateJoke = async

1333. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 498 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1334. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1335. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

const container = document.querySelector(".container"); const seats = document.querySelectorAll(".row .seat:not(.occupied)"); co

1336. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.03 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1337. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgrou

1338. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.42 KB

const musicContainer = document.getElementById("music-container"); const playButton = document.getElementById("play"); const pre

1339. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

<!-- Reference: --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>

1340. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.47 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1341. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

// Ref: const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); const increas

1342. Drawing App | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 603 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1343. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 783 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1344. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 36 B

let rellax = new Rellax(".rellax");

1345. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 117 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.61 KB

<!-- Based on Parallax Landing Page - Rellax.js by Brad Traversy (2020) see: --> <!

1346. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.78 KB

@import url(""); :root { --primary-color: #2d2254; --seconda

1347. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1012 B

const loveMe = document.querySelector(".loveMe"); const times = document.querySelector("#times"); let clickTime = 0; let timesC

1348. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 102 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 749 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1349. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1000 B

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-fam

1350. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.2 KB

<!-- Based on Chat Interface by Florin Pop (2019) see: --> <!DOCTYPE ht

1351. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.04 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

1352. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 497 B

const boxesContainer = document.getElementById("boxes"); const button = document.getElementById("btn"); const createBoxes = ()

1353. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 404 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1354. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.52 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgro

1355. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

const menuToggle = document.querySelector(".toggle"); const showcase = document.querySelector(".showcase"); menuToggle.addEvent

1356. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

<!-- Based on Create a Website With Video Background | HTML & CSS by Brad Traversy (2021) see:

1357. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.9 KB

@import url(",300,400,500,600,700,800,900&display=swap"); :root { --overla

1358. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 567 B

<!-- Based on Pure CSS Tooltip by Florin Pop (2019) see: --> <!DOCTYP

1359. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1360. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

const result = document.getElementById("result"); const filter = document.getElementById("filter"); const listItems = []; const

1361. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 677 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1362. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1363. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 522 B

const contents = document.querySelectorAll(".content"); const listItems = document.querySelectorAll("nav ul li"); const hideAll

1364. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1365. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgr

1366. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 415 B

const codes = document.querySelectorAll(".code"); codes[0].focus(); codes.forEach((code, index) => { code.addEventListener("

1367. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1368. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

1369. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 0 B

1370. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 605 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1371. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 313 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1372. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

const days = document.getElementById("days"); const hours = document.getElementById("hours"); const minutes = document.getElemen

1373. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1374. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.42 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box;

1375. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 313 B

const password = document.getElementById("password"); const background = document.getElementById("background"); password.addEve

1376. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1377. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 437 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: cen

1378. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.25 KB

<!-- Based on Mobile-First Responsive Build (with CSS Grid) by Shaun Pelling - The Net Ninja (2020) see:

1379. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.14 KB

@import url(""); /* variables */ :root { --primary: #22d0ff; --s

1380. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 144 B

const rellax = new Rellax(".rellax", { speed: -2, center: false, wrapper: null, round: true, vertical: true, horizon

1381. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 63.49 KB

<!-- Here's 1 Trick to EASILY Make An Awesome Looking Website by Gary Simon - DesignCourse (2021) see:

1382. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 762 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1383. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 798 B

const button = document.getElementById("button"); const toasts = document.getElementById("toasts"); const messages = [ "Messa

1384. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 159 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 399 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1385. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 945 B

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1386. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.11 KB

const wordElement = document.getElementById("word"); const wrongLettersElement = document.getElementById("wrong-letters"); const

1387. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1388. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.37 KB

@import url(""); :root { --primary-color: #1f2f61; --secon

1389. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.02 KB

const APIURL = ""; const form = document.getElementById("form"); const main = document.getElementBy

1390. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 707 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1391. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1392. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.78 KB

<!-- Based on Build One Color UI Responsive Website by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2020) see:

1393. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.92 KB

<!-- Based on CSS Grid Layout With Image Span by Brad Traversy (2020) see: --> <!DO

1394. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); :root { --main-color: #42515c; --

1395. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.01 KB

<!-- Based on Build a Modern Landing Page Website by Kevin Powell for Traversy Media (2020) see:

1396. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.08 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); *, *::before, *::after { box-

1397. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 653 B

const loadText = document.querySelector(".loading-text"); const bg = document.querySelector(".bg"); let load = 0; const blurri

1398. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 155 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 378 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1399. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 704 B

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-fam

1400. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 230 B

const nav = document.querySelector(".nav"); const fixNav = () => { if (window.scrollY > nav.offsetHeight + 150) nav.classList

1401. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1402. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; pad

1403. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 192 B

const toggles = document.querySelectorAll(".faq-toggle"); toggles.forEach((toggle) => { toggle.addEventListener("click", () =

1404. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.18 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1405. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-famil

1406. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

const sliderContainer = document.querySelector(".slider-container"); const slideRight = document.querySelector(".right-slide");

1407. double vertical slider | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.48 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

1408. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.53 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; pad

1409. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.52 KB

const messageElement = document.getElementById("msg"); const randomNumber = getRandomNumber(); window.SpeechRecognition = wi

1410. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 637 B

<!-- Reference: --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head

1411. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.32 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } b

1412. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.62 KB

const testimonialsContainer = document.querySelector(".testimonials-container"); const testimonial = document.querySelector(".te

1413. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1414. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { back

1415. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 804 B

const body = document.body; const slides = document.querySelectorAll(".slide"); const leftButton = document.getElementById("left

1416. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.15 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1417. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1418. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 148 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23.81 KB

<!-- Based on Learn To Build An SVG Animation With CSS by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2019) see:

1419. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 949 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: cen

1420. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 588 B

let controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); let timeline = new TimelineMax(); timeline .to(".rock", 10, { y: -300 }) .to

1421. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.27 KB

<!-- Build Parallax Website With HTML CSS & Javascript by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2021) see:

1422. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; marg

1423. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1016 B

const about = document.querySelector("#about"); const contact = document.querySelector("#contact"); const aboutContent = documen

1424. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.84 KB

<!-- Based on Terminal Style Landing Page | WinBox.js by Brad Traversy (2021) see: -

1425. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

@import url(";400;700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box

1426. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.32 KB

const form = document.getElementById("form"); const input = document.getElementById("input"); const todosList = document.getElem

1427. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 644 B

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1428. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1429. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 558 B

const toggles = document.querySelectorAll(".toggle"); const good = document.getElementById("good"); const cheap = document.getEl

1430. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 150 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 990 B

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1431. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1432. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 239 B

const search = document.querySelector(".search"); const btn = document.querySelector(".btn"); const input = document.querySelect

1433. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 150 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 709 B

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1434. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 900 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1435. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.44 KB

// Movement Animation to happen const card = document.querySelector(".card"); const container = document.querySelector(".contain

1436. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

<!-- Awesome 3D ANIMATION Javascript Tutorial! by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2020) see: --

1437. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.13 KB

@import url(";500&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; marg

1438. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 592 B

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".ripple"); buttons.forEach((button) => { button.addEventListener("click", function

1439. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 384 B

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1440. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 929 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1441. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 501 B

const left = document.querySelector(".left"); const right = document.querySelector(".right"); const container = document.querySe

1442. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 586 B

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1443. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.55 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --left-bg-color: rgba(87, 8

1444. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 577 B

const sounds = ["applause", "boo", "gasp", "tada", "victory", "wrong"]; const buttons = document.getElementById("buttons"); con

1445. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 656 B

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1446. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 637 B

@import url(";400&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

1447. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

const toggle = document.getElementById("toggle"); const open = document.getElementById("open"); const close = document.getElemen

1448. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.74 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1449. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.9 KB

@import url(""); :root { --modal-duration: 1s; --primary-color: #1

1450. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.05 KB

const search = document.getElementById("search"); const submit = document.getElementById("submit"); const random = document.getE

1451. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1452. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.12 KB

@import url(""); :root { --main-color: #e4e0ef; --lig

1453. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

const header = document.getElementById("header"); const title = document.getElementById("title"); const excerpt = document.getEl

1454. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1455. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1456. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

const hourElement = document.querySelector(".hour"); const minuteElement = document.querySelector(".minute"); const secondElemen

1457. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 658 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1458. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.2 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --pri

1459. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.18 KB

const screens = document.querySelectorAll(".screen"); const chooseInsectButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".choose-insect-btn"

1460. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 111 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.81 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1461. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.08 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { b

1462. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.33 KB

const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards-container"); const prevButton = document.getElementById("prev"); const nex

1463. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.76 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1464. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.79 KB

@import url(";400;700&display=swap"); :root { --primary-color: #8e44

1465. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

// Reference: const video = do

1466. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1467. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.15 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family

1468. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

const currencyOne = document.getElementById("currency-one"); const amountOne = document.getElementById("amount-one"); const curr

1469. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.71 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1470. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB

@import url(";700&display=swap"); :root { --primary-color: #fd5900; }

1471. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.03 KB

function init() { // slider const slides = document.querySelectorAll(".slide"); const pages = document.querySelectorAll(".

1472. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 108 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.88 KB

<!-- Based on Design & Build A Website Crash Course by Simo Edwin - Dev Ed (2019) see:

1473. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.07 KB

@import url(";400;500&display=swap"); :root { --white: rgba(255, 255

1474. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 804 B

const container = document.getElementById("container"); const colors = ["#056CF2", "#05AFF2", "#F2E205", "#F28705", "#A62103"];

1475. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 160 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 349 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1476. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 492 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #111; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: cen

1477. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 340 B

const present = document.getElementById("present"); const options = { colors: [ "#34D963", "#068C2C", "#FF5757",

1478. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 850 B

<!-- Based on Build a CSS Christmas Present that Opens & Closes by Shaun Pelling - The Net Ninja (2020) see:

1479. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background

1480. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 442 B

const container = document.querySelector(".container"); const unsplashURL = ""; const rows =

1481. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 372 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1482. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 583 B

@import url(";700&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

1483. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 994 B

const progress = document.getElementById("progress"); const prev = document.getElementById("prev"); const next = document.getEle

1484. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 706 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

1485. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

@import url(""); :root { --line-border-fill: #3498db; --line-bord

1486. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 90 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

1487. | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.07 KB

# 100 Projects In 100 Days - HTML, CSS & JavaScript 100+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. [See all projects o

1488. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1489. Lutt Putt Gaya Dunki 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1490. Papa Meri Jaan Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1491. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 74 B

{ "title": "Hollywood Hit songs", "description": "Songs for you" }

1492. Play Date Lilly Brooks .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1493. Marham Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1494. Saari Duniya Jalaa Denge Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1495. - Cruel Summer.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1496. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1497. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 78 B

{ "title": "Romantic songs for you", "description": "Love in Ground" }

1498. - I Forgot That You Existed.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 13 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1499. - Chaleya (From _Jawan_).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1500. - Pehle Bhi Main.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1501. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1502. - Husn.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1503. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 80 B

{ "title": "Sleep songs of 2023", "description": "Sleep songs for you" }

1504. - Palpita.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1505. - Raula.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1506. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1507. What Other People Say Sam .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1508. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 85 B

{ "title": "Diljit Dosanjh New Songs", "description": "Diljit Dosanjh hits" }

1509. - Jatt Vailly.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1510. - Feel My Love.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1511. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1512. - What..._.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1513. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 82 B

{ "title": "Karan Aujla Hit Songs", "description": "Karan Aujla for you" }

1514. - Jee Ni Lagda.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1515. - Admirin' You (feat. Preston Pablo).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1516. - Girl, I Love You (Euro's Intro).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 16 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1517. - Exit Song.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1518. - Starry Night (1).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1519. - Fuck My Way Out.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1520. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1521. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 77 B

{ "title": "Angry Mood Songs", "description": "Calm your Anger now" }

1522. - Roses Are Red.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1523. - Starry Night.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1524. Stronger (feat. Kesha) Sam Feldt.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1525. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1526. What Other People Say Sam .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 11 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1527. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 72 B

{ "title": "Get up and Grind", "description": "You can do it!" }

1528. - Cruel Summer.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1529. - As It Was.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 14 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1530. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1531. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 79 B

{ "title": "Mega Hits Songs", "description": "Mega Hit Songs for you" }

1532. - I Ain't Worried.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1533. - Agar Tum Saath Ho.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1534. - Tera Ghata.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1535. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1536. - Mann Mera.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1537. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 84 B

{ "title": "Just Chill song by Jerry ", "description": "Yes, Just Chill " }

1538. - Tu Jaane Na.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 13 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1539. Stronger (feat. Kesha) Sam Feldt.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 16 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1540. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1541. Satranga Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1542. What Other People Say Sam .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1543. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 81 B

{ "title": "Dark Horse / Strength", "description": "Dark Songs for you" }

1544. Saari Duniya Jalaa Denge Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 13 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1545. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1546. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 84 B

{ "title": "bollywood Hit Songs", "description": "bollywood Songs for you" }

1547. Arjan Vailly Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1548. Butter Bts 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1549. Abrars Entry Jamal Kudu Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 23 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1550. - Exit Song.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 13 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1551. - Starry Night (1).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 13 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1552. - Fuck My Way Out.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1553. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1554. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 72 B

{ "title": "Go Funky let's Go", "description": "Lets go Funky" }

1555. - Roses Are Red.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1556. - Starry Night.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1557. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1558. Lutt Putt Gaya Dunki 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1559. Papa Meri Jaan Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1560. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 74 B

{ "title": "Hollywood Hit songs", "description": "Songs for you" }

1561. Play Date Lilly Brooks .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1562. Marham Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1563. Saari Duniya Jalaa Denge Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1564. - Cruel Summer.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1565. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1566. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 78 B

{ "title": "Romantic songs for you", "description": "Love in Ground" }

1567. - I Forgot That You Existed.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 14 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1568. - Chaleya (From _Jawan_).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1569. - Pehle Bhi Main.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1570. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1571. - Husn.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1572. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 80 B

{ "title": "Sleep songs of 2023", "description": "Sleep songs for you" }

1573. - Palpita.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1574. - Raula.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1575. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1576. What Other People Say Sam .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1577. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 85 B

{ "title": "Diljit Dosanjh New Songs", "description": "Diljit Dosanjh hits" }

1578. - Jatt Vailly.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1579. - Feel My Love.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1580. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1581. - What..._.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1582. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 82 B

{ "title": "Karan Aujla Hit Songs", "description": "Karan Aujla for you" }

1583. - Jee Ni Lagda.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1584. - Admirin' You (feat. Preston Pablo).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1585. - Girl, I Love You (Euro's Intro).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1586. - Exit Song.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1587. - Starry Night (1).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1588. - Fuck My Way Out.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1589. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1590. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 77 B

{ "title": "Angry Mood Songs", "description": "Calm your Anger now" }

1591. - Roses Are Red.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1592. - Starry Night.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1593. Stronger (feat. Kesha) Sam Feldt.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1594. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1595. What Other People Say Sam .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1596. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 72 B

{ "title": "Get up and Grind", "description": "You can do it!" }

1597. - Cruel Summer.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1598. - As It Was.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1599. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1600. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 79 B

{ "title": "Mega Hits Songs", "description": "Mega Hit Songs for you" }

1601. - I Ain't Worried.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 17 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1602. - Agar Tum Saath Ho.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 14 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1603. - Tera Ghata.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1604. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1605. - Mann Mera.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 15 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1606. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 84 B

{ "title": "Just Chill song by Jerry ", "description": "Yes, Just Chill " }

1607. - Tu Jaane Na.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 16 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1608. Stronger (feat. Kesha) Sam Feldt.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1609. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1610. Satranga Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 14 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1611. What Other People Say Sam .mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 23 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1612. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 81 B

{ "title": "Dark Horse / Strength", "description": "Dark Songs for you" }

1613. Saari Duniya Jalaa Denge Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1614. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1615. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 84 B

{ "title": "bollywood Hit Songs", "description": "bollywood Songs for you" }

1616. Arjan Vailly Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1617. Butter Bts 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1618. Abrars Entry Jamal Kudu Animal 128 Kbps.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1619. - Exit Song.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1620. - Starry Night (1).mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1621. - Fuck My Way Out.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1622. cover.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1623. info.json | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 72 B

{ "title": "Go Funky let's Go", "description": "Lets go Funky" }

1624. - Roses Are Red.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1625. - Starry Night.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1626. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 98 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.55 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>login</title> <script type="module" src="https://un

1627. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.08 KB

* { font-family: "Poppins"; } body { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;

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1640. pause.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 731 B

1641. prevsong.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 252 B

1642. music.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 699 B

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>login</title> <script type="module" src="https://un

1647. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.08 KB

* { font-family: "Poppins"; } body { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;

1648. login-box-line.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1649. ab67706f000000029778f9c7fc5d7923797fe4ad.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

1650. volume.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

1651. icon.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.55 KB

1652. search.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 497 B

1653. nextsong.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 252 B

1654. play.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 95 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 198 B

1655. logo.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.58 KB

1656. mute.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 935 B

1657. playlist.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 365 B

1658. ab67706f000000026125e14e8384f5312339e67e.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

1659. home.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 341 B

1660. pause.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 731 B

1661. prevsong.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 252 B

1662. music.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 699 B

1663. close.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 303 B

1664. hamburger.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 422 B

1665. favicon.ico | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1666. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.55 KB

let currentSong = new Audio(); let currFolder; let songs; function secondsToMinutesSeconds(seconds) { if (isNaN(seconds) |

1667. Spotify Clone | Owner: cody | Views: 0 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.41 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,

1668. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.24 KB

:root { --a: 0; } .logo img { width: 80px; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-w

1669. utility.css | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 737 B

.border { border: 2px solid red; margin: 3px; } .invert { filter: invert(1); } .flex { display: flex;

1670. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.55 KB

let currentSong = new Audio(); let currFolder; let songs; function secondsToMinutesSeconds(seconds) { if (isNaN(seconds) |

1671. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 173 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.29 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

1672. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.24 KB

:root { --a: 0; } .logo img { width: 80px; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-w

1673. utility.css | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 737 B

.border { border: 2px solid red; margin: 3px; } .invert { filter: invert(1); } .flex { display: flex;

1674. | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 39 B

# spotify-clone spotify-clone-response

1675. wtopagu js | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.3 KB

// retrieve the data // used as a resource $.getJSON("data.json", function(data) {

1676. wtopagu css | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.33 KB

@import url(',wght@0,100;0,200;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,10

1677. What type of pokemon gym leader are you | Owner: cody | Views: 260 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.12 KB

<html> <head> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src="

1678. Git Magic JS | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.4 KB

// const searchInput = document.querySelector(".user_name"); const userImage = document.q

1679. Git Magic CSS | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.2 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis

1680. Git Magic CSS | Owner: cody | Views: 175 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.2 KB

1681. Git Magic | Owner: cody | Views: 184 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.59 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

1682. Knight.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 411 B

class Knight extends Piece { constructor(position, name) { super(position, 'knight', name); } getAllowedMoves() { const

1683. Bishop.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 241 B

class Bishop extends Piece { constructor(position, name) { super(position, 'bishop', name); } getAllowedMoves() { return

1684. King.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 568 B

class King extends Piece { constructor(position, name) { super(position, 'king', name); this.ableToCastle = true; } get

1685. Rook.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 346 B

class Rook extends Piece { constructor(position, name) { super(position, 'rook', name); this.ableToCastle = true; } chan

1686. Piece.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.01 KB

class Piece { constructor(position, rank, name) { this.position = position; this.rank = rank; = name;

1687. Queen.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 350 B

class Queen extends Piece { constructor(position, name) { super(position, 'queen', name); } getAllowedMoves(){ return [

1688. Pawn.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 512 B

class Pawn extends Piece { constructor(position, name) { super(position, 'pawn', name) } getAllowedMoves() { const posi

1689. white-pawn.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1690. black-rook.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1691. black-knight.png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1692. white-bishop.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1693. white-knight.png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1694. white-rook.png | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1695. black-pawn.png | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1696. black-queen.png | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1697. white-king.png | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1698. black-king.png | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1699. black-bishop.png | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1700. white-queen.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1701. game.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.79 KB

class Game { constructor(pieces) { this.pieces = pieces; this.turn = 'white'; this.clickedPiece = null; this._event

1702. chess.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.46 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } body{ background: #ddd; } #board{ width: 600px; height: 600px; border:3px #333 solid; } #board

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chess.css"> </head> <body> <div id

1704. Board.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.41 KB

const startBoard = game => { const board = document.getElementById('board'); const squares = board.querySelectorAll('.

1705. | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.89 KB

# Js-Chess Welcome to Js-Chess, a customizable and visually appealing chess game implemented in JavaScript. This project feat

1706. jdh74ys6.html | Owner: cody | Views: 223 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 150 B

<p onclick="change()">Hello World!!</p> <script> function change(){ document.querySelector("p").innerHTML = "Hello JavaSc

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burger = document.querySelector(".burger") navbar = document.querySelector(".nav-bar") navRight = document.querySelector(".nav

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<div class="nav-bar h-nav-resp"> <div class="nav-left v-resp"> <h3 class="logo">PaathShala</h3> <nav class="nav-

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body{ box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .main{ background: linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)

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/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.5 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public Lice

1747. liliya.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.5 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public Lice

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1811. drew.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1812. profile.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1813. anna.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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1830. purify.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.42 KB

/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.5 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public Lice

1831. toyota.png | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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1836. profile.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1837. lavender-field.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 94 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1838. wooden-bridge.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1839. forest.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1840. forest-mountain.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1841. autumn_forest.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1842. winter_forest.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1843. forest_pathway.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1844. help.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 417 B

1845. analytics.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 451 B

1846. performance.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 579 B

1847. dashboard.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 402 B

1848. chevron.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 322 B

1849. logo.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

1850. profile.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1851. funds.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 512 B

1852. settings.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 848 B

1853. lavender-field.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1854. wooden-bridge.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1855. forest.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1856. snow-scenery.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1857. threads.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 503 B

1858. linkedin.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 393 B

1859. profile.png | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1860. instagram.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 393 B

1861. twitter.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 401 B

1862. check-circle.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.9 KB

1863. astra.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

1864. profile.png | Owner: cody | Views: 102 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1865. autumn.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1866. lavender-field.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1867. forest.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1868. summer.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1869. purify.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.42 KB

/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.5 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public Lice

1870. lotr.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

1871. oppenheimer.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1872. mechinarium.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1873. barbie.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1874. code_war.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1875. space_simulator.png | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1876. top-trending.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 400 B

1877. utils.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 568 B

1878. custom-radio.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.94 KB

1879. button-hover-effect.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.36 KB

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1883. cut-out-text.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 866 B

1884. zoom-image-hover-effect.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 89 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 584 B

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1890. custom-loader.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 83 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 885 B

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1892. menu-items-hover.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 917 B

1893. _app.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 406 B

1894. 3d-gallery.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.39 KB

1895. notification-example.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.41 KB

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1897. flex-grow-effect.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.26 KB

1898. button-glow-effect.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

1899. profile-card.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 203 B

1900. index.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.03 KB

1901. cards-flip-effect-gallery.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.23 KB

1902. theme-switcher.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 201 B

1903. input-example.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.85 KB

1904. grid-template-areas.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

1905. input-search.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.76 KB

1906. summer.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1907. CardScrollSnap.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.88 KB

1908. ProfileCard.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

1909. ThemeButton.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

1910. ThemeSwitcher.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

1911. CustomSliderRange.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

1912. ThemeSwitcher.module.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 878 B

1913. CustomRadio.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 62 B

1914. global.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 82 B

1915. Container.tsx | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 501 B

1916. lavender-field.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1917. wooden-bridge.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1918. wooden-bridge-resized.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1919. forest.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1920. lake.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1921. forest-resized.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1922. snow-scenery.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1923. lavender-field-resized.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1924. analytics.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 617 B

1925. reports.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 576 B

1926. dashboard.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 443 B

1927. chevron.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 328 B

1928. logo.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.89 KB

1929. portfolio.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 722 B

1930. purify.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.42 KB

/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.5 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public Lice

1931. sendgrid.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1932. yahoo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 88 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1933. slack.png | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1934. link.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 391 B

1935. asana.png | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1936. notification.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 438 B

1937. message.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 459 B

1938. jason.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1939. michelle.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1940. logout.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 831 B

1941. profile.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 831 B

1942. jennifer.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1943. joe-doe-profile.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1944. ricahrd_taylor.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1945. storeify.png | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1946. profile.png | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1947. diamond.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1948. right-collapse.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 438 B

1949. logo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1950. logo-small.png | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1951. left-collapse.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 433 B

1952. purify.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.42 KB

/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.5 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public Lice

1953. image.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 503 B

1954. profile.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1955. folder.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 502 B

1956. profile-woman.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1957. threads.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 503 B

1958. profile.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1959. linkedin.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 393 B

1960. instagram.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 393 B

1961. twitter.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 401 B

1962. facebook.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1963. google.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1964. logo.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.89 KB

1965. burger-menu.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 381 B

1966. close.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 347 B

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1968. image-06.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1969. image-01.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1970. image-04.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1971. image-02.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1972. image-03.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1973. profile.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 92 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1974. autumn.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1975. winter.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1976. spring.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1977. summer.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1978. threads.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 445 B

1979. youtube.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 558 B

1980. share.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 505 B

1981. close.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 308 B

1982. instagram.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 393 B

1983. twitter.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 401 B

1984. minus.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 389 B

1985. plus.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 419 B

1986. profile_new.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1987. ebook.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

1988. price.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 98 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 774 B

1989. complete-package.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.38 KB

1990. video.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.43 KB

1991. benefit.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 98 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.48 KB

1992. google.png | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1993. logo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1994. mock.png | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1995. email.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 426 B

1996. password.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 494 B

1997. apple.png | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

1998. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 406 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Audio Wave</title> <meta name="viewport" cont

1999. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

body { background-color: #0e0e0e; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh

2000. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.56 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Toast</title> <meta name="vie

2001. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.26 KB

:root { --background:#f3f1f9; --toast-background: #292B2D; --toast-success: #9CE6A8; --text: white; } * { m

2002. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.28 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Footer 02</title> <meta name=

2003. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.91 KB

@import url(''); :root { --footer-background

2004. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 354 B

let loginForm = document.querySelector(".my-form"); loginForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); l

2005. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 149 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.44 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Login Example</title> <meta na

2006. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.66 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #4978F0; --primary-li

2007. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 202 B

const dragAndDropItems = document.getElementById( 'team-members' ); new Sortable(dragAndDropItems, { animation: 350,

2008. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.95 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Drag & drop</title> <link rel=

2009. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.69 KB

:root { --primary: #0969DA; --background: #EDEEF7; --gray: #EDEEF7; --white: #FCFCFC; --navbar-height: 60p

2010. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.4 KB

// slightly modified // how-to-format-time-since-xxx-e-g-4-minutes-ago-similar-to-

2011. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Comments</title> <meta name="

2012. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.89 KB

:root { --background: #ECF0F4; --white: white; --gray-light: #FAFBFC; --gray-borders: #ECF1F4; --gray-dark:

2013. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 543 B

const notification = document.querySelector('.notification'); const button = document.querySelector('.trigger-button'); const

2014. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.13 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Snackbar</title> <link rel="s

2015. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.28 KB

:root { --success: #327B32; --text: #F2ECFF; --background: #1F1F1F; } html { font-family: 'Roboto'; } * {

2016. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.67 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Footer 03 Example</title> <me

2017. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.34 KB

:root { --footer-background: #121a29; --text-color: #FAFBFC; --text-gray: #FEFEFE; --text-heading-gray: #F4F5F6

2018. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.54 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Footer 03 Example</title> <me

2019. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Gallery 04</title> <meta name

2020. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

:root { --background: #3C343D; --background-border: #6B626C; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: bord

2021. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.57 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Social Buttons</title> <meta n

2022. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

:root { --background: #2C2C2C; --primary-color: white; --secondary-color: #2C2C2C; } /* CSS reset */ * { margin

2023. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 638 B

const expand_btn = document.querySelector(".expand-btn"); let activeIndex; expand_btn.addEventListener("click", () => { con

2024. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.66 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconne

2025. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.58 KB

:root { --primary-color: #090E14; --text: white; --sidebar-gray: #111926; --sidebar-gray-light: #D8DCE0; --

2026. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 587 B

const profile = document.querySelector('.profile'); const dropdown = document.querySelector('.dropdown__wrapper'); profile.add

2027. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dropdown Menu 01</title> <link

2028. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.5 KB

:root { --primary: #625BFE; --text: #0F192D; --text-gray: #5A678C; --gray: #c0bcff; --error: #E3452F; } b

2029. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Footer 04 Example</title> <me

2030. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.07 KB

:root { --primary: #2E31A6; --text-color: white; --white: white; --text-gray: #FEFEFE; --text-heading-gray:

2031. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.57 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Footer 04 Example</title> <me

2032. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.19 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cards</title> <meta name="view

2033. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.1 KB

:root { --primary-color: #635bff; --secondary: #0a2540; } body { display: flex; width: 100%; padding-top:

2034. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.93 KB

const transactions = [ { src: 'assets/profile.jpg', name: 'James Alexander', alias: '@james',

2035. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 155 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 453 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Transactions Table</title> <m

2036. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.11 KB

:root { --background: #EBECF0; --table-background: #FFFFFF; --primary: #101824; --gray: #A0A7B1; --odd-row:

2037. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 115 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.14 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Cards</title> <meta name="view

2038. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.56 KB

:root { --background: #2C2C2C; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgroun

2039. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.77 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Profile Card</title> <meta name="viewp

2040. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 803 B

const toggleMenu = () => { const navigation = document.querySelector('.navigation'); const burgerMenu = document.query

2041. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.42 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Menu Example</title> <link rel

2042. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.42 KB

:root { --primary: #DD946F ; --primary-hover: #CD7D7C; --background: #261E5A; --navbar-height: 6

2043. burger-menu.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 381 B

2044. close.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 347 B

2045. background.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2046. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

:root { --primary: #DD946F ; --secondary: #261E5A; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }

2047. cards.html | Owner: cody | Views: 154 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.21 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zxx"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cards</title> <meta

2048. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.87 KB

const bankAccounts = document.getElementById('bank-accounts'); let isDown = false; let startX; let startY; let scrollLeft; let

2049. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 149 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Finance Bank Accounts</title>

2050. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.57 KB

@import url(''); :root { --accent: #9fe870; --accent-hover

2051. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.94 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Finance Bank Accounts</title>

2052. spaceship.png | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2053. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 468 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zxx"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cursor Example</title> <meta

2054. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".tabs a"); const allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content") const tabConte

2055. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 163 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Vertical Tabs</title> <meta n

2056. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.01 KB

:root { --white: #FFF; --primary: #645DFF; --secondary: #2A2649; --secondary-light: #777777; --body-backgr

2057. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 160 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 864 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Buttons</title> <meta

2058. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 970 B

:root { --background: #2C2C2C; --accent: #FF9950; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }

2059. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.17 KB

const teamMembers = [ { src: 'assets/profile.jpg', name: 'James Alexander', alias: '@james',

2060. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 171 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 850 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Team Table</title> <meta name

2061. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.16 KB

/* EBECF0 */ :root { --background: #EBECF0; --table-background: #FFFFFF; --primary: #101824; --gray: #A0A7B1;

2062. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.45 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Menu Example</title> <link rel

2063. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.53 KB

:root { --primary: #0969DA; --background: #24292F; --gray: #847F90; --white: #FCFCFC; --navbar-height: 60px;

2064. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Social Buttons</title> <meta

2065. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

:root { --background: #2C2C2C; --linkedin: #0A66C2; --youtube: #e52d27; --twitter: #1D9BF0; } * { margin: 0

2066. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 356 B

let loginForm = document.querySelector(".my-form"); loginForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault();

2067. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.64 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Login 03</title> <meta name=

2068. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.97 KB

:root { --primary: #6B43FF; --primary-light: #6667B0; --violet-light: #B492FD; --secondary: #1D1D1D; --wh

2069. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.37 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Login 03</title> <meta name=

2070. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 217 B

const mainItems = document.querySelectorAll( '.main-item' ); mainItems.forEach((mainItem) => { mainItem.addEventListener('c

2071. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 152 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.78 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dropdown Menu 03</title> <link rel=

2072. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.64 KB

:root { --primary-item: #3B3E40; --background-item: #EFEFEF; --gray: #D5D4D5; --background: #2C2C2C; --item-non-hover:

2073. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".tabs a"); const allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content") const tabConte

2074. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 158 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.92 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Vertical Tabs</title> <meta n

2075. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.95 KB

:root { --white: #FFF; --gray: #F3F3F3; --gray-mid: #9D9D9D; --gray-dark: #3e3e3e; --gray-hover: #F7F7F7;

2076. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Accordion 03</title> <meta na

2077. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 666 B

:root { --background: #3C343D; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .background { bac

2078. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.88 KB

const stocks = [ { src: 'assets/shell.png', name: 'Shell plc', ticker: 'SHEL', price: 64.53,

2079. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Stocks Watchlist</title> <met

2080. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.54 KB

/* EBECF0 */ :root { --background: #ECECF4; --table-background: #FCFCFD; --primary: #272727; --gray: #A0A7B1;

2081. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 399 B

const button = document.querySelector('.settings'); const closeButton = document.querySelector('.close'); const quickSettings =

2082. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.91 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Toolbar Menu</title> <meta nam

2083. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.47 KB

:root { --white: #FFF; --gray: #F3F3F3; --gray-mid: #d6d6d6; --gray-dark: #3e3e3e; --button-hover: #ECE8F

2084. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.53 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Gallery 02</title> <meta name

2085. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1003 B

:root { --background: #3C343D; --background-card: #6B626C; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border

2086. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.3 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Parallax</title> <meta name="

2087. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 758 B

:root { --background: #3C343D; --background-border: #6B626C; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: bord

2088. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 494 B

const input = document.querySelector(".input__field"); const inputIcon = document.querySelector(".input__icon"); inputIcon.add

2089. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

@import url(""); html { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 16px;

2090. material-ui.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.36 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Material UI Input</title> <m

2091. eye.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 445 B

2092. eye-off.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 596 B

2093. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 585 B

const expand_btn = document.querySelector(".expand-btn"); let activeIndex; expand_btn.addEventListener("click", () => { doc

2094. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.65 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconne

2095. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.03 KB

:root { --primary-color: #3841E6; --text: #EDF0F7; --sidebar-gray: #111926; --sidebar-gray-light: #F8F7FD;

2096. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 201 B

const swiper = new Swiper(".mySwiper", { direction: "vertical", slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0, mousewheel: true, p

2097. galery-05 | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Swiper demo</title> <meta name="viewp

2098. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 993 B

@import url(''); html { position: relative; height: 100%; }

2099. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 155 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Cards</title> <link rel="prec

2100. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.32 KB

:root { --background: #D8E3FA; --gray: #EAEAEC; --primary: #29283F; --primary-violet: #7370F4; } body {

2101. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 96 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 723 B

const slider = document.querySelector('.container'); let isDown = false; let startX; let scrollLeft; slider.addEventListener(

2102. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 180 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.61 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zxx"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cards</title> <meta

2103. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 88 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

:root { --background: #261E5A; } html { scroll-behavior: smooth; font-family: 'Mullish', sans-serif; } body

2104. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 678 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Cards</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="st

2105. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.48 KB

:root { --background: #1F2336; --scrollbar-background: #313852; --text: #F1F1F1; --text-active: #F1F1F180; } ht

2106. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 115 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 969 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Toast Notification 01</title>

2107. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

:root { --notification-background: #313e2c; --notification-primary: #aaec8a; --background: #FAF9FF; } * { box-

2108. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 755 B

const expand_btn = document.querySelector(".expand-btn"); let activeIndex; expand_btn.addEventListener("click", () => { docu

2109. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.09 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconnect" href="https:

2110. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.98 KB

:root { --primary-color: #191919; --white: #FFFFFF; --sidebar-primary: #353E47; --sidebar-primary-hover: #353E47; --si

2111. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconnect" href="https:

2112. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 148 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.56 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-s

2113. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

@import url(''); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-b

2114. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.57 KB

const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".tabs a"); const allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content") allLinks.forE

2115. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.19 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tabs</title> <meta name="view

2116. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.9 KB

:root { --white: #FFF; --gray: #F3F3F3; --background: #060D23; --tab-background: #383D4F; --gray-dark: #3e

2117. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 140 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.47 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tabs</title> <meta name="vi

2118. package-lock.json | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 187.06 KB

{ "name": "react", "version": "1.0.0", "lockfileVersion": 2, "requires": true, "packages": { "": { "name": "

2119. package.json | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 750 B

{ "name": "react", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "dev": "next dev",

2120. tsconfig.json | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 922 B

{ "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": ".", "checkJs": false, "lib": [ "dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext

2121. next-env.d.ts | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 201 B

/// <reference types="next" /> /// <reference types="next/image-types/global" /> // NOTE: This file should not be edited // see

2122. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 839 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cards</title> <meta name="viewport" content="

2123. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 730 B

body { background-color: rgb(20, 23, 26); } * { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .cards {

2124. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

:root { --primary: #DD946F ; --secondary: #261E5A; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }

2125. cards.html | Owner: cody | Views: 169 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.71 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zxx"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cards</title> <meta

2126. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 584 B

const expand_btn = document.querySelector(".expand-btn"); let activeIndex; expand_btn.addEventListener("click", () => { doc

2127. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 149 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconne

2128. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.51 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary-color: #625BFE; --prima

2129. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.57 KB

//? This code is for animating details //? of summary component and slightly modified //?

2130. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.98 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Accordion FAQ</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="s

2131. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

@import url(''); :root { --white: #FFF; --background: #060D23;

2132. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 838 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Accordion FAQ</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=

2133. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.65 KB

const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".tabs a"); const allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content"); allLinks.for

2134. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 155 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.55 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tabs Integrations</title> <me

2135. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.04 KB

:root { --white: #FFF; --text-color: #62636F; --primary-violet: #6445AF; --gray-link: #9D9D9D; --gray-bott

2136. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tabs Integrations</title> <me

2137. script_social.js | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.1 KB

const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".tabs a"); const allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content"); allLinks.for

2138. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 494 B

const input = document.querySelector(".input__field"); const inputIcon = document.querySelector(".input__icon"); inputIcon.add

2139. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.68 KB

@import url(; html { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; }

2140. material-ui.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.36 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Input 01</title> <meta name=

2141. eye.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 445 B

2142. eye-off.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 596 B

2143. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 452 B

const toggleMenu = () => { const burgerMenu = document.querySelector(".menu-icon"); const src = burgerMenu.getAttribute

2144. atheros_learning_logo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2145. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 159 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Menu Example</title> <meta n

2146. universe.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2147. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.65 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #DD946F ; --primary-ho

2148. burger-menu.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 381 B

2149. close.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 347 B

2150. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 217 B

const mainItems = document.querySelectorAll( '.main-item' ); mainItems.forEach((mainItem) => { mainItem.addEventListener('c

2151. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 140 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.99 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Accordion 02</title> <meta na

2152. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.97 KB

:root { --primary-violet: #6238E2; --background-violet-light: #EEEBFD; --gray: #D5D4D5; --background: #2C2C2C; } html

2153. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 596 B

const notifications = document.querySelector('.notifications'); const dropdown = document.querySelector('.dropdown__wrapper');

2154. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.11 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dropdown Menu 02</title> <link

2155. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.87 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #625BFE; --i

2156. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 351 B

let loginForm = document.querySelector(".my-form"); loginForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); l

2157. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 174 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.87 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Login 01</title> <meta name="v

2158. universe.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2159. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.74 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #DD946F ; --primary-hov

2160. email.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 405 B

2161. astronaut.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2162. password.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 350 B

2163. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 755 B

const expand_btn = document.querySelector(".expand-btn"); let activeIndex; expand_btn.addEventListener("click", () => { docu

2164. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.25 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconnect" href="https:

2165. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.68 KB

:root { --primary-color: #272727; --text: white; --white: #FFFFFF; --sidebar-primary: #605DFF; --sidebar-primary-light

2166. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 150 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.87 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconnect" href="https:

2167. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

2168. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.07 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #000000; --backgroun

2169. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

2170. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 630 B

const expand_btn = document.querySelector(".expand-btn"); const img = expand_btn.querySelector("img"); let activeIndex; expan

2171. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sidebar</title> <link rel="preconne

2172. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.97 KB

:root { --primary-color: #272727; --text: white; --background: #F4F5FC; --sidebar-gray-background: #DCE1EB;

2173. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Buttons</title> <meta name="v

2174. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

:root { --background: #2C2C2C; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } html { font-fami

2175. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.98 KB

const allLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".tabs a"); const allTabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab-content"); allLinks.for

2176. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.66 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Tabs</title> <meta name="view

2177. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.77 KB

body { font-family: 'Poppins'; background-color: #dfdfdf; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-ite

2178. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 217 B

const mainItems = document.querySelectorAll( '.main-item' ); mainItems.forEach((mainItem) => { mainItem.addEventListener('c

2179. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 167 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.85 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dropdown Menu 03</title> <link rel=

2180. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.64 KB

:root { --primary-item: #3B3E40; --background-item: #EFEFEF; --gray: #D5D4D5; --background: #2C2C2C; --item-non-hover:

2181. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 148 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.53 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Cards</title> <link rel="prec

2182. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

:root { --background: #2C2C2C; } body { background-color: var(--background); display: grid; place-items: cen

2183. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 700 B

let loginForm = document.querySelector(".my-form"); let email = document.getElementById("email"); let password = document.getEl

2184. signup 01 | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Signup</title> <meta

2185. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.4 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #625BFE; --primary-hove

2186. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 680 B

const toggleMenu = () => { const navigation = document.querySelector(".navigation"); const burgerMenu = document.querySelec

2187. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Menu Example</title> <meta name="viewport" co

2188. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.14 KB

:root { --primary: #F4BD50; --background: #191919; --navbar-height: 48px; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0;

2189. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.95 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Gallery 03</title> <meta name

2190. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 785 B

body { margin: 0px; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } .background { background: #2C2C2C; display: flex; hei

2191. search input 01 | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 523 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, ini

2192. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

@import url(; html { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } * { margin: 0;

2193. search-bold.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 269 B

2194. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 587 B

const button = document.querySelector('.apps__button'); const dropdown = document.querySelector('.dropdown__wrapper'); button.

2195. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 150 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.99 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Toolbar Menu</title> <meta nam

2196. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.95 KB

:root { --white: #FFF; --gray: #F3F3F3; --gray-mid: #d6d6d6; --gray-dark: #3e3e3e; --button-hover: #ECE8F

2197. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.52 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Gallery 01</title> <meta name

2198. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 723 B

:root { --background: #3C343D; } * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .background { bac

2199. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 506 B

const shareButton = document.querySelector('.share-button'); const toggleSocials = () => { const socialsWrapper = document.

2200. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Social Buttons</title> <meta

2201. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB

@import url(''); :root { --background: #2C2C2C; --ac

2202. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.76 KB

//? This code is for animating details //? of summary component and slightly modified //?

2203. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Accordion 01</title> <meta na

2204. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

html { font-size: 16px; font-family: "Poppins"; } body { background: white; height: 100%; } * { box-sizing: border-box;

2205. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 418 B

const button = document.getElementById('avatar-navbar'); const closeButton = document.querySelector('.close-button'); const nav

2206. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 162 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.05 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Menu Example</title> <link rel

2207. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.85 KB

:root { --notification: #58A6FF; --github-dark: #010409; --github-dark-lighter: #0D1117; --github-dark-border:

2208. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 162 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.83 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Pricing Cards</title> <meta n

2209. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.61 KB

@import url(''); html { font-size: 16px; font-family: Manrope;

2210. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 676 B

let signupForm = document.querySelector(".my-form"); let email = document.getElementById("email"); let password = document.getEl

2211. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 153 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.28 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Signup Example</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

2212. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.65 KB

@import url(''); :root { --primary: #4978F0; --primary-ligh

2213. index_socials.html | Owner: cody | Views: 113 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.51 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Signup Example</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

2214. | Owner: cody | Views: 117 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 750 B

This is repository with examples of simple UI components. The repository is based on Next.js and React.js. # installation * C

2215. Horizontal Scroll Snap CSS | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

:root { --background: #1F2336; --scrollbar-background: #313852; --text: #F1F1F1; --text-active: #F1F

2216. Horizontal Scroll Snap | Owner: cody | Views: 212 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 761 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Cards</title> <link rel="st

2217. Buttons | Owner: cody | Views: 183 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; display: flex; a

2218. Profile Card | Owner: cody | Views: 169 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; display: flex; a

2219. Beautiful Card | Owner: cody | Views: 187 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; display: flex; a

2220. Nested Tables | Owner: cody | Views: 179 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; border: 1

2221. toggle1.html | Owner: cody | Views: 244 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 16.59 KB

<label> <input type="checkbox"> <span class="custom__checkbox"> <span class="custom__checkbox__face"> <span cl

2222. image5.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2230. avatar.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2231. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 76.25 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v5.1.3 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2232. bootstrap.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 176.27 KB

@import url(,400,700&display=swap); /*! * Bootstrap v5.1.3 (https://getbootstra

2233. 8.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2239. 3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2240. whole1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2241. 5.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2249. 3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2250. whole1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2251. 5.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2254. 6.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2255. 4.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2256. 1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2257. 2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2258. 7.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2259. 3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2260. whole1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2261. 5.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2262. 9.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2263. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 636 B

html{ height: 100%; } body{ background-color: #283748; text-align: center; color: #efefef; overflow-x: hidde

2264. bootstrap.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 191.11 KB

@charset "UTF-8"; /*! * Bootstrap v5.0.2 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright

2265. | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 502.45 KB

2266. app.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.47 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } html { font-family: sans-serif; } body { margin: 0; } button:focus { outline: none; }

2267. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.54 KB

const backdrop = document.querySelector("#backdrop"); const addMovieBtn = document.querySelector("#addMovieBtn"); const modal =

2268. swish.m4a | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2269. aww.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2270. cash.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2271. 5.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2272. 2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2273. 10.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2274. blackjack.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2275. Q.png | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2276. J.png | Owner: cody | Views: 83 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2277. 6.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2278. 8.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2279. K.png | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2280. download.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2281. 3.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2282. 9.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2283. 7.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2284. A.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2285. 4.png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2286. icon.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2287. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.11 KB

document.querySelector('#dark-mode-toggle').addEventListener('click', () => { document.body.classList.toggle('dark'); co

2288. sudoku.js | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.11 KB

const newGrid = (size) => { let arr = new Array(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { arr[i] = new Array(size

2289. constant.js | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 276 B

const CONSTANT = { UNASSIGNED: 0, GRID_SIZE: 9, BOX_SIZE: 3, NUMBERS: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], LEVEL_NAME: [

2290. 5min.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2291. square-outline.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 131 B

2292. play-button.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2293. 10min.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2294. winter.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2295. autumn.png | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2296. pause-button.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2297. 20min.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2298. summer.png | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2299. spring.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2300. 2min.png | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2301. right-arrow.png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2302. winter.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2303. summer.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2304. autumn.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2305. spring.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2306. winter.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2307. summer.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2308. autumn.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2309. spring.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2310. meditation.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2311. ionicons.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 50.08 KB

@charset "UTF-8";/*! Ionicons, v2.0.0 Created by Ben Sperry for the Ionic Framework, https://twitter.

2312. ionicons.woff | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2313. ionicons.eot | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2314. ionicons.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 326.01 KB

2315. ionicons.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2316. theme.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 118 B

document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').forEach(function(field) { var picker = new Pikaday({ field: field }); });

2317. tic-tac-toe.png | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2318. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2319. hourglass.png | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2320. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2321. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2322. twinkleStar.JPG | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2323. key15.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2324. key6.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 22 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2325. key21.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2326. key7.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2327. key13.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2328. key9.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2329. key24.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2330. key3.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2331. key10.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2332. key4.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2333. key17.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2334. key14.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2336. key20.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2337. key11.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2338. key8.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2339. key19.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2340. key16.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2341. key12.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2342. key1.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2343. key18.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2344. key23.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2345. key5.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2346. key2.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2347. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2348. memory.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2349. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2350. hangman-game.png | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2351. hangman.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

class Hangman { constructor(word, remainingGuesses){ this.word = word.toLowerCase().split(''); this.remainin

2352. request.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 333 B

const getPuzzle = async (wordCount) => { const response = await fetch(`${wordCount}`

2353. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 765 B

let game1 const puzzleDIV = document.querySelector('#puzzle'); const remainingDIV = document.querySelector('#guesses'); window.

2354. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 952 B

$(document).ready(function(){ var magic8Ball = {}; magic8Ball.listofanswers = ["It is certain.","Without a doubt.", "

2355. snip1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2356. answer.png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2357. 8ball.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2358. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

.page { max-width: 960px; min-width: 300px; margin: 0 auto; } html { font-family: "Montserrat", sans-seri

2359. calculator.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2360. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2361. pic.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2364. stump.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2365. pic.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2366. bg.png | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2367. bg.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2368. popper.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.74 KB

/* Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2020 Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at

2369. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61.98 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2370. jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 70.68 KB

/*! jQuery v3.5.1 -ajax,-ajax/jsonp,-ajax/load,-ajax/script,-ajax/var/location,-ajax/var/nonce,-ajax/var/rquery,-ajax/xhr,-manip

2371. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.36 KB

var productName = document.getElementById('productName'); var productCategory = document.getElementById( 'productCategory');

2372. bootstrap.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 157.63 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter,

2373. main.css | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 156 B

.item { box-shadow: 10px 10px 102px 18px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45); } .search{ font-size: 22px; padding: 15px; } span{

2374. bg6.png | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2375. favicon.ico | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2376. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 353 B

var mydiv = document.getElementById("mydiv"); var mybutton = document.getElementById("mybutton"); const typewrite = () =>{ v

2377. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 477 B

.container { width: 1100px; margin: auto; height: 100vh; } button { width: 270px; height: 50px; background-color: b

2378. wave.png | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2379. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2380. Showreel.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2381. background.png | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2382. roboto-v20-latin-300.woff2 | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23 B

2383. roboto-v20-latin-300.woff | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2384. roboto-v20-latin-regular.eot | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2385. roboto-v20-latin-500.eot | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2386. roboto-v20-latin-700.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2387. roboto-v20-latin-500.woff2 | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23 B

2388. roboto-v20-latin-regular.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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* { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "Roboto"; } body{ background-color: #19172e; } .container { width:

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/* arvo-regular - latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Arvo'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url('../

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{ "liveServer.settings.port": 5501 }

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var playing = false; var score; var action; var timeremaining; var correctAnswer; //if we click on the start/reset document.get

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html { height: 100%; background: radial-gradient(circle, #fff, #ccc); background: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, #f

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const APIURL = ""; const main = document.getElementById("main"); const form = document.getElementB

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@import url(";400;600&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box;

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/* Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2020 Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at

2453. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61.98 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2454. jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 70.68 KB

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var flip = []; var flip2 = []; var askedBefore = []; window.onload = function(){ flipCards(); } var machineChar = Math.floor

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/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter,

2457. all.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 57.95 KB

/*! * Font Awesome Free 5.15.2 by @fontawesome - * License - (Ico

2458. main.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

/* first section */ .fst-section{ display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; } .container2{ padding:

2459. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2460. popper.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.74 KB

/* Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2020 Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at

2461. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61.98 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2462. jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 70.68 KB

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var imgNum = 0; var rand = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; var randNum; var ind = []; document.getElementById('img1').addEventListene

2464. bootstrap.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 157.63 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter,

2465. all.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 57.95 KB

/*! * Font Awesome Free 5.15.2 by @fontawesome - * License - (Ico

2466. main.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

body{ height: 100vh; overflow: hidden; } .container{ margin-left: 40px!important; margin-right: 40px!important;

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$(document).ready(function() { all_notes = $("li a"); all_notes.on("keyup", function() { note_title = $(this).f

2470. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

@import url(''); @import url('

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const balance = document.getElementById('balance'); const money_plus = document.getElementById('money-plus'); const money_minus

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@import url(''); :root { --box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12

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var box = document.getElementById("box"); var viewWidth = window.innerWidth; var viewHeight = window.innerHeight; // Updates t

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#box { width: 10vw; height: 10vw; background-color: #b916f4; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; displa

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2487. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.91 KB

function solve(){ let x3 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("x3").value); let x2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById(

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/*! * Bootstrap v5.0.2 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2489. 2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2490. Home.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2491. | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 75 B

# PixSort Studio 📷 This folder contains sample images for future reference

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2493. popper.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.74 KB

/* Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2020 Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at

2494. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61.98 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2495. jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 70.68 KB

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var x = document.getElementById('site_name'); var num = 0; var y = document.getElementById('site_url'); var p1_in = document.get

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/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter,

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*{ box-sizing: border-box; font-family: arial; } .pg-label{ font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } .p-title,p{

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/* Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2020 Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at

2509. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61.98 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2510. jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 70.68 KB

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var httr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var quotes = [];'GET', ''); httr.send(); httr.addEventL

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/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter,

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body{ background-color: #19172e; color: white; } .title{ margin-bottom: 15px; font-size: 30px; font-family:

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2619. 87.png | Owner: cody | Views: 91 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2620. 80.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2621. 161.png | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2622. 120.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2623. 102.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2624. 104.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2625. 92.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2626. 84.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2627. 43.png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2628. 159.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2629. 165.png | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2630. 60.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2631. 132.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2632. 128.png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2633. 169.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2634. 196.png | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2635. 141.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2636. 86.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2637. 109.png | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2638. 111.png | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2639. 17.png | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2640. 152.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2641. 147.png | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2642. 06.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2643. 23.png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2644. 182.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2645. 199.png | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2646. 57.png | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2647. 158.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2648. 37.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2649. 184.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2650. 173.png | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2651. 30DaysOfJavaScript.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2652. 91.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2653. 55.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2654. 202.png | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2655. 82.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2656. 53.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2657. 83.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2658. 11.png | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2659. 190.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2660. 01.png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2661. 101.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2662. 98.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2663. 205.png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2664. 174.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2665. 64.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2666. 47.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2667. js-preloader.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2668. 170.png | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2669. 73.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2670. 162.png | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2671. 16.png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2672. 94.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2673. 05.png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2674. 18.png | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2675. 123.png | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2676. 175.png | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2677. 100.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2678. 25.png | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2679. 96.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2680. 99.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2681. 76.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2682. 119.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2683. 65.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2684. 62.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2685. 193.png | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2686. 79.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2687. 13.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2688. 27.png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2689. 156.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2690. 127.png | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2691. 38.png | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2692. 142.png | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2693. 208.png | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2694. 167.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2695. 89.png | Owner: cody | Views: 92 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2696. 78.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2697. 185.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2698. 114.png | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2699. 215.png | Owner: cody | Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2700. 188.png | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2701. 151.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2702. 164.png | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2703. 36.png | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2704. 177.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2705. 110.png | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2706. 113.png | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2707. 68.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2708. 149.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2709. 35.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2710. 29.png | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2711. 126.png | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2712. 02.png | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2713. 42.png | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2714. 157.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2715. 180.png | Owner: cody | Views: 97 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2716. 198.png | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2717. 77.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2718. 103.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2719. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2720. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.09 KB

let blackjackGame = { you: { scoreSpan: "#your-blackjack-result", div: "#your-box", score: 0 }, dealer: { scoreSpan: "#d

2721. index.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 911 B

.container-5 { border: 4px solid black; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; text-align: center; } .title { background-color:

2722. counter.png | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2723. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2724. word_definition.png | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2725. traffic-lights.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2726. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2727. drawing-pad.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2728. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2729. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2730. snare.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2731. kick.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2732. ride.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2733. openhat.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2734. tink.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2735. tom.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2736. hihat.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2737. boom.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2738. clap.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 21 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2739. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2740. stack-demoo.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2741. wheel.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2742. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2743. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2744. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2745. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2746. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2747. retry.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2748. 5.png | Owner: cody | Views: 87 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2749. 2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2750. 6.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2751. 3.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2752. dice1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2753. dice2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2754. 1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2755. 4.png | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2756. hold.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2757. vlc.png | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2758. edgeicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2759. taskbarright.png | Owner: cody | Views: 115 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2760. thispc.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2761. fileExplorer.png | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2762. icons (7).png | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2763. win.png | Owner: cody | Views: 93 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2764. fileExplorerIcon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2765. widgetsIcon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 90 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2766. searchIcon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 84 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2767. recyclebinicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 100 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2768. search.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 78 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2769. bg2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2770. icons (6).png | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2771. storeIcon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2772. icons (4).png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2773. widgets.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2774. startmenu.png | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2775. store.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 115 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2776. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2777. img.png | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2778. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2779. calendar.png | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2780. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2781. Assets.png | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2782. Alone.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2783. Sugar.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2784. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2785. Peaches.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2786. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2787. Peaches.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2788. Sugar.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2789. Alone.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2790. Balloon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2791. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2792. mic.png | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2793. bg.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2794. add-read.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2795. ss1.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2796. ss2.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2797. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.72 KB

const msgEl = document.getElementById('msg'); const randomNum = getRandomNumber(); console.log('Number:', randomNum); window.

2798. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 728 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background: #2f3542 url('../img/bg.jpg') no-repeat left center/cover; color: #

2799. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2800. clock.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2801. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2802. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

// taking elements from html // input form const inputField = document.querySelector('.inputField'); // unput container const ma

2803. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.54 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body{ background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(3, 3, 3),rgb(56,

2804. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.25 KB

// SELECT PLAY AND PAUSE BUTTON const play = document.querySelector(".play"), pause = document.querySelector(".pause"); // SEL

2805. toggle-seasons-menu.js | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 245 B

const openMenuBtn = document.querySelector(".toggle-menu"), seasonsMenu = document.querySelector(".seasons"); openMenuBtn.add

2806. hide-buttons.js | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 854 B

const app = document.querySelector(".app"); // AMOUNT OF TIME TO CONSIDER USER INACTIVE const inactiveTime = 3000; // 3sec //

2807. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.48 KB

/* GENERAL CSS */ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } /* VIDEO */ .video { width: 100vw; height: 100

2808. logo2.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 813 B

2809. Web capture_7-4-2022_55318_127.0.0.1.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2810. Web capture_7-4-2022_55339_127.0.0.1.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2811. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.05 KB

// CREDIT: function hashCode(name) { let

2812. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.39 KB

@import url(";600;700&display=swap"); * { font-family: "Inter", -appl

2813. color-picker.png | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2814. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2815. beach.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2816. rain.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2817. sunset2.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2818. rain.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2819. beach.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2820. rain2.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2821. beach.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

2822. play.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 173 B

2823. rain.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.55 KB

2824. replay.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 662 B

2825. pause.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 198 B

2826. moving-outline.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 184 B

2827. track-outline.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 182 B

2828. cool.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2829. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2830. number.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2831. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2832. result.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 591 B

let id = (id) => document.getElementById(id); let classes = (classes) => document.getElementsByClassName(classes); window.addEv

2833. question.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.71 KB

let quizOne = { "title": "General quizzes for testing purposes - part 1", "data": [ { "id": "af0153c

2834. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 380 B

let id = (id)=> document.getElementById(id); let classes = (classes)=> document.getElementsByClassName(classes); let quizSelect

2835. quiz.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.13 KB

let id = (id) => document.getElementById(id); let classes = (classes) => document.getElementsByClassName(classes); let querysele

2836. result.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 554 B

body{ background-color: #f5f5f5; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; color: #1d1d1f; } section{ width: 100%;

2837. quiz.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

body{ background-color: #f5f5f5; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; color: #1d1d1f; } section nav{ background: #

2838. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 482 B

body{ background-color: #f5f5f5; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; color: #1d1d1f; } section{ width: 100%;

2839. item-4.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2840. item-6.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2841. item-5.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2842. item-9.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2843. item-2.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2844. item-1.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2845. item-8.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2846. item-7.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2847. item-10.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2848. item-3.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

2849. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2850. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2851. desktop-design.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2852. desktop-preview.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2853. active-states.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2854. icon-arrow.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 136 B

2855. icon-location.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 373 B

2856. favicon-32x32.png | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2857. pattern-bg.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2858. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.55 KB

* { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin: 0; font-family: "Red Hat Text", sa

2859. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.23 KB

2860. styles.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.72 KB

2861. add-readme (1).png | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2862. Screenshot 2022-04-14 072814.png | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2863. cactus.png | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2864. Screenshot 2022-04-14 072804.png | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2865. trex.png | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2866. track.png | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2867. Screenshot 2022-04-14 072750.png | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2868. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.19 KB

const trex = document.querySelector(".trex"); const obstacle = document.querySelector(".obstacle"); const intro = document.query

2869. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

body { -webkit-user-select: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-se

2870. 5.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2871. dice.png | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2872. 2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2873. dice-roll.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2874. 6.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2875. 3.png | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2876. 1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2877. 4.png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2878. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2879. img.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2880. popper.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.74 KB

/* Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2020 Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at

2881. bootstrap.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 61.98 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (

2882. jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 70.68 KB

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2883. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.4 KB

var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)+1; var swap = rand; function start(){ document.getElementById(`div${rand}`).innerHT

2884. bootstrap.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 157.63 KB

/*! * Bootstrap v4.6.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter,

2885. all.min.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 57.95 KB

/*! * Font Awesome Free 5.15.2 by @fontawesome - * License - (Ico

2886. main.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 886 B

body{ height: 100vh; } .start-btn{ margin-top: -100px; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 80%; padding: 10px; f

2887. joke.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2889. mic.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2891. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2893. red.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 23 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2895. wrong.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2898. scrabble.png | Owner: cody | Views: 82 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2899. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2900. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2901. speed.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2902. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2903. stopwatch.png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2904. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2905. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2910. images2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2911. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2912. weather.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2913. sans.ttf | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2914. B.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2915. F.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2916. G_s.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2917. C1_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2918. A_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2919. A.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2920. G.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2921. C1.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2922. D_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2923. D1.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2924. Bb_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

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2926. E1.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2927. Dq_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2928. E1_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2929. C.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2930. C_s1.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2931. F1.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2932. D.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2933. D_s1.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2934. C_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2935. f1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2936. F_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2937. E.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2938. D1_Drum.wav | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2939. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

const quizData = [ { question: "What is the most used programming language in 2019?", a: "Java", b:

2940. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.12 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

2941. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

@import url(";400;600&display=swap"); * { box-sizing: border-box; }

2942. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.62 KB

var modal = document.getElementById('myModal'); var grid = new Array(3); grid[0] = new Array(3); grid[1] = new Array(3); grid[2]

2943. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.05 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta

2944. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.71 KB

* { padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.t

2945. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.05 KB

window.onload = function () { var alphabet = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', '

2946. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 866 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Word Guess Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href

2947. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.59 KB

/* Variabes */ /* Mixin's */ body { background: #2ed4d7; font-family: "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue Light", "Helvet

2948. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 140 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.53 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /

2949. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.67 KB

/* default styling for the document */ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } /* setting the fonts and back

2950. logo.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2951. Postman clone.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.0 KB

const submitBtn = document.getElementById("submit-btn"); const addBtn = document.getElementById("addBtn"); //to add the any numb

2952. prism.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.54 KB

/* PrismJS 1.24.1

2953. prism.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 42.95 KB

/* PrismJS 1.24.1

2954. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.46 KB

function rand(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); } function shuffle(a) { for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--)

2955. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.68 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Maze Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./st

2956. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.22 KB

html, body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; padding: 0; margin: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;

2957. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

function main(x) { // x identifies from which button call is being made: Encrypt or Decrypt var entry_text = document.getEl

2958. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 995 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

2959. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet

2960. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

var start = document.getElementById('start'); var reset = document.getElementById('reset'); var pause = document.getElementById

2961. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.39 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

2962. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.27 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.t

2963. virtual piano | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 967 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

2964. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

body { max-height: 100vh; background-color: #19172e; } #piano { margin: auto; margin-top: 30vh; width: 70%; max-wid

2965. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.61 KB

const keys = document.querySelector("#keys"); const volPlus = document.querySelector(".fa-plus"); const volMinus = document.quer

2966. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 665 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

2967. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

body{ background: rgb(0, 0, 0); } #canvas{ box-sizing:border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; justi

2968. | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 28 B

# math-addition-app-project

2969. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 827 B

//generate random numbers let firstNumber = parseInt(Math.random()*10); let secondNumber = parseInt(Math.random()*10); //get th

2970. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.54 KB

const container = document.getElementById('container'); const cardslength = 12; const cards = []; let previousShownCard = undef

2971. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 920 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

2972. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; user-select:none; /*for the user not to pull the card with the mouse*/ }

2973. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 690 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

2974. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 559 B

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .main_body{ background-color: rgb(90, 92, 207); } #myImg { height: 400px; width: 500px; }

2975. sctick.js | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 661 B

const kt = () => { fetch("") .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data_val) => {

2976. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

2977. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.52 KB

@import url(';700&family=Dancing+Script&family=Exo&family=Fira+Sans:wght

2978. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.68 KB

//getting the code of the gradient document.getElementById("add").onclick=()=>{ document.getElementById("code").style.displa

2979. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 871 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="assets/hangman-game.png" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="s

2980. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } html { font-size: 62.5%; } #main{ margin-top: 100px;

2981. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

2982. | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

<h3 align="center">Magic 8 Ball</h3> <p align="center"> A simple Magic 8 Ball built using Javascript </p> <

2983. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.58 KB

// let display = document.getElementById('display'); let buttons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('button')); button

2984. Calculator | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.91 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=ed

2985. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; background-color: #19172e; color: white; u

2986. css.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 932 B

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } #game{ width: 400px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid black; margin: au

2987. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 489 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" onclick="jump()"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" conte

2988. js.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

var block = document.getElementById("block"); var hole = document.getElementById("hole"); var charac = document.getElementById(

2989. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 57 B

$('#album').turn({gradients: true, acceleration: true});

2990. preview.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

2991. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 113 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Flipbook</title> <link rel= "stylesheet" href

2992. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 308 B

body{ overflow: hidden; background: url(

2993. turn.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 42.23 KB

(function($) { 'use strict'; var has3d, vendor ='', PI = Math.PI, A90 = PI/2, isTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window, ev

2994. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 993 B

const holes = document.querySelectorAll('.hole'); const scoreBoard = document.querySelector('.score'); const moles = document.qu

2995. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 965 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Whack A Mole!</title> <link href='https://fonts.googleapis

2996. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

@import url(''); html { box-sizing: border-box; font-siz

2997. mole.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 156.42 KB

2998. dirt.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 356.56 KB

2999. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css

3000. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.55 KB

const captcha = document.querySelector('.captcha'), reloadbtn = document.querySelector('.reload'), inputText = document.queryS

3001. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial

3002. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.72 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; } body { display: flex; align-item

3003. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.33 KB

const result = document.getElementById("result"), row1 = document.querySelector(".row1"), row2 = document.querySelector(".

3004. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 964 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <meta name=

3005. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.01 KB

.head{ background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow; height: 255px; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: -1;

3006. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 406 B

document.getElementById("1").addEventListener("click", () => { let num = document.getElementById("num").value; let message =

3007. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 153 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.93 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3008. Index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 617 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3009. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 481 B

m=0; var move; var p=0; const len=document.documentElement.scrollWidth; function start(){ p++; if(p>1){ clearInterva

3010. roadImage.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3011. cityImage.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3012. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 570 B

#city{ background: url(cityImage.jpg); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: auto; h

3013. carImage.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3014. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 612 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, ini

3015. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.88 KB

const notesContainer = document.getElementById("app"); const addNoteButton = notesContainer.querySelector(".add-note"); let del

3016. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3017. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.22 KB

:root { --bg: #19172e; --btn: #9c528b; --card: #b9929f; } * { font-family: sans-serif; transition: 0.5s ease; } body {

3018. icon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3019. reshot-icon-delete-KL8MB62NXD.png | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3020. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 735 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="I

3021. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

body{ background-color: #FDF5E6; } .container{ align-content: center; width: 50%; margin: auto; padding: 10p

3022. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.35 KB

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const grid = document.querySelector('.grid') const flagsLeft = doc

3023. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

const container = document.getElementById('container'); const randomWaveButton = document.getElementById('randomWave'); const ci

3024. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 842 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3025. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(f

3026. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3027. audio.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.6 KB

(function () { // The number of bars that should be displayed const Bar_number = 50; // Get the audio element tag const

3028. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.91 KB

/* *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } */ body { overflow: hidden; } /* Custom controls */ .button { height: 8vw; width: 20v

3029. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.21 KB

var character = document.getElementById("character"); var game = document.getElementById("game"); var interval; var both = 0; va

3030. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 291 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Falling Ball Game</title> <link rel="style

3031. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 596 B

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; } #game { width: 400px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid rgb(28, 121, 67); margin: auto;

3032. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.52 KB

const wrapper = document.querySelector(".wrapper"), searchInput = wrapper.querySelector("input"), synonyms = wrapper.querySelect

3033. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.78 KB

<!Doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dictionary App</title> <meta name="viewport" c

3034. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.41 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: sans-serif; } body { display: flex; align

3035. money.png | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3036. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 593 B

h1 { margin: 30px; margin-bottom: 80px; font-family: 'Lobster', cursive; text-shadow: 5px 0 #232931; font-size: 8rem;

3037. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 837 B

alert('Do you want to play the game?'); var randomNum1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)+1; // generate 1 to 6 random numbers var r

3038. | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 42 B

# A fun game where you can virtually bet!

3039. game.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 814 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3040. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.99 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3041. | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 452 B

# SEARCH GITHUB PROFILE This template can be used in any website for the user to search the Github Profile/User to see the 1. P

3042. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.11 KB

// Create a "close" button and append it to each list item var myNodelist = document.getElementsByTagName('LI'); var i; for (i =

3043. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang = "en"> <head> <meta charset = "UTF-8"/> <meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge"/>

3044. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.15 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: ur

3045. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

<!--index.html--> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Maths Game</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta na

3046. | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 613 B

<p align="center"> <img alt="" height="80" src="./img/add-readme.png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Math Game</h1> <div

3047. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.32 KB

function fun(e) { var search=document.getElementById("name").value; fetch(`${search}&apikey=1

3048. Movie Ratings Application | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 683 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3049. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 238 B

.container{ display: block; text-align: center; } input{ padding: 20px; margin: 20px; border-radius: 7px;

3050. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 394 B

const insert = document.getElementById("insert"); window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { insert.innerHTML = ` <div

3051. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 714 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial

3052. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 999 B

* { padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.t

3053. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 117 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 942 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, ini

3054. | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 571 B

<p align="center"> <img height="80" src="./img/add-readme.png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center">GITHUB CHECKER</h1> <div ali

3055. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

button=document.getElementById('button'); button.addEventListener('click',e=>{ let ans=document.createElement('div'); d

3056. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.26 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3057. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.27 KB

@import url(''); *{ margin: 0; padding

3058. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.93 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3059. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 862 B

#getData { align-items: center; text-align: center; } #getData input { width: 600px; font-size: large; font-family: "

3060. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.77 KB

const inputfields = document.querySelector("#getData"); const resume = document.getElementById("resume"); let inputshow = true;

3061. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

// taking input element const celsius =document.getElementById('celsius'); const fahrenheit =document.getElementById('fahrenheit

3062. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.57 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3063. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.27 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body{ background-color: #19172e; height: 100vh; font

3064. icon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3065. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.62 KB

const container = document.querySelector('.container'); let conDim = container.getBoundingClientRect();

3066. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 489 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta na

3067. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 696 B

body{ background-color: #fff; background-size: 8px 8px, 8px 8px; background-position: center, center; background-image: line

3068. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 200 B

# Break the Wall Game - Press up Arrow Key Left/Right Arrow Key to Move # Screenshots ![image](https://user-images.githubuserc

3069. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.39 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Guess Who Game</title> <link rel="stylesh

3070. ss1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3071. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 567 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-sc

3072. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

@import url(''); *{ padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-

3073. readme | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3074. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 558 B

const form = document.querySelector('form'); const factDiv = document.querySelector('.number-fact'); form.addEventListener('sub

3075. ss2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3076. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.91 KB

angular.module('app', []).controller('GameCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout){ $scope.variables = {}; $sc

3077. | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 78 B

# Math Game - Try To Answer as many Calculation Possible. ![](./preview.gif)

3078. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 161 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.09 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Math Game</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='http

3079. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 364 B

body{ background-color: #fff; background-size: 8px 8px, 8px 8px; background-position: center, center; background-image: lin

3080. preview.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3081. preview.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3082. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.24 KB

var i = 0; function random( min, max ) { return Math.round( min + ( Math.random() * ( max - min ) ) ); } function randomChoi

3083. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 752 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Block Runner game</title> <script src="https://cdnj

3084. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 454 B

:root { --background-light-color: #57ebd7; --background-dark-color: #24a88b; --main-background-gradient: linear-gradient(t

3085. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.04 KB

let preview = document.getElementById("preview"); let recording = document.getElementById("recording"); let startButton = docume

3086. | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 621 B

# Screen Recorder: 💻 > It's screen Recorder made using HTML,CSS,JS.Screen Capture API is used in it .It contains 3 functionalit

3087. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 113 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3088. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

body { font-family: cursive; background-color: rgb(234, 226, 216); } h1{ margin-left: 560px; } li{ margin-left: 5

3089. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 861 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <met

3090. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

@import url(''); :root { --error-color: #dc3545; --success-co

3091. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 792 B

const cat_result = document.getElementById("gallery"); const errorData = document.getElementById("errorBox"); btn_generate.add

3092. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

let button = document.getElementById('btn'); button.addEventListener('click', function(){ const gram = parseInt(

3093. | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 463 B

# Weight Converter 🎱 : --- It's a simple Weight Converter which takes weight as 'grams' and convert into -> 'pound' , 'kg' , 'Ou

3094. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 929 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3095. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 998 B

html{ height: 100%; } body{ background: linear-gradient(to right, #8f2d7b, #8894a2); color: white; font-family:

3096. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

(function() { var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "Octo

3097. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 714 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Analog Digital clock</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

3098. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.15 KB

@import url(",400"); *, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: border-box; } ht

3099. preview.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3100. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" hr

3101. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 115 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.25 KB

<html> <head> <title>Sticky Note</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/style.css"></link> <scr

3102. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 535 B

<p align="center"> <img alt="" height="80" src="./img/notes.png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Sticky Notes</h1> <div al

3103. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 239 B

fetch('') .then(data=> data.json()) .then(jokeData=> { //var test=0; const jokeText=joke

3104. popup.html | Owner: cody | Views: 167 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 382 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3105. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 295 B

body { width: 300px; height: 300px; background-color: aliceblue; display: flex; justify-content: center; }

3106. sloth.png | Owner: cody | Views: 83 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3107. output_ss.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3108. manifest.json | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 271 B

{ "name":"Dad Jokes", "version": "0.0.1", "manifest_version": 2, "browser_action": { "default_popup

3109. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 720 B

function love(){ var name1 = document.getElementById("NameOne").value; var name2 = document.getElementById("NameTwo").va

3110. | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 482 B

# Love Calculator 💘💖 >It's a Love Calculator where Users have to put his/her name with partner's name and the calculator calcul

3111. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

3112. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body{ background-color: rgb(220, 166, 175); /* backgroun

3113. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 23.86 KB

var LEVELS = [ [" ", "

3114. | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 110 B

## Retro Mario Game - Use Arrow key to move Blue Block. - Avoid the Red Lava and take All the Yellow Points.

3115. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 425 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <met

3116. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 597 B

body { background: #222; } h2 { color: #666; font-family: monospace; text-align: center; } .background { table-layou

3117. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 142 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 564 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3118. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 107 B

body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background: #000; overflow: hidden; }

3119. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.78 KB

/* Please view in Chrome for best effects! :) */ // Configure var MAX_DISTANCE = 200, PARTICLES = 40, PARTICLE_SIZ

3120. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <!-- Mirrored from hero game by yash-25log/ by HTTrack W

3121. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.11 KB

html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; } body { font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; cursor: po

3122. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 14.13 KB

/* If you want to know how this game was made, check out this video, that explains how it's made:

3123. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.42 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, ini

3124. | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 590 B

<p align="center"> <img alt="" height="80" src="./img/add-readme.png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Expense Tracker </h1>

3125. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 941 B

const container = document.getElementById('container'); const colors = ['#e74c3c', '#8e44ad', '#3498db', '#e67e22', '#2ecc71','#

3126. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 784 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3127. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 972 B

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.ttf); } bo

3128. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

let celsius = document.getElementById('celsius'); let fahrenheit = document.getElementById(

3129. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 314 B

body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #f0f0f0; } h1{ p

3130. indexsamp.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div><h1>TEMPERATURE CONVERTER</h1></div>

3131. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 666 B

function convert() { let to_convert = document.getElementById("to_convert").value; to_convert = parseFloat(to_convert);

3132. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3133. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.89 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: ur

3134. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3135. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

function pincode() { var pin = document.getElementById("pincode").value; var url = ``; u

3136. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.1 KB

const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas") const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Background of Space const space = {

3137. | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 60 B

## Space Game - Use Arrow Key To Move. - Catch the Octopus

3138. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 670 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Space Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./s

3139. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 138 B

canvas { padding: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; border: solid 7px rgb(255, 6

3140. preview3.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3141. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

let curHr = new Date().getHours(); const dayFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en', { weekday: 'long' }); const dateFormat = new

3142. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.72 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3143. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

@import url(',wght@1,500&display=swap'); * {

3144. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 492 B

const { body } = document; let zoomActivated = false; window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if(e.key === 'z') { zoomA

3145. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 851 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3146. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 688 B

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.ttf); } bo

3147. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.12 KB

const angleInput = document.querySelector('[data-input="range"]') const thicknessInput = document.querySelector('[data-input="th

3148. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Pattern Generator</title> <link rel="stylesheet" hr

3149. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

@import url(",700"); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family:

3150. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3151. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.13 KB

// Variable to store if the current search need anime or manga var nameType = "Manga"; const api = ""

3152. index.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.19 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; } a { text-decorati

3153. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

function genNum() { $b = Math.floor((Math.random()) * (15 - 1)) + 1; $i = Math.floor((Math.random()) * (30 - 16)) + 16; $n

3154. | Owner: cody | Views: 62 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 550 B

# Bingo Card Generator > This is a Bingo Card Generator using HTML, CSS, and JS. It's an application which generates a unique B

3155. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 926 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>CodePen - Bingo Card</title> <link rel="stylesheet"

3156. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

.clear { width: 100%; clear: both; } .card { float: left; width: 500px; height: auto; margin-left: 570px; margin

3157. maincard2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3158. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.2 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3159. maincard1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3160. maincard3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3161. icard1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3162. icard4.png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3163. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.1 KB

let name = prompt("Enter Your Name", "Guest"); setTimeout(() => { let time = new Date(); if(time.getHours()<12 && time.g

3164. icard3.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3165. icard2.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3166. index.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.78 KB

body{ box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; } header::before{ background: url('

3167. logo1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3168. | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3169. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3170. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.56 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .header { p

3171. package-lock.json | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 98 B

{ "name": "N-queens-visualiser", "lockfileVersion": 2, "requires": true, "packages": {} }

3172. | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 445 B

# N-Queen Visualiser - The N-Queens puzzle is the problem of placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens

3173. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.66 KB

'use strict' const numberbox = document.getElementById("numberbox"); const slider = document.getElementById("slider"); const pro

3174. visualisation.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3175. N Queens | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3176. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 416 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3177. | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 853 B

<p align="center"> <img alt="" height="80" src="./img/logo_1.png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Catch Me If You Can</h1>

3178. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.54 KB

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const grid = document.querySelector('.grid') const scoreDisplay =

3179. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 110 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 632 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <head> <m

3180. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

body { background-image: url("candy-crush-background.png"); max-width: 100vh; display: flex; } .grid {

3181. candy-crush-background.png | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3182. | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 430 B

# Cubic Equation Calculator A Calculator used to calculate Third degree equations. ## Functionalities :- - Giving the a,b,c,d

3183. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.77 KB

<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/bootstrap.css"> <link rel="styleshee

3184. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 781 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3185. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

*{ box-sizing: border-box; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell

3186. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.0 KB

var ball = document.getElementById('ball'); var rod1 = document.getElementById('rod1'); var rod2 = document.getElementById('rod2

3187. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.72 KB

// Options let sortingAlgorithm = quickSort; // bubbleSort, selectionSort, insertionSort, quickSort, mergeSort let comparison =

3188. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.31 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <title>PixSort S

3189. style.scss | Owner: cody | Views: 85 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 509 B

3190. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 730 B

(function() { const wheel = document.querySelector('.wheel'); const startButton = document.querySelector('.button'); let

3191. marker.png | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3192. | Owner: cody | Views: 75 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 497 B

# Spin Wheel Game🎡 > It's a Spin Wheel Game made using HTML,CSS,JS , The Code is responsive and here after clicking the start bu

3193. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 442 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Weiben - Wheel of fortune</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <link rel="stylesh

3194. wheel.png | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3195. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 746 B

#app { width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; } body{ background-image: linear-gradient(to rig

3196. button.png | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3197. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.83 KB

// Constants const ACTIVE_TIME_MS = 5000; const DEACTIVATION_TIME_MS = 750; // Variables var felix = document.getElementById("f

3198. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.97 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-s

3199. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.11 KB

/* Felix */ .personal-assistant { position: relative; margin-top: 100px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-conten

3200. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 236 B

let output = document.getElementById("output"); window.addEventListener("mousemove",(e)=>{ let xPos=e.clientX; let yPos=

3201. Readme | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3202. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 420 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3203. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 509 B

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body{ height: 100vh; background: linear-gradient(#FD5D5

3204. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 25 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.17 KB

$(document).ready(function () { $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(this).scrollTop() >= 100) { $(".scrollToTop").f

3205. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 163 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 34.56 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3206. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 18 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.74 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; list-style: none; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(f

3207. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

const getBTN = document.getElementById("btn"); const animeBox = document.querySelector(".anime-box"); const anime = document.que

3208. Random Anime Profile | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=ed

3209. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.38 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {

3210. Crop Image | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 935 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

3211. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.06 KB

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const ctx = canv

3212. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.49 KB

body { font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; background-color: #f5f5f5; text-align: center; margin: 0; display:

3213. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.8 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

3214. | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 135 B

# Projectile-Motion-Simulator Simple simulator to projectile motion; ## Website Link https://projectile-motion-simulator.netlif

3215. pms.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3216. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

var path = document.querySelector("path"); var length = path.getTotalLength(); // create timeline var timeline = new TimelineMax

3217. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.55 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>CodePen - Crash Loader</title> <link rel="styleshee

3218. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 87 B

body{ margin:0; background:#222; } svg{ width:100%; height:100%; position:fixed; }

3219. preview.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3220. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.13 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3221. leap2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3222. leap.png | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3223. readme | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3224. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 686 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Text to Speech Converter</title> <

3225. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

@import url(';500;600;700&display=swap'); *{ box-sizing: border-box

3226. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.68 KB

const textarea = document.querySelector("textarea"), voiceList = document.querySelector("select"), speechButton = document.quer

3227. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.17 KB

var createCards= function(arr){ for(var i in arr){ $(".cards").append( '<a href=\'\

3228. | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 121 B

Preview ![image](

3229. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 895 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-s

3230. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.52 KB

@import url(,700,300); @import url("

3231. hex.js | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 446 B

const hex= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, "A" ,"B" ,"C","D","E","F"]; const btn= document.getElementById("btn"); const color=document.qu

3232. Baackground Color Changer | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3233. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } a{ text-decoration: none; color:black; } li{ list-style: none; padding:0

3234. hex.html | Owner: cody | Views: 151 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 999 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3235. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 462 B

const colors = ["green ","red","rgba(133,122,200)","#f15025"]; const btn=document.getElementById('btn'); const color =document.q

3236. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3237. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 346 B

function calc() { let num1 = Number(document.querySelector("#num1").value); // reads the value of the input type text le

3238. index.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.6 KB

@import url(''); foot

3239. Script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.6 KB

const gen=document.getElementById("general"); const bus=document.getElementById("buisness"); const tech=document.getElementById(

3240. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 145 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.43 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scal

3241. | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 138 B

#News Website Its a news website build with VanilaJS,Bulma CSS and NewsData Api ##Tech Stack - Vanila JS - HTML - C

3242. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.1 KB

/* Script by Mike Mcgrath- Featured on JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit

3243. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.04 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <head> <meta charset=

3244. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.17 KB

const screens = document.querySelectorAll('.screen'); const choose_insect_btns = document.querySelectorAll('.choose-insect-btn')

3245. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 109 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.78 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3246. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.12 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { b

3247. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 512 B

# Insect-Catching Game ## A well-designed interesting game where you can play with your favourite insect and catch it to get th

3248. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css

3249. preview.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3250. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 856 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3251. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.85 KB

var radius = 240; var autoRotate = true; var rotateSpeed = -60; var imgWidth = 120; var imgHeight = 170; v

3252. preview2.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3253. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.01 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } html, body { height: 100%; /* for touch screen */ touc

3254. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 995 B

let browserDetailsRef=document.getElementById("browser-details"); let osDetailsRef= document.getElementById("os-details"); var b

3255. Readme | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 315 B

3256. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 140 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 501 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3257. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 598 B

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body{ background-color: #090221; } #container{ position:

3258. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 691 B

const hour = document.getElementById("hour"); const minute = document.getElementById("minute"); const seconds = document.getElem

3259. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3260. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { src: url("font/sans.ttf"); f

3261. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.4 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3262. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 933 B

<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css

3263. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 713 B

const videoElement = document.getElementById('video'); const button = document.getElementById('button'); // Prompt to select me

3264. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 571 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

3265. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 959 B

@import url(""); html { box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin

3266. favicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3267. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 111 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.23 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-sc

3268. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; justify-content: center;

3269. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

function validatePalin() { string = document.getElementById("text").value; // to obtain total length of the

3270. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

var survey_options = document.getElementById('survey_options'); var add_more_fields = document.getElementById('add_fields'); var

3271. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 109 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3272. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

@font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.ttf); } body { background-color: #19172e; font-family: "sans"; c

3273. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3274. world-wide-web.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3275. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.96 KB

const search = document.querySelector('.search') const searchBtn = document.querySelector('.search-btn') const loader = document

3276. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

@import url(";400;500;700&display=swap"); * { margin: 0; padding: 0

3277. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.94 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <head> <meta charset

3278. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

body{ font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetic

3279. FileSaver.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.35 KB

(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (ty

3280. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

var temp = document.getElementById("template") var tempvalue = temp.options[temp.selectedIndex].value; console.log(tempvalue);

3281. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.21 KB

// Preloader var preloader = document.getElementById('loading'); function loading() { setTimeout(myfunction, 2000); } functio

3282. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.02 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; list-style: none; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(f

3283. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.92 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3284. Output_1.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3285. Output_2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3286. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.19 KB

const from = document.getElementById("form"); const search = document.getElementById("search"); const result = document.getEleme

3287. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 712 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="uts-8"> <title>OLX Clone</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=

3288. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, san

3289. preview.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3290. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 706 B

const countEl = document.getElementById('count'); updateVisitCount(); function updateVisitCount() { fetch('https://api.counta

3291. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 855 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3292. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 805 B

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.ttf); } b

3293. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 717 B

function fun() { var cm = document.getElementById("cm").value ; cm = cm/100; var w = document.getEle

3294. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.21 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3295. | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 608 B

# Snake game using voice control This is a snake game in which a snake moves inside a box in search of food. Snake movement is c

3296. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 145 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 861 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3297. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 636 B

*{ margin: 2px; padding: 2px; box-sizing: border-box; } body{ background-color: rgb(4, 230, 4); } #area{ b

3298. speechCommand.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

const URL = ""; async function createModel() { const checkpointUR

3299. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.31 KB

var canvas = document.getElementById("area"); = "80vh"; = "80%"; var clx = canvas.getCo

3300. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

//GLOBAL VARIABLES var context, canvas; const len = 150; //CREATES THE BUTTON //CREATES THE SLIDER var slider = document.creat

3301. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 295 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Fractal Tree Visualizer</title> <link rel="styleshe

3302. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 417 B

html,body { height: 100%; } body { width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } input,button { position:

3303. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.46 KB

const initialState = { player: 'yellow', winner: false, board: [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0

3304. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 692 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Dot Connect Four</title> <link rel='stylesheet' hre

3305. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.35 KB

html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { text-align: center; min-width: 650px; b

3306. Word Definition | Owner: cody | Views: 107 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.34 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=ed

3307. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.73 KB

@import url(',wght@1,300;1,400;1,500&display=swap'); * { margin: 0;

3308. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

<hr> **### Word Definition** _The Word Definition app will show the definition of the following words._ <hr> **### Tech Stac

3309. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.66 KB

const container = document.querySelector(".container"), searchInput = container.querySelector("input"), sound = document.get

3310. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.33 KB

const form = document.querySelector('#form') const copy = document.querySelector('.copy') // handling form form.addEventListene

3311. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3312. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.43 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { display: flex; background-color: #9BBEC8;

3313. red-right-arrow.png | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3314. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 140 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.3 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3315. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

body{ background-color:black ; color:white; } .top{ display: flex; justify-content: space-between; width:200

3316. left-arrow.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3317. pause.png | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3318. down.png | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3319. play.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3320. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.14 KB

const grid=document.querySelector(".grid") let squares=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.grid div')); const score=document.

3321. rotate.png | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3322. red-left-arrow.png | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3323. pause.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3324. right-arrow.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3325. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 367 B

const circles = document.querySelectorAll('.circle') let activeLight = 0; setInterval(() => { changeLight(); }, 1000); functi

3326. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 153 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 948 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3327. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'sans'; } @font-face { font-family: "sans";

3328. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

const days = document.getElementById("days"); const hours = document.getElementById("hours"); const minutes = document.getElemen

3329. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1011 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3330. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.47 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgro

3331. spinner.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3332. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.15 KB

const colorInput = document.getElementById('color'); const weight = document.getElementById('weight'); const clear =

3333. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3334. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.74 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sa

3335. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.81 KB

var min = 0, sec = 0, session_min = 0, break_min = 0, break_sec = 0, sessionId = 0, sId = null, bId = null, mode = null, paused

3336. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.55 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Pomodoro Clock</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.boot

3337. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 335 B

body { background: #EAC289; font-family: Consolas; } .base { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); border-radius: 5px

3338. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.02 KB

const API_KEY = "api_key=1cf50e6248dc270629e802686245c2c8"; const BASE_URL = ""; const API_URL = BAS

3339. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 800 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3340. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.97 KB

@import url(""); * { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --primary-

3341. Movie-Search-App.png | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3342. | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 572 B

<h1>Movie Search App</h1> <p>Simple Movie Search App in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the APIs for fetching movies informatio

3343. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Drum Kit</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style

3344. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: 'sans'; font-size: 10px; background: #19172e; user-select: none; }

3345. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 850 B

const keys = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.key')); const keyCode = { A: 65, S: 83, D: 68, F: 70, G: 71, H

3346. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 13.24 KB

"use strict"; console.clear(); class Stage { constructor() { // container this.render = function () {

3347. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 159 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 866 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>DragonUncaged_Stack_Game</title> <link rel="stylesh

3348. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.05 KB

@import url(""); html, body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; height: 100%;

3349. | Owner: cody | Views: 66 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 993 B

# Stack Game <h3> Tech Stack Used <img src = "

3350. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.32 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3351. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.68 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: "sans"; color: black; background-color: #1

3352. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

window.onload = function () { addColor(); }; for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { const box = document.createElement('div');

3353. portfolio.js | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.16 KB

/* Change this file to get your personal Porfolio */ // Website related settings const settings = { isSplash: false, // Chang

3354. all.css | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 68.83 KB

/*! * Font Awesome Free 5.11.2 by @fontawesome - * License - (Ico

3355. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.82 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <!-- <link rel="icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon1.ico

3356. Screenshot 2022-07-29 142134.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3357. | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.96 KB

<p align="center"> <img src="'s%20Logo.jpg" align="center" height="3

3358. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 247 B

const img = document.querySelector('img'); const input = document.querySelector('input'); input.addEventListener('keydown', ()

3359. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 181 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 903 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3360. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 993 B

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans";

3361. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 971 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3362. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: "sans"; user-select: none; } @font-face { src: url("font/sans.ttf"); font-f

3363. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

const words = ['seat', 'pen', 'broad', 'vapor', 'ocean', 'red', 'plate', 'late', 'that', 'ring', 'swim', 'shown', 'path'

3364. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 342 B

let taskbar = document.getElementsByClassName("taskbar")[0] let startmenu = document.getElementsByClassName("startmenu")[0] tas

3365. edgeicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3366. | Owner: cody | Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 348 B

# Windows 11 : --- ## Tech Stack Used : > HTML5, CSS3, JS --- ## Our Cloned Copy Looks Like: ![image](https://user-images.github

3367. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 788 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3368. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 670 B

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } body{ /* background-image: url('bg.jpeg'); background-size: cover; */ overflow

3369. bg.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3370. taskbarright.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3371. video.webm | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

3372. recyclebinicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3373. bg.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

3374. startmenu.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 53 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3375. chromeicon.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3376. icons.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3377. favicon.ico | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3378. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 109 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3379. index.js | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.24 KB

//Variables let player_score=0; let Computer_score=0; const btn = document.getElementById('head'); const score = document.getEle

3380. | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 16 B

# Coin-Toss-Game

3381. index.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 529 B

body{ background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; fon

3382. preview.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3383. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.97 KB

(function(window){ var Game = { init: function(){ this.c = document.getElementById("game"); this.c.width = this.c.width;

3384. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.16 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>DragonUncaged - Color Blast!</title> <meta name="vi

3385. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.56 KB

@import url(,300,400,700); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-b

3386. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.13 KB

onload = function () { const editor = document.getElementById("editor"); const context = editor.getContext("2d"); co

3387. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.91 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

3388. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 310 B

html, body { height: 100%; } .text_box { margin-top: 50px; width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;

3389. image-editor.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 494 B

#imageEditor { margin:auto; padding:20px; border:1px solid #4b4b4b; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-r

3390. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 109 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.49 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3391. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.21 KB

@import url(""); html { box-sizing: border-box; }

3392. jss.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.18 KB

`use strict`; const diceFaces = document.getElementById("diceFaces"); const newGame = document.getElementById("newGame"); const

3393. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.35 KB

# Pig Game (JavaScript) Welcome to the Pig Game! This simple web-based game allows two players to take turns rolling dice and c

3394. loancalculator.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 284 B

#loancal { padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 75px; width: 375px; height: 295px; background-color:#000; co

3395. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initi

3396. | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 18 B

# loan-calculator

3397. Windows 11 | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.2 KB

<html lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">

3398. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.99 KB

*{ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } body{ background: url("src/bg2.jpg") no-repeat center center/cover; height: 10

3399. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

console.log("hi"); let startButton = document.getElementById("startbutton") let startMenu = document.getElementsByClassName("st

3400. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 206 B

const href = ""; const size = 250; new QRCode(document.querySelector("#qr"), { text: href,

3401. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 148 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 939 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3402. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.13 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "

3403. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1006 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3404. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.5 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; user-select: none; } @font-face { font-fami

3405. dycalendar.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.03 KB

.dycalendar-container { display: inline-block; border : 1px solid #eee; } .dycalendar-container.round-edge { border

3406. main.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 225 B

dycalendar.draw({ target: '#dycalendar', type: 'month', dayformat : 'full', monthformat: 'full', highlightta

3407. dycalendar.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 20.38 KB

/*! * dyCalendar is a JavaScript library for creating Calendar. * * Author: Yusuf Shakeel *

3408. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 143 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 8.45 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <head> <meta charset

3409. app.css | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.66 KB

:root { --bg-main: #f0f2f5; --bg-body: #fff; --color-txt: #000; --filled-color: #000; --filled-bg: #caf0f8;

3410. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 107 B

$(document).ready(function() { $('span').on('mouseover', function() { $(this).addClass('fall'); }); });

3411. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 114 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.46 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Box falling Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" hre

3412. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 943 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } *:focus { outline: 0; } html { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgb

3413. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 665 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

3414. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 220 B

form { background-color: rgb(241, 9, 144); color: white; width: 500px; height: 300px; margin: 100px auto 100

3415. html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 661 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initia

3416. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 957 B

const form = document.querySelector('form'); //add an event listener to the form form.addEventListener('submit', function(e){

3417. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3418. Music.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.68 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0%; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 62.5%; font-family: "sans"; } /* -----------Font Chang

3419. Music.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

let play = document.getElementById("Play"); let previous = document.getElementById("Previous"); let next = document.getElementBy

3420. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.07 KB

class VoiceRecorder { constructor() { if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { console.log("ge

3421. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 470 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Voice Recorder🎙</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href

3422. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

html{ font-family: cursive; } .container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .container > * { margin: 8px; } b

3423. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 425 B

# Voice Recorder 🎙: > It's a Voice Recorder made using HTML,CSS,JS , used to record audio from user and save this audio for furt

3424. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 563 B

let popped = 0; document.addEventListener('mouseover', function (e) { if ( === "balloon") { e.tar

3425. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.2 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-s

3426. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

* { padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.t

3427. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

'use strict'; //console.log(document.querySelector('.message').textContent); let secret = Math.trunc(Math.random()*20)+1; let s

3428. Screenshot (37).png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3429. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 109 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 995 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3430. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

@import url(''); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing

3431. Screenshot (35).png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3432. Screenshot (38).png | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3433. Screenshot (36).png | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3434. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.31 KB

/* @ cm = computer player @ us = User Player @ Cannon = can */ let userCanX = 185; let userCanY = 0; let fireTime

3435. | Owner: cody | Views: 90 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 219 B

# Bomb Throw Game You have 10 Second to Align the distance and the angle and it will automatically throw the bomb https://user

3436. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.07 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Bomb Throw</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="htt

3437. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.24 KB

*, *:after, *:before { box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin: 0; } .game-wrapper { width: 100%; height: 100vh; dis

3438. preview.mp4 | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3439. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 225 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 553 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, ini

3440. | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 760 B

<p align="center"> <img alt="" height="80" src="./img/add-read.png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Speak Number Guessing

3441. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.95 KB

let value1 = document.getElementById("value1"); let value2 = document.getElementById("value2"); let value3 = document.getElement

3442. | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.03 KB

> # Casino Slot Machine Game --- #### Slot machines include one or more currency detectors that validate the form of payment,

3443. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3444. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.83 KB

:root{ --speed: 5; /* define variable like this using -- */ } .machine{ background-color: peru; border: dashed b

3445. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.96 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>CodePen - ColorDrops</title> <meta name="viewport"

3446. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 29.14 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } html, body { height: 100%; } body { background: black; overflow: hidden; } .wrap { po

3447. preview.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3448. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3449. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.38 KB

@import url(''); html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%;

3450. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.49 KB

let input = document.getElementById('password') let indicator = document.querySelector('.indication') let weak = document.queryS

3451. particle.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.44 KB

/* global canvas paintCircle generateRandomNumber generateRandomRgbColor */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const particle =

3452. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Typer</title> <link href="

3453. typer.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 157 B

* { margin: 0; } canvas { background: #f10505a5; display: block; } .btn-center { position: absolute; left: 50%; tr

3454. | Owner: cody | Views: 76 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 273 B

# Typer ## A simple interesting typing game which can help to increase the typing speed. * Characters can be case sensitive or

3455. canvas.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.27 KB

/* global performance FPSMeter */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const ct

3456. typer.js | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.57 KB

/* global canvas ctx animation:writable gameLoop label loop paintCircle isIntersectingRectangleWithCircle generateRandomNumber g

3457. | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 234 B

This is Basic App indicating the status of the Battery Information like wheather the the battery is charging or not And battery

3458. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.27 KB

const display=document.querySelector('.what'); const batterypercent=document.querySelector('.batteryIndicator'); const getInfo=n

3459. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 704 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3460. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.81 KB

body{ height: 100vh; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #0E0A2F; position: relative; font-size

3461. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.53 KB

$(document).ready(function() { let speed = 1000; let round = 1; let win = false; let numberOne; let numberTwo; let numb

3462. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 128 B

# Three Numeber The Number Will Rotate. You Have To Click in the Number and Make all the Three number Same ![](./preview.gif)

3463. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 903 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Three Number Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" hr

3464. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.15 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } *:focus { outline: 0; } body{ background-color: #fff; background

3465. preview.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3466. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3467. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.72 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: ce

3468. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

const exchange_rate = document.getElementById('exchange-rate'); const curr_first = document.getElementById('curr-first'); const

3469. | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 207 B

I have added a Currency Converter. It allows user to type digits(amount) and we have real time conversions as they type. It fetc

3470. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.49 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3471. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.16 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; display: flex; flex-direct

3472. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 31.44 KB

window.onload = function() { // Get the canvas and context var canvas = document.getElementById("viewport"); var co

3473. | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 487 B

# Bubble Shooter Game: >It's a **Bubble Shooter Game**, made using HTML,CSS,JS . The Code is Responsive and here Player has give

3474. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 363 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Bubble Shooter Game</title> <!-- Linking CSS & JS --> <script type='

3475. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 332 B

body{ /* background-color: gray; */ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(184, 208, 217),rgb(247, 122, 122));

3476. bubble-sprites.png | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3477. Resume Builder | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.2 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <head> <meta c

3478. preview.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3479. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.2 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3480. Capture.PNG | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3481. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.35 KB

// Create variables for the game state let player1Score = 0 let player2Score = 0 let player1Turn = true // Create variables to

3482. Dice Game | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 960 B

<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <title>Dice Game</title> </head> <body>

3483. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

html, body { --color-1: #a8e6cf; --color-2: #dcedc1; --color-3: #ffd3b6; --color-4: #ffaaa5; --color-5:

3484. | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15 B

"# Dice-game"

3485. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 731 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE

3486. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.0 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { width: 100vw; height: 100vh;

3487. | Owner: cody | Views: 68 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 122 B

![This is preview](

3488. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 695 B

function talk(){ var know = { "Who are you" : "Hello, I am special bot for 30 Days of JavaScript", "How are

3489. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 598 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, ini

3490. | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 875 B

<p align="center"> <img alt="" height="80" src="./img/logo2.svg"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Random SVG Generator</h1>

3491. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 944 B

function calculate(){ let p =document.getElementById('p').value; let c =document.getElementById('c').value; let d =docu

3492. | Owner: cody | Views: 65 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 489 B

# Student Grade Calcuator : --- ```txt It's a calculator which calculate total marks of 4 subjects , calculate their Percentage

3493. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3494. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } .container{ background: linear-gradient(45deg, #d96d82 , #2b43ba); width: 100%;

3495. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.43 KB

// Get color input by id const colorPicker = document.getElementById('color-picker'); // Default background colorPicker.value

3496. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <met

3497. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { background: #19172e; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans";

3498. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 138 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.96 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3499. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.51 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .app { height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: space-ev

3500. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.18 KB

const song = document.querySelector(".song"); const play = document.querySelector(".play"); const replay = document.querySelecto

3501. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.85 KB

const n = 9; //number of bars to sort const array = []; init(); //generate random numbers function init() { for (let i = 0; i

3502. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 111 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 680 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /

3503. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.43 KB

.bar { padding: 10px 12px; display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 25px; background: rgb(224, 81, 172); margi

3504. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.96 KB

displayNotes(); //As the browser open it show all the stored books let libraryForm = document.getElementById('libraryForm'); l

3505. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 571 B

# Simple Library Management A simple Library Management Project which is easy to use and understand as a beginner. ## Function

3506. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 132 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3507. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 595 B

const btn = document.getElementById('emoji-btn'); const emojis = []; const emojiAddFunction = async () => { let res

3508. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 829 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3509. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.0 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; user-select: none; } @font-face { font-fami

3510. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 542 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Flappy Bird</title> <link rel="sty

3511. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.9 KB

body { display: flex; } .game-container { width: 500px; height: 730px; position: absolute; left: 80px; } .

3512. flappy-bird.png | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3513. download.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3514. bird2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3515. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.62 KB

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded' , () => { const bird = document.querySelector('.bird') const gameDisplay =

3516. flappybird-pipe.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3517. images.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3518. fb-game-background.png | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3519. Flappy Bird main.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3520. bottom-background.png | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3521. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 791 B

const counter = document.getElementById('counter'); const increase = document.querySelector('.increase'); const decrease = docum

3522. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.29 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta na

3523. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.86 KB

:root { --primary-color: #19172e; --counter-container-size: 9.375rem; --container-width: 100%; --btn-operator-si

3524. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.14 KB

$(document).ready(function() { let round = 1; let colors = []; let counter = 1; let counterSequence = 0; let counterPlayer

3525. | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 279 B

# Color Game The Color Will Blink You have Memories and Click The Game. With Increasing Level The The number of Color blink wil

3526. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Color Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="htt

3527. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.92 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } *:focus { outline: 0; } html { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(

3528. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

const texts= document.querySelector(".texts"); window.SpeechRecognition= window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognit

3529. | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 548 B

# Speech Recognition using JS : --- ## Describtion : > It's a Speech Recognition site which will take permission from user to ac

3530. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 561 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3531. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 876 B

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } html{ font-family: "Montserrat"; font-size: 20px; } se

3532. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.19 KB

const container = document.querySelector('.game'); const scoreBoard = maker(container,'div','scoreBoard','SCORE'); const gameBoa

3533. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 704 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3534. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.39 KB

body{ background-color: brown; } h1{ text-align: center; color: azure; } .modal { display: none; position:

3535. | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 143 B

# Balloon Game ## Tech Used HTML ,CSS, JavaScript ## About Project - Hover the Mouse Over The Balloon And Burst it. - Burst M

3536. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 130 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 519 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3537. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: rgb(118, 189, 159); } /* html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0;

3538. car.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3539. enemycar.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3540. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.18 KB

const roadArea = document.querySelector('.road'); let player = { step: 5 }; let keys = { ArrowUp: false, ArrowDown: false, Arro

3541. enemycar2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3542. car2.png | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3543. result.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 640 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3544. Quiz App | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.26 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3545. quiz.html | Owner: cody | Views: 105 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.52 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3546. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 110 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.36 KB

var days = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday']; var months = ['January','February','March',

3547. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 182 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.52 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Call App</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./sty

3548. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.48 KB

@import url(',400,700'); .phone-container { width: 200px; height: 400px;

3549. preview3.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3550. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.22 KB

var numSelected = null; var tileSelected = null; var errors = 0; var board = [ "--74916-5", "2---6-3-9", "-----7-

3551. | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 627 B

# Sudoku Game 🧩 --- ## Describtion: > It's a typical **Sudoku game** with 10X10 box is provided with some pre defined numbers .

3552. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 117 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 534 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3553. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center; } hr { width: 500px; } #errors { color:

3554. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 139 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.98 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3555. logo.svg | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.98 KB

3556. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.74 KB

/* =============== Fonts =============== */ @import url("|Roboto:400,700&displ

3557. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.35 KB

const menu = [ { id: 1, title: "buttermilk pancakes", category: "breakfast", price: 15.99, img: "./images/

3558. menu-item.jpeg | Owner: cody | Views: 63 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

3559. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 469 B

document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('mousemove', eyeBall); function eyeBall() { let eye = document.querySelectorAl

3560. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 546 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Steal The Diamond</title> <link rel="stylesheet" hr

3561. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.35 KB

grid { display: grid; grid: 300px/400px; margin: 10px auto 0; position: relative; cursor: pointer; } grid > * { grid

3562. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 804 B

let colorOne = document.getElementById('color_one'); let colorTwo = document.getElementById('color_two'); let currentdir = "to t

3563. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.49 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3564. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.77 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: ur

3565. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

let inpBase = document.getElementById("inp-base-px"); let inpPX = document.getElementById("inp-px"); let inpEM = document.getEle

3566. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <titl

3567. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.26 KB

@import url(',500,600,700&display=swap'); *{ padding: 0; margin: 0;

3568. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

const ipAddress = document.getElementById("dyn-ip"); const ipLocation = document.getElementById("dyn-loc"); const timezone = doc

3569. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 105 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.12 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3570. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.04 KB

`use strict`; let secretNumber = Math.trunc(Math.random()*20) + 1; let highScore = 0; let score = 20; const displayMessage = fu

3571. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 108 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.0 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3572. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

@import url(''); * { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-

3573. | Owner: cody | Views: 80 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 216 B

# Guess My Number A number gussing game using HTML, CSS and Javascript # Links Repository URL :

3574. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 718 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" onclick="jump()"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=

3575. | Owner: cody | Views: 72 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 594 B

<p align="center"> <img height="80" src="./img/add-readme (1).png"> </a> </p> <h1 align="center">DINO GAME</h1> <div alig

3576. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 325 B

function shuffle(){ const img = document.getElementById("img"); let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1; img.

3577. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 888 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3578. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 909 B

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "sans"; user-select: none; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(

3579. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 987 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" hr

3580. | Owner: cody | Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 253 B

<h1>Utility Can</h1> ✅ Grayscale<br> ✅ Blur<br> ✅ Saturate<br> ✅ Contrast<br> ✅ Hue<br> ✅ Invert<br> ✅ Brightness<br> ✅ Sepia<b

3581. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 10.52 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1

3582. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.66 KB

body { color: white; overflow: hidden !important; } .mymain { height: 90vh; overflow: hidden !important; background:

3583. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 382 B

const jokeContainer = document.getElementById('jokeContainer'); const getJokeBtn = document.getElementById('getJokeBtn'); const

3584. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 148 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 884 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3585. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: "sans"; box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { src: url("font/sans.

3586. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.7 KB

// Declaring stuff myName = ""; // declaring a variable for my easter egg audioPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('audio

3587. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Alphabets Word Pronounce</title> <link rel="stylesh

3588. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.99 KB

html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; -webkit-transition: all ease 0.3s; transiti

3589. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

const msgEl = document.getElementById('msg'); const randomNum = getRandomNumber(); console.log('Number:', randomNum); window.

3590. | Owner: cody | Views: 70 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 337 B

## Speak Number Guessing Game Number guessing game where you speak your guess into the microphone using the speech recognition

3591. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 546 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3592. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 674 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background: #2f3542 url('img/bg.jpg') no-repeat left center/cover; color: #fff; mi

3593. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.42 KB

/** Declare the required variable with DOM elements. */ const yearField = document.getElementById('year'); const monthField = do

3594. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3595. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.9 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'sans'; } @font-face { font-family: 'sans';

3596. game.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.88 KB

var buttonColours = ["red","blue","green","yellow"]; var gamePattern = []; var userClickedPattern = []; var started = false;

3597. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 851 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Simon Game</title> <link rel="st

3598. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 648 B

body { text-align: center; background-color: #317dcf; } #level-title { font-family: "Press Start 2P", cursive; font-siz

3599. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 59 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.21 KB

const SectionElement=document.querySelector('.section'); const world=document.querySelector('body'); const restart=document.quer

3600. Typing Platform | Owner: cody | Views: 147 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3601. file.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 454 B

<img src=""/> <img src="

3602. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.51 KB

body{ height: 100vh; margin: 0px; font-size: 16px; background-color: #191826; display: flex; align-items

3603. texs.png | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3604. backend.json | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 9.68 KB

{ "data":"random paragraphs", "paragraphs":["He lifted the bottle to his lips and took a sip of the drink. He had tasted

3605. Readme.txt | Owner: cody | Views: 60 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 443 B

Hello this my Project That is typeracer which is basically typing platform where users get to know about their accuracy of typin

3606. | Owner: cody | Views: 64 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 114 B


3607. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 137 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.38 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3608. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.63 KB

*, *::before, *::after { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { height: 100vh;

3609. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 976 B

//controls const hatcheck = document.querySelector("#hat"); const glassescheck = document.querySelector("#eyeglasses"); co

3610. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

var start = new Date().getTime(); //function to change color of shapes function randcolor(){ var colorArray = '0123456789ABC

3611. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 133 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.01 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3612. | Owner: cody | Views: 71 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 164 B

# Reaction Time: Game That Is Used to test the Reaction Time Click on the Box As quickly As you can and get the time for that.

3613. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.78 KB

var input = document.querySelectorAll('textarea')[0], characterCount = document.querySelector('#characterCount'), wordCount

3614. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.15 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3615. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 921 B

* { padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.t

3616. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.18 KB

const canvas = document.getElementById("canva"); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.h

3617. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 119 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 395 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3618. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 223 B

* { padding: 0%; margin: 0%; box-sizing: border-box; } #canva { position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 0%;

3619. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 640 B

const getNextQuote = async() => { var url = "";

3620. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 154 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.33 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-sc

3621. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 56 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.22 KB

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; justify-content: center;

3622. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 606 B

$(document).ready(function() { let totalPoints = 0; let points = 0; $('[class$="-circle"]').on('click', 'span', function(e)

3623. | Owner: cody | Views: 67 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 92 B

# Dot Target Game ## Clisk on the Dots That are Moving to Get The Points ![](./preview.gif)

3624. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 819 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Dot Target game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href

3625. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.29 KB

* { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } *:focus { outline: 0; } html { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(

3626. preview.gif | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3627. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.59 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <met

3628. styles.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.6 KB

@import url(''); :root { --error-color: #dc3545; --success-co

3629. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 4.13 KB

const isBlank = function (value) { return (value.trim() === "" ? true : false) } const isBetween = function (length, min = 5,

3630. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 50 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 444 B

const text = document.getElementById("text"); const speedEl = document.getElementById("speed"); const prog = "30 Days of JavaScr

3631. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 152 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 955 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3632. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 698 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.ttf); } body { font-family: "san

3633. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 26 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.94 KB

// Extend the base functionality of JavaScript Array.prototype.last = function () { return this[this.length - 1]; }; // A si

3634. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 134 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Slide Collect Coin </title> <link rel="stylesheet"

3635. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 15.07 KB

grid { display: grid; grid: repeat(8, 1fr)/repeat(10, 1fr); margin: 10px auto 0; position: relative; cursor: pointer;

3636. | Owner: cody | Views: 61 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 122 B

![This is website](

3637. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 11.58 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3638. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 6.57 KB

:root { --bg: #ebf0f7; --header: #fbf4f6; --text: #2e2e2f; --white: #fff; --light-grey: #c4cad3;

3639. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { var dragSrcEl = null; function handleDragStart(e) {

3640. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.37 KB

const timer = document.getElementById('stopwatch'); const lapBox = document.getElementById('lapBox'); var hr = 0; var min = 0; v

3641. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 144 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3642. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.64 KB

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/

3643. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 708 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Armstrong Checker in JavaScript</ti

3644. Armstrong.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.89 KB

/* Import Google Font - Poppins */ @import url(';500;600;700&display=sw

3645. Armstrong.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

const txtInput = document.querySelector(".inputs input"), checkBtn = document.querySelector(".inputs button"), infoTxt = documen

3646. bgi.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3647. readme | Owner: cody | Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3648. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.44 KB

let inputDir = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let speed = 5; let lastPaintTime = 0; let snakeArr = [{ x: 13, y: 15 }] food = { x: 6, y: 7 }; le

3649. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 125 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.08 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3650. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.99 KB

* { padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { overflow: hidden; background: #19172e; font-size: 40px; font-family

3651. | Owner: cody | Views: 81 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3652. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 376 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3653. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 722 B

body{margin:0;height:100%;} canvas{ position:absolute;top:0;left:0 background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(105,17

3654. Sat Apr 23 2022 10_32_09 PM.webm | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 22 B

3655. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.99 KB

(function() { var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRe

3656. | Owner: cody | Views: 57 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 120 B

![alarm preview](

3657. Alarm App | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

3658. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

:root { --bg-prim: #12181b; --bg-sec: #383838; --clr: #ffffff; } body { font-family: 'Montserr

3659. app.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

let para = document.getElementById('para'); let text = document.getElementById('txt'); let text2 = document.getElementById

3660. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 127 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 570 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3661. cactus.png | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3662. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.25 KB

*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; } .game { /* width: 3000px; height: 1000px; */ width: 600px; height: 200px; border: 2px solid

3663. trex.png | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3664. scripts.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.77 KB

const dino = document.getElementById("dino"); const cactus = document.getElementById("cactus") const txt = document.getElementBy

3665. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.0 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

3666. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 936 B

* { padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: "sans"; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.t

3667. start.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

function rpsGame(humanChoice) { let myChoice = number(humanChoice); let comChoice = random(); let final=re

3668. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 7.35 KB

const weatherApi = { key: "828cc99e0335c9476a8f751b7c386d9a", baseUrl: "" }

3669. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.63 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

3670. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.74 KB

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } @font-face { font-family: "sans"; src: url(font/sans.ttf); } bo

3671. thunder.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3672. Clear1.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3673. rain.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3674. snow.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3675. sunny.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3676. clouds.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3677. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.93 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-s

3678. myscript.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.72 KB

var prevs; var cat; function myfunc(ref,tf,tt) { if (cat=='a') {document.getElementById(

3679. mystyle.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.4 KB

body{ background-color: #355586; margin: 0; min-height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items:

3680. 30 Days Of JavaScript | Owner: cody | Views: 177 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 87.92 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"

3681. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

3682. | Owner: cody | Views: 95 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 5.08 KB

# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct ## Our Pledge We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in

3683. | Owner: cody | Views: 111 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 26.73 KB

# [30 Days Of JavaScript]( [![Awesome](]( Repo containin

3684. | Owner: cody | Views: 77 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.88 KB

# 🚀 Contributing Guidelines 🌟 Welcome to the exciting world of open-source contributions! 🎉 We're thrilled that you want to be

3685. victory.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3686. boo.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 20 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3687. wrong.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3688. gasp.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 19 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3689. applause.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 17 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3690. tada.mp3 | Owner: cody | Views: 24 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3691. settings.json | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 40 B

{ "liveServer.settings.port": 5501 }

3692. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 626 B

const toggles = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle') const good = document.querySelector('#good') const cheap = document.querySe

3693. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 997 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3694. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3695. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1011 B

const nums = document.querySelectorAll('.nums span') const counter = document.querySelector('.counter') const finalMessage = doc

3696. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 131 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 636 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3697. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.47 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3698. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 306 B

const password = document.getElementById('password') const background = document.getElementById('background') password.addEvent

3699. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 116 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.52 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3700. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 437 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: cen

3701. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 842 B

const button = document.getElementById('button') const toasts = document.getElementById('toasts') const messages = [ 'Messa

3702. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 115 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 401 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3703. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 948 B

@import url(';400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

3704. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 445 B

const container = document.querySelector('.container') const unsplashURL = '' const rows = 5

3705. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 108 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 387 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3706. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 583 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3707. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 49 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 251 B

const nav = document.querySelector('.nav') window.addEventListener('scroll', fixNav) function fixNav() { if(window.scrollY

3708. sticky navigation | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.11 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

3709. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.8 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } b

3710. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 635 B

const loadText = document.querySelector('.loading-text') const bg = document.querySelector('.bg') let load = 0 let int = setIn

3711. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 379 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3712. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 659 B

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: 'Ubuntu',

3713. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 479 B

const boxesContainer = document.getElementById('boxes') const btn = document.getElementById('btn') btn.addEventListener('click'

3714. 3D Boxes BackGround | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 698 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

3715. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 27 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.

3716. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 263 B

const labels = document.querySelectorAll('.form-control label') labels.forEach(label => { label.innerHTML = label.innerText

3717. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.09 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3718. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-

3719. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 55 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 300 B

const open = document.getElementById('open') const close = document.getElementById('close') const container = document.querySele

3720. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 162 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.68 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3721. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.98 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family

3722. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 369 B

const open_btn = document.querySelector('.open-btn') const close_btn = document.querySelector('.close-btn') const nav = document

3723. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.7 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial

3724. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.47 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family

3725. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.6 KB

const testimonialsContainer = document.querySelector('.testimonials-container') const testimonial = document.querySelector('.tes

3726. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 110 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.55 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3727. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.36 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color:

3728. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.31 KB

const form = document.getElementById('form') const input = document.getElementById('input') const todosUL = document.getElementB

3729. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 113 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 577 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3730. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

@import url(';400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

3731. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 816 B

const container = document.getElementById('container') const colors = ['#e74c3c', '#8e44ad', '#3498db', '#e67e22', '#2ecc71'] co

3732. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 349 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3733. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 492 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #111; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: cen

3734. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 48 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.06 KB

const APIURL = '' const main = document.getElementById('main') const form = document.getElementByI

3735. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 102 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 684 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3736. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.79 KB

@import url(';400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

3737. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 422 B

const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.box') window.addEventListener('scroll', checkBoxes) checkBoxes() function checkBoxe

3738. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 919 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3739. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 793 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3740. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 193 B

const toggles = document.querySelectorAll('.faq-toggle') toggles.forEach(toggle => { toggle.addEventListener('click', () =>

3741. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.3 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3742. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.58 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family

3743. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.51 KB

const addBtn = document.getElementById('add') const notes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('notes')) if(notes) {

3744. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 729 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3745. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

@import url(';400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; outl

3746. xbox.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3747. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 482 B

const left = document.querySelector('.left') const right = document.querySelector('.right') const container = document.querySele

3748. ps.jpg | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 21 B

3749. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 118 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 592 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3750. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.28 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); :root { --left-bg-color: rgba(87, 8

3751. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 107 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 341 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3752. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 912 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #2c3e50; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content:

3753. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 45 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

const poke_container = document.getElementById('poke-container') const pokemon_count = 150 const colors = { fire: '#FDDFDF',

3754. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 145 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 474 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3755. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.14 KB

@import url(',400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { bac

3756. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 54 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 313 B

const panels = document.querySelectorAll('.panel') panels.forEach(panel => { panel.addEventListener('click', () => {

3757. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.5 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3758. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 47 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 946 B

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family

3759. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 731 B

const jokeEl = document.getElementById('joke') const jokeBtn = document.getElementById('jokeBtn') jokeBtn.addEventListener('cli

3760. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 117 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 498 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3761. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.03 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3762. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

const sliderContainer = document.querySelector('.slider-container') const slideRight = document.querySelector('.right-slide') co

3763. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 106 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.15 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3764. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 28 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.52 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } b

3765. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 393 B

const codes = document.querySelectorAll('.code') codes[0].focus() codes.forEach((code, idx) => { code.addEventListener('ke

3766. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.17 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3767. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.28 KB

@import url(',700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { bac

3768. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.67 KB

const API_URL = '

3769. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 124 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 469 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3770. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.75 KB

@import url(';400&display=swap'); :root { --primary-color: #22254b;

3771. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 627 B

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.ripple') buttons.forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', function

3772. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 355 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3773. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 908 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3774. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 236 B

const search = document.querySelector('.search') const btn = document.querySelector('.btn') const input = document.querySelector

3775. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 108 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 728 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3776. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 900 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3777. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 92 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 425 B

const textEl = document.getElementById('text') const speedEl = document.getElementById('speed') const text = 'We Love Programmin

3778. auto text effect | Owner: cody | Views: 156 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 511 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

3779. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 86 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 632 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3780. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.36 KB

const quizData = [ { question: "Which language runs in a web browser?", a: "Java", b: "C", c

3781. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 123 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.11 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3782. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

@import url(';400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

3783. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 42 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.06 KB

const result = document.getElementById('result') const filter = document.getElementById('filter') const listItems = [] getData(

3784. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 105 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 682 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3785. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3786. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.43 KB

const smallCups = document.querySelectorAll('.cup-small') const liters = document.getElementById('liters') const percentage = do

3787. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 105 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3788. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

@import url(',600&display=swap'); :root { --border-color: #144fc6; --

3789. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 46 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 773 B

const imgs = document.getElementById('imgs') const leftBtn = document.getElementById('left') const rightBtn = document.getElemen

3790. Image Carousel | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.33 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width

3791. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 823 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3792. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 985 B

const loveMe = document.querySelector('.loveMe') const times = document.querySelector('#times') let clickTime = 0 let timesClic

3793. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 122 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 723 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3794. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 980 B

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: 'Oswald',

3795. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 546 B

const sounds = ['applause', 'boo', 'gasp', 'tada', 'victory', 'wrong'] sounds.forEach(sound => { const btn = document.creat

3796. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 658 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3797. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 51 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 637 B

@import url(';400&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } bod

3798. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 522 B

const contents = document.querySelectorAll('.content') const listItems = document.querySelectorAll('nav ul li') listItems.forEa

3799. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 150 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.73 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3800. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.05 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgr

3801. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 782 B

const body = document.body const slides = document.querySelectorAll('.slide') const leftBtn = document.getElementById('left') co

3802. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 121 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.02 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3803. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.27 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3804. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 43 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 373 B

const insert = document.getElementById('insert') window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { insert.innerHTML = ` <div

3805. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 136 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 415 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3806. dark-style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 17 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 777 B

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backgroun

3807. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 30 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 164 B

const toggle = document.getElementById('toggle') const nav = document.getElementById('nav') toggle.addEventListener('click', ()

3808. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 105 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 766 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3809. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.61 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-

3810. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

const progress = document.getElementById('progress') const prev = document.getElementById('prev') const next = document.getEleme

3811. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 120 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 707 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3812. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.62 KB

@import url(''); :root { --line-border-fill: #3498db; --line-borde

3813. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.65 KB

const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const increaseBtn = document.getElementById('increase'); const decreaseBtn = d

3814. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 101 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 582 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3815. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 783 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3816. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 41 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 840 B

const fill = document.querySelector('.fill') const empties = document.querySelectorAll('.empty') fill.addEventListener('dragsta

3817. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 141 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 505 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3818. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 629 B

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: steelblue; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content

3819. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.41 KB

const tagsEl = document.getElementById('tags') const textarea = document.getElementById('textarea') textarea.focus() textarea.

3820. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 101 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 557 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3821. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 29 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 837 B

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-

3822. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 40 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 510 B

const counters = document.querySelectorAll('.counter') counters.forEach(counter => { counter.innerText = '0' const upd

3823. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 135 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.07 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3824. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 38 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 589 B

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { back

3825. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.1 KB

const header = document.getElementById('header') const title = document.getElementById('title') const excerpt = document.getElem

3826. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 146 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.18 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3827. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 44 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.45 KB

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3828. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1 B

3829. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 128 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 329 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3830. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 313 B

@import url(';700&display=swap'); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body

3831. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 34 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.22 KB

const ratings = document.querySelectorAll('.rating') const ratingsContainer = document.querySelector('.ratings-container') const

3832. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 112 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.46 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3833. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.3 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { backg

3834. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.92 KB

const hourEl = document.querySelector('.hour') const minuteEl = document.querySelector('.minute') const secondEl = document.quer

3835. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 108 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 753 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3836. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 33 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.18 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } :root { --pri

3837. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 37 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.11 KB

const resultEl = document.getElementById('result') const lengthEl = document.getElementById('length') const uppercaseEl = docume

3838. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 126 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.66 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3839. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 36 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.36 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-

3840. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 39 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 961 B

const range = document.getElementById('range') range.addEventListener('input', (e) => { const value = c

3841. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 129 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 480 B

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3842. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 35 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.86 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-

3843. script.js | Owner: cody | Views: 31 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.17 KB

const screens = document.querySelectorAll('.screen'); const choose_insect_btns = document.querySelectorAll('.choose-insect-btn')

3844. index.html | Owner: cody | Views: 103 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.78 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, in

3845. style.css | Owner: cody | Views: 32 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 2.12 KB

@import url(''); * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { b

3846. LICENSE | Owner: cody | Views: 52 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 1.04 KB

3847. | Owner: cody | Views: 2 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 12.79 KB

# 50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML/CSS and JavaScript This is the main repository for all of the projects in the course. -

3848. fs7FrhHe.html | Owner: cody | Views: 180 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 25.85 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Chat P2P avec WebRTC</title> </head> <

3849. tx7w2Ayr.html | Owner: cody | Views: 203 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.14 KB

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Second Webpage</title> <!-- Internal CSS --> <style> /* Her

3850. pastebin-3RMm1aSK.html | Owner: cody | Views: 242 | Comments: 0 | Open/ Source 3.19 KB

<script> var originalbal = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value); var divide = 80000; var changer = (origi