$name = 'SabkaCode';
echo $name; //simple print name
echo "\n";
echo "The length of string ".strlen($name)."\n"; // print the length of the string
echo "The reverse string is ".strrev($name)."\n"; //print the string in reverse
echo "The position of a character is ".strpos($name,"e")."\n";// print the position of that char that you write there and search
echo "Replace the C to c ".str_replace('C','c',$name)."\n"; // it's use to replace the char to another character.
echo "Repeat a words many times that you want ".str_repeat($name,5)."\n"; // simple repeat word many times
echo str_word_count($name); // it function count in string how many words are there
echo ucwords("user name is dj\n");// using this function a word first letter is capital
echo strtoupper("user name is dj\n");// using this function all letter are capital
echo strtolower("USER NAME IS DJ\n");// using this function all capital words are lower
echo ucfirst("user name is dj\n");// using this function only first letter is capital
echo lcfirst("USER name is dj");// using this function first word first letter is lower
echo rtrim(" this is php "); // remove the right side spaces
echo ltrim(" this is php "); // remove the left side spaces