Views: 142 | Author: abh
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>{{ user.username }} | HTMLify profile</title>
    {% include "stylesheet.html" %}
    <h1>{{ user.username }} - HTMLify profile</h1>
    {% include "search-bar.html" %}
    {% include "nav-bar.html" %}
    <main class="profile-container">
        <section class="profile-header">
            <img src="/media/dp/{{ user.username }}.jpg" alt="{{ user.username }}'s Profile Picture" class="profile-picture">
            <div class="profile-info">
                <h1 class="profile-name">{{ user.username }}</h1>
                <p class="total-files">{{ user.file_count() }} Files</p>
                <p class="total-views">{{ user.view_count() }} Views</p>
        {% if latest_comments %}
        <section class="comments-activity-container">
            <ul class="user-comments" style="width:90%;">
            {% for comment in latest_comments[::-1] %}
            <!--<li><p>{{ user.username }} commented something <a href="{{ comment["filepath"] }}#comment-{{ comment["id"] }}" target="_blank">@{{ comment["filepath"] }}</a></p></li>-->
            <span class="comment-activity">{{ user.username }} commented something <a href="{{ comment["filepath"] }}#comment-{{ comment["id"] }}">@{{ comment["filepath"] }}</a><br/></span>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
            <h2>Latest files of {{ user.username }}</h2>
            {% for file in user.files[::-1] %}
            <div class="search-result">
            {{ loop.index }}. <span>{{ }}</span> | <span>Owner: {{ file.owner }}</span> | Views: {{ file.views }} | Comments: {{ file.comments | length }} | <a href="{{ file.path }}">Open</a>/ <a href="/src{{ file.path }}">Source</a>{% if session.get("user") and file.owner == session["user"]["username"] %}| <a href="/edit?filepath={{ file.path[file.owner|length + 1:] }}">Edit</a>{% endif %} {{ file.sizef() }}<br>
            {% if file.type == "text" %}
            <p>{{ file.content[:128] }}</p>
            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

