@ECHO OFF REM.-- Prepare the Command Processor SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION cd /d "%~dp0" ::Detect Administrator Privileges ::echo Administrative permissions are required To Install the Mantra Device for Ayushman Bharat ::echo Detecting Administrative Permissions net session >nul 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ) else ( echo Insufficient Administrator Previledges - Do right click and choose "Run as Administrator" echo Exiting the setup pause exit ) echo Developed by ***WWW.OSXPERT.IN*** echo ************************************************************ echo Disclaimer: All Trademarks, Copyrights and Logos appearing on this batch file & echo Softwares used belongs to their respective owners. echo *********************************************************** echo ********Mantra MFS100 Driver and RD Service Setup by OSXPERT.IN******** echo ******** ONLINE SUPPORT EXPERT (WWW.OSXPERT.IN) ******** echo ************************************************************ echo "To Begin the Installation press any key" pause echo Installing Mantra MFS100 Driver start /wait /d "%CD%\data" drv.exe echo Installing Mantra RD Service start /wait /d "%CD%\data" rd.exe echo Mantra MFS100 Driver and RD Service Installation Completed start "~\iexplore.exe" "http://osxpert.in" echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo *Mantra MFS100 Driver and RD Service Installation Completed* echo ********** Developed By ONLINE SUPPORT EXPERT (WWW.OSXPERT.IN) *********** echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ echo ************************************************************* echo ************ For any type of Technical Support ************* echo *********** Please Call or WhatsApp @ 9907377119 ********** echo ************** Or Email : SUPPORT@OSXPERT.IN ************** echo ***************** Website : WWW.OSXPERT.IN ***************** echo ************************************************************ pause echo ************ Thank you for using WWW.OSXPERT.IN ************ exit